Well, I do admit that I can sometimes be biased against people I dislike. However since I don't know Wes this isn't the case.
Since there are no real assets at stake I will say that I am more flexible to the concept of letting Wes do what he will since it won't take me 45 days to replace what he might destroy by putting himself in such a position.
However, I still dislike it because
1. It's not logical or realistic. 2. It's not possible. 3. It sets a bad precendent.
However, I will admit that the STORYLINE is better served by allowing him to do this, if only because he is using the one natural advantage the Empire has; that being force users. So for that reason, and the aforementioned ones, I offer no serious complaint.
I too however view Omnae as the word of god and if he says you're ships are now shredded up like Mini Wheats with big open slices on them, I can work with that too.
I was under the impression that the interdiction was wormholes created at random points. These wormholes, as I understood them, could not cover the broad blanket of the entire sector, but rather there were enough of them that no ship could make a standard hyperspace jump through the interdiction. However, a ship being steered through would be able to do so.
As for being between your ships and the planet, I'm not sure I agree. Wes's vector, as will be explained in my next post (written but not posted yet because I'm waiting on a decision from Omnae regarding a PM conversation we've been having, and because it still needs some editing), was based on data from Kach, beamed out through the corridor and relayed to Wes's ships. He gave this information to his new pilots, who did their best to align him with the rear of the Cree'Ar formation. Of course, due to the difficult flight, they wouldn't come in directly behind, but they do come in almost opposite Thorton's position, behind and to starbord of the Cree'Ar formation.
I actually have to take issue with this. First, it has been RPed earlier in Cataclysm that Wes has access to several advanced Sith Apprentices; Skygge left her most advanced apprentice, Yuagith (who has, by the way, appeared in several other RPs, so he's one of those semi-NPC/semi-PC characters), and several other apprentices with Vos to aid him in rooting out the Onyxian terrorists. In this case, there are twelve apprentices. The only thing I'm using them for, really, is to beat the interdiction field the Cree'Ar have created.
As my next post will indicate (I hate having to reveal this much strategy OOC, but I now have to due to this argument), the effort of flying through hyperspace will have taken a major toll on these apprentices. Other than Yuagith, they will be almost completely useless in the upcoming battle. The only thing Yuagith will be doing, as well, is helping defend the Tyrant if Cree'Ar soldiers happen to wormhole onto it. Not that it needs too much defending, considering the anti-intrusion systems that have been installed, but nevertheless, he's there for that. The others will be too tired to do anything at all.
Regarding your shuttle argument - only one shuttle had Sith in it. The others carried techs that would disable the safety catches on the hyperdrive and jury-rig a slave circuit between the fleet and the Tyrant so that this whole flight was possible. With as many ships as Wes has with him, a dozen or so shuttles is needed to carry that many techs.
You know full well that I do my best to keep things fair. I just thought that this was an innovative strategy that would make the story that much more interesting.
So, until I get a decision from Om and have a chance to put up my next post, I will say nothing more on the subject.
1. By your own words, you had to steer to avoid the planet, which puts you between my fleet and the planet. If not, why would you need to steer to avoid the planet?
2. I've denoted, without objection, that I'm jamming communications across your fleet. So how you magically got data from a ship whose communications are jammed, I am not sure.
Sourced, the post before yours:
Omnae didn't mention anything in his posts in regards to our jamming, but now I have. This was a minor omission on his part since he's never used the Cree'Ar warships in battle.
3. See point number one. It kind of bears repeating.
As for my interdiction it's unrelated to wormholes, but is rather directly applied gravity across broad space with focused generation upon aquired targets. My R&Ds are all posted on public forums.
And saying "In my next post, I explain why what I wrote in my last post doesn't count because I don't want to be at a disadvantage" is such a BS thing to do. Come on.
Actually, I never said I had to steer to avoid the planet. I'm steering to avoid the wormholes, not the planet. I was going off Simon's assessment that there were wormholes scattered throughout the system, and that was what was creating the interdiction of the planet. This was stated in both PM and, uncontested, in one of my earlier posts.
I was assuming that the jamming did not extend to ships in the Corridor - they seemed to be able to communicate well enough through it. If that's a problem, then I don't mind editing it out, but either way, I'm still not between your fleet and the planet. I hyper in somewhere behind your fleet.
As for your interdiction, how is it possible to keep up that sort of interdiction (system-wide or even planet-wide) for any length of time? How many interdiction ships do you have? Planet-wide seems like it would take a lot of power, not to mention system-wide. You'd need a lot of ships to pull that off, it would seem.
2. You've made one post at Coruscant. I am contesting your actions in that post. So don't say your post is uncontested when I just contested it.
You seem to be assuming a lot.
As I said (and it would help if you actually read the words I posted rather than just assuming they aren't relevant), Omnae neglected to mention that we were jamming communications. For that matter, I didn't state it in my first post either, so it wasn't effective until I DID state it. Your post is after that, so.
1. No.
2. Hey, fuck you.
3. Hyper the fuck out of here. Are you reading anything anyone has written here? Your own words:
You jumped outside the corridor; I don't dispute this and have assumed your position to be unrelated to the corridor, hence the shifting of my targetting and formations to you.
Ignoring the impossibility of this, this puts you in close proximity to our fleet, which I don't dispute.
The relevant information is in bold. My fleet is positioned well outside of planetary orbit as it jumped in to ambush your fleets, which were also outside of orbit. While logic would suggest you have collapsed your fleets somewhat, I am still nowhere near the planet; there is in fact elements of about four Imperial fleets between the planet and my ships.
If you were jumping behind me this would mean about 10-15 warfleets between your destination and the planet. Thus the chances of you every coming near the planet are miniscule.
