No, Jan. It's really not. Joren Arden is one of the highest ranking members of the GC. Even if he doesn't know the precise cooridants of a planet, he knows the way to get there.
Undoubtably, he knows the codes to gain access to the computer banks, etc., or the Coalition.
You have yet to put in one reason why Abregado-rae would not contain maps of the GC's territory, or planet locations. No, it's not a production world, but that doesn't mean they're denied all information about the GC.
Give us a real reason why Haven can't be found. And stop pretending your hidden planets are unfindable.
He might not know the way, but he does know the area of space it is in. But did you RP getting that information from him? Didn't think so.
He might have know those codes, but did you RP getting them from him? No.
Abregado-rae wouldn't know the exact position of my hidden planets, since it isn't essential that they know it. If they need help, they broadcast to a relay, or another Coalition planet. If they need to go somewhere, they go to a none hidden planet. Makes sense since we obviously like keeping hidden planets, well, hidden.
Drayson, does your post go into finding the location or does it already assume you've found the location in the thread? What I was saying before, don't just assume in the roleplay. Find it. (Note I haven't read it lately but I will do so later).
Jan: About one hidden planet being harder to find than others, what I am saying is, originally a group was only allowed 1 hidden planet. Just because three groups with one hidden planet each merged, it does not get around that allowance.
The rule was made so that people don't start coming up with all their planets being hidden or some crap like that.
So, IC things that make the planet hidden means little if you are over your OOC limit. But to be fair, we haven't been enforcing this and you are not the only one's doing it.
That is why I said, by way of compromise, 1 planet in a group would be extremely difficult to find whereas others (although listed as hidden) wouldn't be too hard.
So, my question is: Which one is your "ultimate" hidden world?
Realistically, Haven would probably be my super-uber hidden planet because it just has a military presence, no civilians or anything. Also, the Azguards have had hyperspace for a while and have beeen jumping directly from Azguard to another planet. Ships going to or from Haven have alwasy used jump points(You will notice that it my roleplays).
On the topic Dameo isnt so much hidden as its untraveled. Its like seeing an island, in the middle of an ocean, from a spaceborne telescope among other Islands and not knowing anything about it. only four vessels have ever made a trek from Dameo, and never to an owned world or by way of owned worlds so...
A rule in the sense that hidden planets were talked about during the restart (I believe). That was why the Coalition and everyone else had only one (before Coalition merged into being). I am not saying the Coalition started it or anything...
I remember there being something about hidden planets tho..