I understand that, out of curiousity and no hostility or sarcasm/arrogance is meant in this statement...is there a problem with voicing an unbiased opinion or offering up canon facts that may have otherwise been overlooked?
If this is a detriment (not a discomfort to Miss Drayson) to the staff's ability to make decisions then by all means I'll simply work on closed RPs instead.
Just stating an observation. No more, no less. In staff's eyes this can be either very good or very bad.
Is there a problem with voicing an unbiased opinion or offering up canon facts that may have otherwise been overlooked?
Hmm... I do not recall pointing any problem out. So, I would say, you tell me: is there a problem?
However, for the future, note that problems will become rather evident in how your opinions are taken by the reaction of those to whom you are giving it.
Many times it is not so much the content of one's opinions but rather, the manner in which they are presented where problems arise.
If this is a detriment to the staff's ability to make decisions then by all means I'll simply work on closed RPs instead.
Problems do not hinder the staff's ability to make decisions. Just their ability to keep the peace.
Omnae, you said something about one planet being harder to find then another, and us having three hidden planets.
Haven is hidden because it is a world that was found and settled by the New Rebellion, and kept hidden since it was only a military outpost.
Azguard and Hurok are in the same system, so if you find one, you find them both. Also, Hepasatus(or something, a planet Dolash is taking) is in the same system, and will be hidden.
They are equally hard to find, and I would be willing to let anyone find them, without a lot of effort, under the right circumstances. If you capture one of our ships and RP finding the co-ordinates to any of those planets from the nav computer, you get to find out where Haven was.
We captured four of your ships. And one of your planets. And Joren Arden. And thousands of Coalition officials. We also anaylized the debris from several destroyed Coalition ships, and set Imperial Intelligence on the task of finding the planet.
The thread where you captured, destroyed and analyzed ships is not complete, so you can't use that to help you. The people you captured were based on Abregado-rae and Kamino in the army. Why would the Army people memorize the location to a planet that they aren't deployed on? Why would Joren Arden memorize the location of Haven when he knew he could depend on information in shipyards or ships? Your Intelligence people don't know where to start looking, so they wouldn't have a clue on where Haven is. All your reasons can be easily dismissed, for the moment. Once the Corellian thread is complete, that is when you will know the position of Haven. So if you wait until then you will know where it is.
Joren did not come from Haven, considering he was in MCR well before the New Rebellion was ever thought up.
Who cares if he is high up in GC, my point is, there isn't a good excuse for him to memorize the location of Haven. He never plots a course there, I don't think he has ever even been there! Would you memorize how to get to some place that you never go? Lets say a friends invits you to go to his friend's party, so you go. Your friend drives you. You go, have a good time, but you don't even know the guy whose house it was. Would you remeber how to get there? No, I didn't thinks so. It's the same thing for Joren Arden.