Metalorn, being a Coalition planet, only recieves food from planets of the said group, notably Kashan and Audacia as noted in the rp. If you're attacking one of those food convoys, that puts TNO forces directly in Coalition space, attacking Coalition ships. Is that what you intended Drayson?
Sort of; most people usually don't strike a convoy near the bulk of an enemy fleet.
I noticed that you've mentioned using some ships that don't have their Rps done for them. This doesn't bother me, since I can do the same then. But doesn't that go against the rules of using an R&D without its RP thread?
In theory, the RP thing was a good idea, but in practice it's been practiced only part of the time at the author's whim (which I do not endorse). But perhaps he wishes to use the thread as the R&D thread for them? Hmm?