In the Hands of the Gods OOC #5
Posts: 2788
  • Posted On: Nov 10 2003 12:51am
Hmm. Yeah. So as if there isn't enough going on in these OOC threads already...

Would someone care to summarize all of what has happend in the "In the Hands of the Gods" thread? From arrival of the first fleet at Corellia or wherever it was, up to now?
Posts: 1381
  • Posted On: Nov 10 2003 2:26am
TGC arrived. The Sith stole their big ships out from under them, and the Imperial fleet blew the rest up.

ATM, I think the second GC fleet is arriving...
Posts: 2788
  • Posted On: Nov 10 2003 3:00am
Ok. A wee bit more specific than that?
Posts: 2377
  • Posted On: Nov 10 2003 3:40am
*Dolash and Jan arrive.*

Simon: Bend over.

Dolash: Uh... no.

Jan: ...bye.

*Simon smacks Dolash.*

Simon: Bend over.

*Telan arrives.*

*Drayson arrives.*

*Theren arrives.*

Telan: Bend over.

Drayson: Bend over.

Theren: Bend over.

Dolash: Ugh... okay...

*Dolash bends over.*

*Ten minutes later.*

*Dolash 2.0 arrives.*

Dolash 2.0: Bend over.

Simon: No.

Telan: No.

Drayson: No.

Theren: No.
Posts: 1549
  • Posted On: Nov 10 2003 4:17am
Meanwhile, i'm obviously doing absolutely nothing...
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Nov 10 2003 5:09am
Ok, beacuse everyone is being obscene, I'll say:

First and second fleet arrived. They each went to seperate planetary targets. Somehow the Imperials knew we were coming and laid a trap for us (Their oly explination: "Imperial Intelligence Rocks") and ambushed the First. Although the first was better it died in battle due to stratiegic ambush tactics. Right now the big ships are being boarded and the rest are all destroyed.

The second fleet, realizing what's happening is micro-jumping towards battle. Of course, for varied reasons (Some of which seemed extreemly unfair) they STILL havn't made it after something like four or five combat rounds.

That's the short version. Oh, and you've won every OOC arguement so far, which is impressive, what with you only having five or six people to argue with me.
Posts: 2788
  • Posted On: Nov 10 2003 5:12am
Thank you, Theren.
Posts: 1381
  • Posted On: Nov 10 2003 6:01am
Somehow the Imperials knew we were coming and laid a trap for us (Their oly explination: "Imperial Intelligence Rocks")

That, and you guys getting up and yelling "We're coming for you!" a week before you attacked...
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Nov 10 2003 11:54pm
No we didn't

Look at the declaration of war, it is dated several hours AFTER we attacked.
Posts: 1200
  • Posted On: Nov 11 2003 4:16am
Actually, Dolash, it's not.

But anyway... I must apologize for my post. A friend of mine was in a car accident so I did not get online until now.

I have half the post finished and it will be up tonight.