Posted On:
Dec 16 2003 3:39am
Griff-yes he has never been there(same with haven), but he would know the general vacinity.(Haven-Unknown Regions, Hurok/Azguard-Wild Space).
And you never mentioned anything about hidden planets until after the fact to. Do you expect me to read your mind and tell you in advance that you can't find Haven or any other hidden planets from takign over Abregado-rae? Obviously, but also obviously, I can't.
Posted On:
Dec 16 2003 3:54am
You tried that @#%$ already, and it didn't work.
I specifically mentioned stealing information. If you put two and two together, and come up with four, you should have an idea of what we're doing.
Stop treating your hidden planets like they're invincible. You have four, and they can all be found. Notice that I've only claimed to have found one of those four.
Posted On:
Dec 16 2003 4:45am
Yes, you only calimed ot find one, but my point is it isn't reasonable for you to have found even that one from capturing Abregado-rae, because Abregado-rae an ALL non-construction planets don't have that information.
Posted On:
Dec 16 2003 5:43am
"TNO complained numerous times at Corellia about our damage when LEGALLY I could have destroyed the whole Corellian Anvil fleet in two posts, since each of your ship had more then TWO times the meterage firing on it. In most cases it was like three or four times the meterage. Oh, and Haven isn't found. Get a good reason and maybe it will be found. "
Just got to the thread. Quite funny.
Posted On:
Dec 16 2003 7:01am
No, Jan. That's not good enough. The planet has military bases, it has archives, it has information.
There is no reason for not to include the existance of Haven (and other hidden worlds), and there is no reason we could not attain a location from the planet.
Plus the ships captured at Corellia.
Posted On:
Dec 17 2003 12:10am
Once the Corellian thread is done, you can use information from that thread. Until then...
Oh, and the archives didn't include my hidden planets, because the planets are meant to be hidden, so the location isn't kept on every planet, just the planets it needs to be kept on(Construction Planets).
Posted On:
Dec 17 2003 1:09am
That's BS, Jan.
Obviously they're not going to be sitting in open archives. They'd be encrypted. That's why we decrypted them first.
Posted On:
Dec 17 2003 2:50am
Yes you are correct that the data would have been encrypted, but then I never mentioned anything about it not being encrypted.
The fact still stands that Abregado-rae and non-construction planets do not need or have that information.
Look at it this way. If you know something really important and secret, you don't tell all your friends everything, you only tell the people that need to know about it. Our Contruction Planets needed the information, so they got it. Our other planets didn't need to know the information, so they didn't get it.
Posted On:
Dec 17 2003 7:25am
Jan, telling your friend a secret has absolutely no comparison with intergalactic governments. There is no reason that planets in your Empire wouldn't have this information.
Posted On:
Dec 17 2003 11:20pm
It appears Jan asked for staff assistance on this awhile ago, my apology for the time it's taken.
It is most certainly possible that not every planet in a government would know exactly where any hidden planets were, even if said worlds were construction planets. I believe (it's this way for my group) that only those who do need to know, know. Most planets will most certainly not need to know where a top secret military installation was located.
Captured ships could know the location of the planet, sure, but again, hidden or hard to find planets would be highly protected assets, only those who needed to know would know. Not every ship in TNO's navy is going to know the location of Bastion. The larger a government is, the less chance any given craft is going to know about said planet. Command-class ships, though, have a larger chance of knowing where the planet is.
Very few politicians know the location of top secret military bases, but top level commanders could. Not to say that a general would know the exact cords, in all probability he just knows of its existence and estimated location. He doesn't pilot the ship himself, a crewmen does that. I don't know what Joren was, so I can't comment further.
TNO has captured a world that probably wouldn't know where the planet was - though with that world they could have gotten personnel who new, low chance there. TNO has captured, as I understand it, several command cruisers - high chance there, though the data cannot be used until the RP is completed. They have also captured one of the big three, nice chance there.