Should I destroy the Coalition?
Posts: 5711
  • Posted On: Mar 30 2007 10:02pm
The Commonwealth looks better and better everyday

Posts: 1584
  • Posted On: Mar 30 2007 10:10pm
Yes, another Death Star would be fun. I would like to see more of the evil side of this so called Empire you are running over there.

The CommonWealth has always looked great. What do you expect, Seth and Omnae run it!

If you can't keep your lightside and darkside separate then don't join both. Simple as that. From what I see, the lightside is rearing to go with dedicated members. People who wanted to play a small part in a rebellion yet keep their main focus on TNO would still be a great help. Ironically Marth, some of the rebellion's strongest criticism and doubt has come from the very people you think need to be running it.

I think the lightside will be fine, they just need a new cause to rally around.

Reguardless of what happens to the GC, another lightside group is on the rise. Do you have what it takes to join the cause?
Posts: 5387
  • Posted On: Mar 30 2007 10:18pm
This thread makes me wish I had relish.

Seriously, right now, a spoonful of relish would be delicious.
Posts: 4195
  • Posted On: Mar 30 2007 10:23pm

*this 'Hyfe' post was brought to you by Omnae, Inc.*
Posts: 5387
  • Posted On: Mar 30 2007 10:37pm
Boobies are delicious too.
Posts: 1200
  • Posted On: Mar 30 2007 11:27pm
With regards to this Rebellion thing:

Not to rain on everyone's parade but I think the idea of the Rebellion is taking off faster than perhaps this thought:

What the hell are you 'rebelling' against?

To rebel against something, you have to acknowledge that it has power and authority over you.

Currently none of you are citizens of the Empire but citizens of either a defunct government that is no longer in existence (which makes you no longer citizens of pension, no retirement..) or citizens of an opposing government.

The dynamic has changed in this galaxy where it's not a ragtag group of people trying to fight the tyranny of their own government. Instead, you are suggesting a ragtag group of outsiders infiltrate the largest government in the galaxy to convince groups of humans/aliens to revolt. Now, Joe-Blow Imperial has to ask himself/herself/itself:

1. Can this ragtag of people, smaller than governments they represented or were affiliated with before they dissolved really pull it off or will I just get myself and my family shot for some notion of freedom that I am living pretty good without anyway?

2. Corporations hand out cool pens to get me to buy their stuff. What do this ragtag outsiders offer other than a life of hardship for some etheral greater good that is undefineable?

3. They tell me that they are killing us slowly but there's no proof. Besides, Simon Kaine really seems like a nice guy. That League of Nations is proof of that. Now if he could only settle down with a nice girl...

4. You aren't even a fellow Imperial Citizen so what the fuck do you know about the Empire? You're biased because your weak government fell to our great government! Horrah for us!

5. How do I know you are not a GLF terrorist or Belgardi collaborator?

6. If they win and the Empire is toppled, will they do a better job of governing? What has their collective and individual track record been so far?

If the Propaganda posts can make those who read (and yet also know the big picture OOC) convinced the Empire is good, imagine what it does for the poor unknowing souls IC?

So, admittedly you already have your work cut out for you because it's not a clear cut instance of some leader gaining too much power and perverting the existing government anymore. The Empire is it's own entity and any claim of affiliation to the Republic was lost when those now wanting to be a 'Rebellion' supported a different government totally choosing not to acknowledge the Empire's command over them.

So... the big question is: How does everyone acknowledge the Empire's power over them so that they may rebel?


The Empire needs to conquer and take the Coalition. It can very well be acknowledged that these citizens of the Coalition and new citizens of the Empire, despite the inept acts of their leaders, do not really want to be a part of the Empire and would be the best disposed to fight such an (evil) occupation. Moreso than the quintillion citizens who've enjoyed TNO security and protection from religious alien zealots and those who take their cue from them for decades now.

With the Coalition worlds under the firm hand of perhaps one or more Sector Moffs, the elements are now in place for a "Rebellion" to take place and then perhaps (depending on the creativity and writing of the characters)...spread.

But don't think you can have your cake and eat it too.. This little "Yeah the Coalition deserves to fall but we can still survive apart but united as baby entities and the Empire won't find us because we are smaller than the big Coalition and..and..".

Correction: You just made yourselves bite-sized sandwiches instead of just sandwiches.

So, if the Coalition dissolves, and if you want a legitament, believable and realisitic venue for this New Rebellion to take place, TNO must gobble your asses up and occupy your lands so it may take place.

I am sure that I can convince Drayson, Kraken, Wes, Telan, Kach and the gang to give a hand in occupying the former Coalition worlds. It might take some doing but I am sure I am up to the task!
Posts: 602
  • Posted On: Mar 30 2007 11:50pm
I'm all for that. However, I think there should be one remnant of the Coalition left - sort of like the Imperial Remnant from the books. My suggestion would be the Confederation. Corise has put a lot of work into it, and it seems to be one of the more self-contained factions in the GC. It's also the only one that could reasonably work an armistice with the Empire. There's now way the Onyxian Commenwealth will be let off the hook. Same goes for the Cren Alliance. Azguard has to be taken to show the galaxy that the Coalition is defeated. Gestalt is leaving. That leaves the Confederation. Just a thought.
Posts: 2558
  • Posted On: Mar 30 2007 11:56pm
That's right. There is no Sinsang. *slinks into the shadows.*
Posts: 4195
  • Posted On: Mar 31 2007 12:04am
BTW: Slaskia, there's no intention here to interfere with your stories. If GC should dissolve, Kasshyyk (sp) would simply become an independent world or we could work something out depending on where you see your characters and stories going.
Posts: 1272
  • Posted On: Mar 31 2007 12:06am
I can see that happening if/when the GC 'disbands'. The problem though in my case is that I can see that my characters will fight tooth and claw to keep out of TNO in the first place, which would like screw up story lines I have planned out for some time in the future. If it came to it I'm sure I can adjust...but it would be a pain to do so.

Edit: and someone replies to me right when I'm posting...go figure.

I would apprecate that very much. Kal will have to be involved in that discussion though since our storylines are interlinked. Getting in touch with him though can be hard at times....