Yes, you likely are. My point was that the EMPIRE emerged from hyperspace and was firing before your sensors had detected it, not that you would not be able to detect it.
There is no special system required to make a microjump. It is the same in nature as any other hyperspace jump. And ALL Imperial ships carry highly advanced computer cores capable of calculating complex microjumps in a matter of seconds - EMPIRE is no exception.
I'll help you out - it's 100% fabrication. That said, my question for you is this: if sunken shield generators are infalliable, wouldn't everyone do it? Or is there a logical reason that a raised projector provides superior protection to a sunken one? That said, whether it's technically feasible is irrelevent, since the point of that bit was that the DERs are targetting a specific point in your shields in order to slag the generators. However, I think you would agree that to get a little (protected generators), you have to give up a little (a very specific, relatively minor, weakness).
That's a lot of assumption based on one CUSWE article. A superconductor will not work above a certain temperature, meaning you're relying on your ultrachrome alone for protection. It doesn't help your argument that your Seraph R&D thread is the second result doing a Google search.
However, an article on the lightsaber HERE mentions that ultrachrome was "used for ship armor hundreds of years before the Empire". Weapons were, of course, less powerful, and the implication (to me) is that ultrachrome was phased out for something better, which is the standard in armour today. Uses for vibroblades are quite different from expecting it to stop a heavy turbolaser blast, nevermind a bombardment of such. Further, we know that a turbolaser blasts is many times as powerful as a lightsaber, based on the inability of Jedi to deflect even laser canon blasts with a lightsaber (usually, I'm there are a few exceptions).
So, on the whole, I think there's a pretty good basis for expecting it to hold up less well than conventional armour.
Which is totally irrelevent because you had no issue with them having been hit in the first place. This is simply a description of their damages, given their relatively weak hulls. Given how powerful the SH-F canons are, it is not unreasonable to expect that they would slag the front end of your Gunships, read: the forward facing weapons. That they conviently penetrated but only hit "non-vital" areas when you have two powerful, presumably delicate weapons systems housed in the nose, is iffy, at best.
First off, your armour makes no mention of actually contributing to stealth abilities. In fact, the part of the CUSWE article you left out of the R&D implies otherwise:
So it blocks sensors from penetrating, meaning I couldn't read energy readings from inside the ship, perhaps. But it still allows signals to be bounced back.
Nutorium, on the other hand, is implied to be a stealth armour. I can tell you straight up if someone tried to make it up it would be denied on the basis that it does not explain itself at all. It was invented by West End Games, who have a habit of being full of shit. Things published by WEG are also, generally, not taken as canon. So I'm not sure what to do with that. In discussing the R&D in and of itself, I would say that Nutorium doesn't fly... unless you can tell me how it defeats sensors?
Finally, the Vanish 2, and this is simple.
The CPEC carries an array of sensors to track smugglers. This includes bounce back sensors, which literally operate line sonar. The Vanish cannot disrupt them because the sensors do not carry information, they simply go out and bounce back, and paint a 3D picture of space. If something blocks them, they see it.
Add to this that I've been working on calibrating the CPEC's sensors to better detect you, and that you had no problem with that earlier on. Also note that I do not claim to have perfect targetting information, but my pilots are good, and there are lots of targets out there.
Unfortunately for you, you should reread my post. My TIEs intercepted your bombers before they fired. Thus, formations were disrupted, some bombers were destroyed, etc. etc. etc. This means that while a large number of bombs were launched, there was less coordination than there would have been otherwise. Further, because space bombs are exceptionally slow compared to torpedoes or missiles, it is unsurprising that some would be taken down by my fighters. And while canon shows us that a coordinated bombing run by starfighters can be effective, an uncoordinated attack is not nearly so powerful. Which is not to say the ship would be undamaged. Shields have no doubt failed across the board where it was struck.
But the reinforced hull in that area took the few missiles that made it through.
That means that in order to target the Heavy Cruisers (stated as being in the back of the formation), you've had to enter firing range and pass by my heavy ships.
In which case they would take significant damage, since all of the CPEF, CPEC, and Heavy Cruisers carry significantly heavy weapons. And with the exception of SH-F canons, all would be capable of targetting your capital ships on their approach.
I'll edit that in accordingly.
That said, you've managed to destroy a significantly sized capital ship in one post? I'll keep that precident in mind.
You'll note that the EMPIRE SOb, in fact, has very little mention of what its armed with. It is described simply as "moderate to heavy". That could well include a gravity well generator. Given the ship's nature, it would be expected, and it was designed to carry a grav well. That said, it is not explicitly mentioned, so if you want to cry foul, I'll edit accordingly.
