For the issue of ships:All GC ships know where it is unless the ship is destroyed. So yes, once Corellia is done you know where the planets are.
For the issue of Joren Arden:
He is not a politicians, he is a top level commander, but he has never been to any of the hidden planets. The only top level guys that have been to Azguardian space(Hurok, Krakken, Azguard) are the Top Azguard Guys-Lord Regrad. Jan Dondana is the only top level guy who has been to Haven(since he started the New Rebellion).
For the issue of Joren Arden:
He is not a politicians, he is a top level commander, but he has never been to any of the hidden planets. The only top level guys that have been to Azguardian space(Hurok, Krakken, Azguard) are the Top Azguard Guys-Lord Regrad. Jan Dondana is the only top level guy who has been to Haven(since he started the New Rebellion).