Your own words put your vector far closer to the planet than to the rear of my vessels. This is YOUR post and you are now attempting to retroactively edit it. I will not allow that to happen.
Remember; this is a species whose warfleets have been constructed to fight wars across multiple galaxies at a time. Saying "how did you get that many ships" is like asking a man working in a marble factory how he got so many marbles. We're a transgalactic military and more or less all we do is conquer.
You seem to be the only one who thinks you're fighting a ragtag group with a small pirate fleet.
Your post, which includes, and I quote
actually caused me to laugh out loud.
When the thread began, two Imperial fleets had gathered, which I jumped on top of and laid into. Add whatever defenses were present at Coruscant, which is probably about equivalent to 2-3 fleets.
From my opening post:
Seven to one would put my fleet strength then at anywhere from 28 to 35 warfleets of various composition. THOUSANDS of ships. This is not just a raid for us; this is a seige on the capital of your galaxy. We're kind of going balls to the wall here. You imply in your post that our fleet seems to have suffered great losses; while we're no doubt no longer at full capacity, Omnae has mentioned more than once that we have been jumping in reinforcements to jump back in and out of combat with impunity. It's completely absurd to assume that, unless you've brought absolutely every ship you have in an entire protectorate, that you're on even footing, let alone being anywhere close to a numerically superior force.
In short; your posts are absurd and the fact that you don't write like a five year old child is the only reason that I didn't immediately foam at the mouth as my bullshit detector went thermonuclear. That being said, your logic leaves a lot to be desired.
Actually, I have made more than one. You have to read back a ways to find it. I had my fleet arriving near Coruscant, then I sent in scout TIEs to scope out your fleet. They couldn't get close because of the interdiction, which, based on a PM from Omnae, was caused by lots of wormholes throughout the system. This was before you got involved.
I then made another post where I thought about hypering out but instead set up a meeting with Thorton. This was before he jumped down the Corridor.
I understand. As such, that part can be edited out - either way, the action doesn't change. The fact that you didn't put it in your first post - or in any of Omnae's - means that until that post, Kach could be beaming out information to Vos about your fleet. So up until the end of the post before yours, chronologically, Wes could be getting information.
Alright, this seems to be a misunderstanding on both our parts. My point with that part of the post is to indicate that there is significant danger inherent in disabling the safety catch. If our timing is not extremely accurate - close to perfect - and the Sith don't drop us out of hyperspace on time - even a few seconds difference - then we overshoot and crash into the planet. Not that we have to steer around it.
Sorry for that misunderstanding, but it makes no sense the other way. My fleet has jumped in from Thoraza, which is about the same vector as Borleias. It makes no sense for us to exit hyperspace on the other side of Coruscant from Thoraza (towards the Deep Core), then hyper past the planet again to hit your fleet.
Additionally, Vos and Kach met at Vos's position, or at Kach's, just before Kach's fleet went through the Corridor. Logically, then, their fleets were at proximately close starting points. The only difference is that Wes took a slightly different vector to land behind your fleet.
Additionally, I read the rest of the thread - your invasion of the planet, the fact that planetary weapons could hit ships that were in combat - and deduced that the battle was much closer to Coruscant than you seem to think. If I am wrong, then I'm wrong, but it's not faulty logic - just a rational assumption about the battle. Either way, the fact that overshooting would mean crashing into the planet still stands.
I'll give you that. Of course, I would dispute the numbers, because with the entire Borderland Protectorate fleet, Wes's entire SS fleet, what's left of the Core Fleets, and much of the Mid-Rim Protectorate Fleets here, those numbers seem a bit much. Especially considering the relative size/strength of the two factions, and the fact that there has been no work on the Cree'Ar since I've been here, which is four years, while the Empire has been consistently expanding.
Assuming the numbers are correct, though, Wes would not be facing the thousands of warships that are in the system. Instead, they would be facing just the ships that are in front of them. From Wes's perspective (remember, everything is written from an IN CHARACTER perspective), after the initial strike there wouldn't be much left of the fleet directly in front of him.
Of course, that could be edited - I'm assuming that your shieldships are not all-powerful and cannot heavily cover all ships in all positions at all time. Otherwise I might as well just stop writing, because the Cree'Ar always win - they have uber-powered shields! As such, I assumed that the gravity shields would be covering the ships closest to the front of the line - almost directly opposite my ships. Meaning that the ships I hit - shieldships and Arbiters - would take the brunt of the first strike. Remember, Wes's ships came out of hyperspace with weapons primed and ready to fire - the first volley came less than five seconds after reversion.
Another thing I took from your post was the desperation of your commander. I assumed my fleet's arrival actually caused him significant concern, since he "slumped in his throne" and offered to allow the Imperials to surrender instead of fighting - not something I would have seen the Cree'Ar doing, at least not as they had been RPed in the rest of Cataclysm.
Now, as for the insults and general derogatory remarks hurled in my direction, I must just say that I don't appreciate the tone. I would much rather come to an agreement than simply hurl insults at one another, but I would like that agreement to be reasonable for ALL parties involved - not just your precious Cree'Ar. I don't mind giving a little - several of my ships will be destroyed during the jump and the subsequent reversion, I don't have ship-to-ship communications until the jamming is lifted for you to send your message, I'm seperated from the rest of the Imperial fleets by your Cree'Ar fleet, and you have lots of ships (though I think 7-1 is a bit much, as above, especially as the 7-1 ratio is from the Cree'Ar perspective, and does not necessarily reflect the actual ratio - perhaps 3-1 or 4-1 would be better); however, I also expect some concessions on the other side. For example, the fact that I'm not squished up against the planet, and the fact that your shielding isn't all-powerful and can't cover everything at once so nothing can hit it. Oh, and that the interdiction field is what Om said it was and what I relied upon in both this post and my earlier post.