Depends on where in the battlefield you are.
Outside of the primary positioning of my fleet, you'd be dealing with The Clawcraft and The Incisor, primarily.
The Clawcraft: Incisor: of them are based on Csillan fighter designs, the Clawcraft being based on the Csillan Tie variants, and the Incisor being a principle enhancement of the Clawcraft.
They are both droid fighters. The Clawcraft is 11 meters, the Incisor is 9.
Speed for the Clawcraft is listed as 115 MGLT. Incisor would be slightly faster.
Their principle weapon is a single forward mounted Plasma Disruptor Cannon of the same variety our capital vessels employ. Secondary weapons include Energy Field Disruption Cannons, which are basically capital class ion cannons that fire twice as fast but are half as powerful.
The Clawcraft is unshielded. The Incisor has a shield projected through the Energy Field Disruption Cannons that can negate completely energy weapons, but offers no defense against projectiles, and because of it's projection method, does not protect the direct rear and engine sections of the vessel.
They'd be primarily focused on making strafing runs of your capital ships. If you deployed fighters against them, they would likely attempt to use one fighter to draw you to chase towards your capital ships and bring another about to ambush you. Since all of the battlefield is constantly being scanned and updated through the nexus, they are deadly effective at ambushes as such.
They both travel outside the range of the shield ships because they use their energy field disruption cannons as a considerable part of their weaponry.
Inside the effective range of the shield ships is a different story.
Operating within the effect of the shield ship's projections would be the Tetrahedron and The Attack Sphere.
Both R&Ds are listed under the Light and Color summary listing on this board: Attack Spheres would be largely inert, simply avoiding any incoming fighters you may have. When a Cruiser from my ranks would break from the shield ships protection to attack your vessels, the Attack Spheres would follow, then stop as it made it's run. Their primary weapon is an Energy Disruption and Shield Matrix Disruption Beam, whose purpose is to drain the shields of a vessel. Without needing to devote energy to their engines, the beam would be effective in draining a capital vessels shields by 7-9% (depending on the size of the vessel and the strength/redundancy of the emitters). About ten Attack Spheres would go, and when the strafing run was over, they would withdraw, or follow another ship on another run. They have no shields and limited armor, hence their propensity to hide.
The Tetrahedron is primarily our anti-capital fighter, and is 14 meters when fully deployed. It's mostly made of collapsible lattice, though, so it is very light and very fast. The Tetrahedrons are mostly looking for Imperial or civilian vessels with complete or noticeable shield failure. Once found, the Tetrahedron would eject it's nexus core, essentially self-destructing since the Nexus core is the command and control center of the vessel, and launching the core for any hull breaches on your ships. Once they were found, the Nexus would attempt to subvert control by using dead crewmembers from the breached sections to form a boarding party. Since I have yet to RP this happening to your fleet, though, it's mostly assumed that Imperial casualties have been from capital fire to disabling locations rather than active Nexus deployment.
I think that covers it, since we wouldn't have defense pods or scorpions in this engagement.