1)Why the hell would an ambassador need a map of the Coalition? He's not going to be navigating any ships, nor will he be handing them out as party favours. The planet <b>is</b> secret.
2)Thrax did not state that he was planning on gathering information or finding a map or anything of that sort. Basically he was attacking a place and suddenly he was like well, I could fight a war, or I could play on this guy's computer.
3)Basically in one post, Thrax attacked, captured and secured an apparently vital installation since it had secret data. Then he hacked through any barriers, firewalls, passwords etc. and downloaded the information and transmitted it. In one post.
4)Personally I'm of the opinion that if anybody created a well thought out plan and RPed and gave me adequate time to respond I'm sure that I would have no problem with them gaining the information of hidden planets and I'm sure that everybody hear shares that opinion. However, a random paragraph stuck in the middle of a post does not constitute any of the above. Dolash would, I'm sure be quite alright with the idea of somebody discovering Azguard if it was done in a sufficiently creative, reasonable and intelligent manner. Note: This point is not meant as an attack on Thrax's intelligence or creativity. I believe Thrax has the ability to RP a good discovery of the information. I just don't believe he did in this case.
I agree because what you're doing is giving yourself the IC advantage of forewarning and planning etc. while your enemy uses resources that could be available but we don't know. Personally I always believed that to be one of the biggest problems with actually conducting a campaign on TRF.
For example in my takeover of Bothan Space, I'd love to say it happened a month after the war against BDE ended and thus the Coalition had nearly infinite resources but I can't. It has to occur at the same time, thus Kraken has the advantage of GC already fighting a war and distracted.
That is exactly correct. That can happen. That is why you do not simply put ALL of your combined fleet into defending a single planet. It is a viable strategy to tie up an enemy's fleet pinning it to a planet and attack elsewhere. That is why you have to be judicious about your deployments.
So what happens now? If you lose at Tammar then ALL your posts in Kubini are invalid.
It is not right to make the Union roleplay out against what can be phantom ships.
So then you are not engaging the "same" ships at Tammar and kubini. Kubini ships are simply a break-away portion of the main group at Tammar then?
If that is the case then ok.
I was thinking you had (say) 10 ships at Tammar and attacked with all 10. And then use those same 10 to attack Kubini.
Postscript: I went over the damned post again and found your Tammar reference. Despite your calling it an Azguard Fleet, I can see where it has come from Tammar.
This is the meat of your quote:
Came crashing down where? The Dreadnaughts? No.. the ground. Your words. Breaking apart what? Dreadnaughts? No. Necrotroopers.
You totally ignored the ships.
If the Longsword is an R&D of the old system, then your writeup should say whether or not it's atmospheric. If it's not, then you are misusing an R&D.
If the Longsword is an R&D of the new system, we need to look at your 500 word rp and see if you gave it atmospheric flight capabilities. If you did not, then you are misusing an R&D.
However, for the RP purpose, since your damages were taken by Thrax IC it doesn't matter. It is Thrax's responsibility to check up on stuff like that.
It can be assumed your ship has fire extinguishers (like weapons). It just isn't assumed you are using them until you, in fact, use them.
Personally I am not convinced of this. Show me the Post number and quote me where you are shooting the ships (not the ground troops).
Your city cannot be that far down because in the time it took for Thrax's ships to enter atmosphere to begin landing soldiers, your guys moved from city (where you were carrying out your ruse of medical aid) to near mouth of tunnel to surface.
The repelers will have less distance to travel (going down) than your soldiers moving through tunnels to surface (see the crude illustration). He doesn't have to bore a hole to create a tunnel. He only needs to explode a hole to knock your city's roof in.
Let's look at this shall we?
The blistering fire from above was turning the outer armor of the ship to liquid metal, which ran off in sheets - but still, the ship remained. Getting desperate, a Particle Projector Cannon was levelled downwards from one of the Longswords, and fired.
The lump descended at a terrible speed, splashing into the molten armour and compressing the center of the enemy dreadnough. Suddenly, with a terrible, twisted metal sound, the Dreadnought began sinking inwards. Metal twisted and cracked, the high-pitched shriek of distress audible from the air. Before their eyes, the ship sunk into the hole, tearing as more weight and more broken parts ended up sliding in.
So the ship is already sliding in. All of the ship it seems.
A second Projector shot made it all the way through the Dreadnought, tearing itself up inside. Finally passing a tipping point, the central wreck of the starship was sucked down into the hole.
This is just a reiteration of what is already going on. The ship is sliding into the hole. You mention pieces breaking off and sliding into the hole. It is again stated that the central ship goes into the hole but we already know that. And only the inside is torn up. Not the outside. This actually helps your next case.
No. Forget that bridge, reactor whatever thought you had. From what you write, the ship (especially the center) has crashed into the city.
What calls the self destruct into question is A. the crash itself B. the second projector shot that tears up the inside of the ship. What would function?
Still, as I thought in my conclusion, the fact that this is the first instance of your actually shooting at the dreadnaughts on surface, his shields would be taking the brunt of the damage in this post.
Since no details of the city is given except that it is underground and connected by tunnels, where it hits is irrelevant. That it squashes necrotroopers is a given since they are repeling. The fall would probably hurl some necrotroopers across the city where they'd fall to their death somewhere...
I still think a burning ship falling on a city would do more than scorch a street though. But that is just me.
First of all, he only said he got a map of GC territory but it is unspecified what territory. I do not recall him saying anything in the thread involving Azguard at all.
Where were you shut down here? I only recall giving the opinion considering troops landed since I saw no evidence of your orbital ships shooting down at the dreadnaught except in that one post. I figured it would live long enough to land some troops (which you proceeded to squash most of anyway.) But not anything further.
And if someone shuts you down on AIM. Stop talking to them on AIM. And if the situation is something you cannot live with, then do not post until it resembles something you can live with.
Given that there is a post 11 up, I don't see that anything is under protest. It seems Thrax decided he could live with it.
Yes you did. At necrotroopers.
I saw no evidence of this but I admit I could be blind. Point the post to me and I'll change my tune.
I have a map of the US and I am just a citizen-joe. However, there are no missile silo locations printed on it either.
Your image just went down a few notches.
Yeah, one usually doesn't tell their enemy what their secret plan is unless their enemy hacks into their private forum and steals it.
Besides, if he did there would probably be an entire legion of angry Azguards with dripping claws behind a steel wall thicker than a starship protecting that comm terminal and ambassador's office.
No shit. That was fast. Next time, do not post a response until such things are cleared up.
Your image just went up a few notches.
You're ok, Marth. I don't care what they say about you.
Ok, assuming the dreadnought is evenly divided when it is split, which is unlikely, but still...about 150 meters of starship wreckage would fall into the city. That's equivalent to about 500 feet long by 250 feet wide I believe. When that hits the city, and I'm going by the city being compact and cramped since it is underground, your going to have about four good sized buildings pancake in on themselves when the dreadnought wreckage hits.
And I didn't mean that he wouldn't have a map I meant he wouldn't have a map with secret bases on it. I just worded it very badly but the point still stands.