Yeah, so if you somehow capture any of those planets, an intact ship, or think up a good idea, then you can attack. Oh, and if you RPed interrogating Joren Arden, he could tell you the general vacinity of Haven(Unknown Regions). But you have to RP it, then RP looking for it for a few months(at least).
Please note you still don't have a reason to know where Hurok or Azguard is, since I stand by the fact that Abregado-rae has no knowledge of where any of them are.
2.They call Farquak or Mon Calamari for reinforcements.
3.All transmittions to any of the hidden planets are handled by relays, meaning you can't trace the calls from one planet to the next. Please note they sen any transmittions along a route, meaning the relay can be anywhere along that line. Then the relay sends it on a different route, to a different relay, and then to a different relay and finally to a hidden system. This can cause delays in transmittions, but it is a necessary delay.
4.They don't produce ships-don't need to know where it is.
5.I already gave you several ways to find the planets or their general vacinity, without doing a lot of roleplaying(interrogate Arden and you will find the general vacinity of Hurok, Azguard and Haven).