There is no special system required to make a microjump. It is the same in nature as any other hyperspace jump. And ALL Imperial ships carry highly advanced computer cores capable of calculating complex microjumps in a matter of seconds - EMPIRE is no exception.
I'll help you out - it's 100% fabrication. That said, my question for you is this: if sunken shield generators are infalliable, wouldn't everyone do it? Or is there a logical reason that a raised projector provides superior protection to a sunken one? That said, whether it's technically feasible is irrelevent, since the point of that bit was that the DERs are targetting a specific point in your shields in order to slag the generators. However, I think you would agree that to get a little (protected generators), you have to give up a little (a very specific, relatively minor, weakness).
That's a lot of assumption based on one CUSWE article. A superconductor will not work above a certain temperature, meaning you're relying on your ultrachrome alone for protection. It doesn't help your argument that your Seraph R&D thread is the second result doing a Google search.
However, an article on the lightsaber HERE mentions that ultrachrome was "used for ship armor hundreds of years before the Empire". Weapons were, of course, less powerful, and the implication (to me) is that ultrachrome was phased out for something better, which is the standard in armour today. Uses for vibroblades are quite different from expecting it to stop a heavy turbolaser blast, nevermind a bombardment of such. Further, we know that a turbolaser blasts is many times as powerful as a lightsaber, based on the inability of Jedi to deflect even laser canon blasts with a lightsaber (usually, I'm there are a few exceptions).
So, on the whole, I think there's a pretty good basis for expecting it to hold up less well than conventional armour.
Which is totally irrelevent because you had no issue with them having been hit in the first place. This is simply a description of their damages, given their relatively weak hulls. Given how powerful the SH-F canons are, it is not unreasonable to expect that they would slag the front end of your Gunships, read: the forward facing weapons. That they conviently penetrated but only hit "non-vital" areas when you have two powerful, presumably delicate weapons systems housed in the nose, is iffy, at best.
First off, your armour makes no mention of actually contributing to stealth abilities. In fact, the part of the CUSWE article you left out of the R&D implies otherwise:
So it blocks sensors from penetrating, meaning I couldn't read energy readings from inside the ship, perhaps. But it still allows signals to be bounced back.
Nutorium, on the other hand, is implied to be a stealth armour. I can tell you straight up if someone tried to make it up it would be denied on the basis that it does not explain itself at all. It was invented by West End Games, who have a habit of being full of shit. Things published by WEG are also, generally, not taken as canon. So I'm not sure what to do with that. In discussing the R&D in and of itself, I would say that Nutorium doesn't fly... unless you can tell me how it defeats sensors?
Finally, the Vanish 2, and this is simple.
The CPEC carries an array of sensors to track smugglers. This includes bounce back sensors, which literally operate line sonar. The Vanish cannot disrupt them because the sensors do not carry information, they simply go out and bounce back, and paint a 3D picture of space. If something blocks them, they see it.
Add to this that I've been working on calibrating the CPEC's sensors to better detect you, and that you had no problem with that earlier on. Also note that I do not claim to have perfect targetting information, but my pilots are good, and there are lots of targets out there.
Unfortunately for you, you should reread my post. My TIEs intercepted your bombers before they fired. Thus, formations were disrupted, some bombers were destroyed, etc. etc. etc. This means that while a large number of bombs were launched, there was less coordination than there would have been otherwise. Further, because space bombs are exceptionally slow compared to torpedoes or missiles, it is unsurprising that some would be taken down by my fighters. And while canon shows us that a coordinated bombing run by starfighters can be effective, an uncoordinated attack is not nearly so powerful. Which is not to say the ship would be undamaged. Shields have no doubt failed across the board where it was struck.
But the reinforced hull in that area took the few missiles that made it through.
That means that in order to target the Heavy Cruisers (stated as being in the back of the formation), you've had to enter firing range and pass by my heavy ships.
In which case they would take significant damage, since all of the CPEF, CPEC, and Heavy Cruisers carry significantly heavy weapons. And with the exception of SH-F canons, all would be capable of targetting your capital ships on their approach.
I'll edit that in accordingly.
That said, you've managed to destroy a significantly sized capital ship in one post? I'll keep that precident in mind.
You'll note that the EMPIRE SOb, in fact, has very little mention of what its armed with. It is described simply as "moderate to heavy". That could well include a gravity well generator. Given the ship's nature, it would be expected, and it was designed to carry a grav well. That said, it is not explicitly mentioned, so if you want to cry foul, I'll edit accordingly.