In the Hands of the Gods OOC #5
Posts: 1549
  • Posted On: Oct 26 2003 7:25pm
Started a new thread, since everything in the old one was covered.

Am waiting for the staff damages ruling as i requested.
  • Posted On: Oct 26 2003 9:02pm
If I may in inquire, a ruling on what damages?
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Oct 27 2003 2:18am

Why the hell am I always out of the loop??? I'm part of the thread, you don't have to go around my back to the staff every time you question something. Go ahead, speak of it here and I'm sure we can discuss it like sensible individuals.
Posts: 1381
  • Posted On: Oct 27 2003 2:20am
It was probably brought up in the other OOC thread, and lost in the shuffle.

Stop being paranoid.

*goes off to dig bugs out of his skin*
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: Oct 27 2003 5:20am
I'm on it... I've been missing things lately, so if I miss any requested Staff rulings, just ezIm me.
Posts: 1549
  • Posted On: Oct 27 2003 8:12am
Dolash, you are out of the loop because, for the most part, you've done nothing wrong in your latest post.

No probs Kas, i had Omnae pass a 'kick in the behind' message to you! :p
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Oct 27 2003 4:09pm
Oh, alright then.

Carry on.
  • Posted On: Oct 27 2003 5:41pm
I would still beg the question.
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: Oct 27 2003 6:42pm
Vonta, the damages in question would be the actions of your character, and the amount of IC time you spanned.

1 - C4 flies around the outside of the Yunos, analyzes a virus and defeats it.

2 - Uh ... Flits? ... into the Yunos' hanger bay.

3 - Flies his personal ship in and hides it behind some lifting machinery.

4 - Performs a system scan of the ship, and diverts command power to the secondary bridge.

5 - Receives a brief of the status of the ship and enemy boarders thus far. (neutralizes enemy)

6 - Reprograms a droid, and sends it with some guys to the armory.

7 - Takes command of Yunos.

8 - Re-initializes systems aboard the Yunos

9 - The Yunos opens fire on enemy ships, destroying 21 capital ships and 333 fighters.

10 - Nebulon B2's line up with Yunos in formation, taking cover and giving cover.

A little much?
  • Posted On: Oct 27 2003 8:20pm
All of my actions were made in short periods of time that are allowed by using NPCs to make other actions and respond to actions from other posts.

1 - C4 flies around the outside of the Yunos, analyzes a virus and defeats it.

The response was in the past tense in response to the virus that Simon mentioned. I isolated the virus as it was downloaded with the information.

I am allowed to respond to information from a previous post.

C4 is a positronic droid so multitasking is second nature to him. Additionally he thinks thousands of times faster then any sentient so he can do more then many would expect.

“ The tiny silvery titanium B2-X cubes were stuffed with more memory and computing power than units one hundred times their size."

“This takes a special machine to whiz past a mainframe's safeties, subvert its core hardware, and make it dance like a scalded ronto, and these tiny droids are called positronic processors.”


2 - Uh ... Flits? ... into the Yunos' hanger bay.

He was already on his way their the fliting was to avoid detection as he headed for an landed in the bay.

3 - Flies his personal ship in and hides it behind some lifting machinery.

Same basically as # 2.

4 - Performs a system scan of the ship, and diverts command power to the secondary bridge.

No scans the comm system and does a brief scan of the ships operating capacity. Well within his abilities to accomplish in the span of seconds. The NPC crew were trying to get systems under control sense Lup knocked out the ship several posts ago. I merely was following through on what they were already doing in previous posts.

5 - Receives a brief of the status of the ship and enemy boarders thus far. (neutralizes enemy)

There is nothing against being updated by an NPC command crew in a conversation. The crew had them neutralized not C4 him self.

6 - Reprograms a droid, and sends it with some guys to the armory.

Something that takes a few seconds to do with it’s simple matrix.

“These boxy little droids, known as Mouse Droids because of their size, were easily programmed…”

7 - Takes command of Yunos.

Command shifts quickly in battle Lup killed most of the command staff and the command fell to C4 in seconds following protocal.

8 - Re-initializes systems aboard the Yunos

The NPC crew did so as they had been doing so for several posts now. I merely confirmed it.

9 - The Yunos opens fire on enemy ships, destroying 21 capital ships and 333 fighters.

No one was firing on the boarded Yonos and the Nub-b2s were taking advantage of that. The Small ships were sent in because they would inflict the least damage. There are 15 nubulans against 21 ships from the Skirmish line. They had been holding at 35% shields and droped another 20% as dictated in on of Dolashs damage posts for their forces. Leaving them with 15% shields.

The Nubulans were holding up much better but they were out gunned with several capitol ships against them. So they had to divide their attacks with out concentration.

First the Yonos used the cluster traps that were laid out after the Ions knocked the ship out and acivated manually. They destroyed 93 of the devils, taking them by surprise as they flew patrolling the Yonos. Shields came on line with weapons and the Yonos shot the Sith battle cruisers from their flank. The SBC’s are holding at 15% shields or 30 SBD of their 200 SBD. With the combined assault they lose shields and then they have their hull eaten into. They may have 480 hull points but they then had a command ship and Nubulan B2s to worry about. The Nubulans take advantage of this and concentrate their fire power on them. The SBC’s take fire from two flanks and lose hull quickly resulting in destrution.

They explode, now their devil escorts with low hull (5 RU) are largely destroyed with their ships in the explosion.

Here I played the ‘confused melee’ card that lup used.

“Action Summary

Imperial 3 line support system holding.

Skirmish line at 35% sheilds and holding.

300 Assorted Rebel fighters destroyed in confused melee.”

So the fighters were destroyed because of the confusion that allowed the Laser canons from the Nubulans and the Yonos to pick them off.

10 - Nebulon B2's line up with Yunos in formation, taking cover and giving cover.

The Nubulans are already around the Yonos so all that they have to do is move a little way in order to over the command ship.

Everything is done in the spanse of a few minutes.

Kas- A little much?

Not when taken in the context of Lup’s last post.

1-has time to set up traps near life support (Far from the Shroud) for the Azguard coming to fight him.

2-Has them trip the trap without a response.

3- begins fight with the Azguard felling them.

4- responds for his sith partner in killing the Azguard without a response from the GC .

5-has a boarding party of soilders and engineers enter the ship

6- evacuates his boarding party from the yonos without any further confrontation from surviving crew.

7- races back to the shroud that he came in with his partner sith, from ones side of the ship to the other on a ship that is 5 thousand meters long and has lots and lots of levels to go through.

8- Boards his ship.

9- Depressurizes his ship so that it can detatch from the hull.

10- flies far enough away from the Yonos to see more boarding partys.

11- heads for another ship.

12- posts damages and a fleet battle with another NPC.

13- Destroys 6 victory class star destroyers(1,520 RU), 4-7 Corellian Gunships (416 RU) , 5 Marauder - Class Corvettes (400 SBD), and one MC-40 (1218 RU) in one post based on the fact that they have no more shields sense the last post. So he decides that he can cut them down because they have not shields.

And he essential uses one enemy ship to ram another and destroy it.

5 VicStars destroyed
marauders destroyed
most of the gunships destroyed (your discrecion, although it would have been the slower ones)
MC40 sliced in half by 1st dead VicStar

Using Lups last post as a guideline for how much time I had to work with, then My post is fine.

I used NPCs, Just as he did, to make several actions in the same post. I followed military protecol to justify his actions in the post, Just as he did. I rped responses to previous post, Just as he did. I made several fleet actions in the same post because NPC crew were following orders, Just as he did.