Should I destroy the Coalition?
Posts: 5711
  • Posted On: Apr 1 2007 7:41pm
the period of six or eight IC months where the Coalition is torn apart by the Empire will be very fun.

How shocking that a pro-Imperialist would state such a thing, how shocking indeed. If memebers of TNO wanted to encourage the disbandment of the Coalition they'd take the very opposit point of view because, if anything, the GC has demonstrated an uncanny ability to do exactly the opposite of what TNO suggests.
Posts: 400
  • Posted On: Apr 1 2007 11:04pm
Telan, I say this with the utmost respect and admiration:

Shut the fuck up.
Posts: 1584
  • Posted On: Apr 1 2007 11:39pm
While I am happy to hear that TNO members are interested in an Empire/Rebellion play, I am sorry but you do make me nervous.

As a devout lightsider I interestingly am saying the same things you are. However the question of whether or not our intentions are really the same scares the hell out of me, as it rightly should when one is arguing that all power on their side be dumped down the drain and offered up freely to you in good faith that your main ojective in the future will be pursuing good storyline (the OOC goal), not preserving your all encompassing Empire(the IC goal).
Posts: 2915
  • Posted On: Apr 2 2007 12:05am
The Blood made for the ultimate rebellion...

As well as the Ultimate killing machine...
Ultimate way to make TNO blow up Imperial Center....
Ultimate 'Use Drayson like a hand puppet' device....
Ultimate read post-CoC.....
Posts: 2453
  • Posted On: Apr 2 2007 12:25am
This thread has reminded me of something. I owe a post to Park. Which I'm working on, when I get the chance to (as I'm visiting my girlfriend, my online time isn't much). But I'm working on it.
Posts: 400
  • Posted On: Apr 2 2007 3:22am
Jan "The Old Man" Dondana
(as I'm visiting my girlfriend, my online time isn't much).

*cues porno music*
Posts: 1621
  • Posted On: Apr 2 2007 1:36pm
Have I ever proven myself unfair?

Given however the resounding lack of trust in myself, let alone my comrade Imperials, I withdraw from this discussion. Become what may