Dolash, your last post was fantastic! However, one thing I note is that your character would not know that your people attacked the Empire just yet since he was captured at the taking of Kamino (before the TGC attacks).
I'd appreciate it if you could just edit that part.
Don't worry, he will be told of it IC since knowledge of it will be a part of "Mara's" answer to some of Xill (sp) questions.
Oh, Ok. I am sorry, that was how the plan had been formulated, and I had assumed we had followed it in that particular detail. Ok then, I'll also edit that little remark.
Wait ,I know what you meant, and to be honest Azguards have considered you their enemy (Thus being "At war") with you ever since the Venerations thing. Wether it was officially declared or not is irrelevant to them.