The BDE - GC War OOC Thread
Posts: 2453
  • Posted On: Feb 21 2006 1:22am
There are always robot ramships as well. But yeah it would take some extreme circumstance for GC or TNO to be able to actually have a whole crew commit suicide. And I'd think that such a tactic wouldn't be extremely common (at least not with warships) for the Union just because a warship is going to be extremely important to them. The troops are fanatical enough, but the warship is going to be too valuable to plan to use on a ramming mission.
Posts: 49
  • Posted On: Feb 21 2006 1:23am
A very fair point that I agree with Jan, which is, as you mention, why there are such things as robot ramships.
Posts: 5387
  • Posted On: Feb 21 2006 1:35am
Let's just curb this debate by clarifying that robot ramships are crap, and if your whole measure of strategic planning is to send a big automated hunk of metal to smash into other ships, you're lazy, and really have no business fleeting.

This isn't about winning or losing, it's about the story, and robotic ramships are about as interesting as reading about paint drying.

I have no problems with a union small frigate, say, with his necro soldiers ramming, once in a while, in a desperate situation where they are otherwise totally lost anyway. But I have no intention of having my ships ram, ram, ram, since I personally think that I have better, more interesting ways to explain my groups devotion.
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Feb 21 2006 3:09am
I'm afraid I must protest your explosion, Omega. Namely, the bridge was not pulled down the hole, only the central section of the ship. Thus, your command to have the reactor explode would fail.

Also, you have been very dodgy on just what data is being downloaded. If you're trying to find, say, the coordinates of Azguard, or Panacka's secret mission dossier, such informaton would not be available to you. In fact, without some sort of hacker guy or the passcodes, I wonder just what you'd find besides whatever local air-traffic might be floating around.

This isn't a military base, it's a city. There isn't just one "Comm Center" that does all the communication for everyone, I imagine different companies maintain their own sites. As for high-level military and political communications, I doubt they'd be just lying around in a civilian building, and to take a military building in a time of war and crisis would probably be harder than just walking in and shooting whatever civilian operators don't move fast enough.

All in all, a bit overambitious here. The explosion is dramatic, sure enough, but unfeasible. Also, the comm bit is very nebulous indeed. I understand you're trying a last gasp, going out with a (literal) bang with the crashed Dreadnought, but after you insisted so strongly that the mid-section at most would fall out into the hole (which I also agreed with, and put it in the thread) I don't see how both the reactor and the command bridge would end up down in the hole, and if they did, how the ship would still be in any state to activate some sort of self-destruct, considering the portion that fell in was described as being the melted, twisted wreck that snapped off and fell in.

It was a brave (well, the evil equivalent - dastardley?) attempt on your part, and it's the little touches like suicide reactor explosions that really make a battle memorable and scarring to the survivors for generations, but the explosion wouldn't work in these circumstances. Of that I'm certain. To be fair, it's not the sort of thing I can say "I'll let it slide just this once", or something - if you succeed in blowing up a reactor in a major city, it means lots of hard work and writing on my part to set it right again, so something as entirely improbable as this explosion I can't just let go.

As for the attack on the bunker place, now that'll start getting interesting soon, and I look forwards to fearsome debates about the minute details of that battle soon!
Posts: 171
  • Posted On: Feb 21 2006 5:15am
Dolash, you never stated just how you sent for help. So obviously you don't take the security measures like the Union actually mentions in its posts at times to hide where it sends information.You'd be surprised what you can get from triangulating the the transmission location. Also, did you think I didn't realize the information I stole was encrypted? Why do you think I'm sending it to someone who can decipher it. Besides, Kubindi sent for help and quess who answered? Azguards. So I believe I am perfectly capable of deciphering what I like. And yes, its a city, which means the comm array was obviously used to send for help since the Union targeted the primary one.

And by the way, its not like I leveled the whole city. If you read my post it only took out a portion. Name the size of the portion for all I care. Also, I believe I can name what all fell, you caused it but I can say the whole ship went down. Afterall, portions could still have been attached by strong enough wiring to drag it all down. You're the one who wanted it to fall, you have to be willing to accept the consequences of such actions.

As for civies, well they're the only ones in the buildings. You're the one who sent the army out to intercept my attempt to enter via the tunnel entrance. I simply took advantage of its obvious absence from the city that your created. That's just the point I'm trying to get across. And if you don't like the bridge idea, I have other ways I can detonate that reactor that are just as feesable. However I am not going to argue this with you. I tire of your attempts to derail my posts so I'm simply going to politely ask for a staff decision now because I don't want another warning from Ahnk about how I address other board members since that is obviously the only way to settle this without me chewing someone(you) out. What the staff decides I'll go by and simply edit if required and think up something else.
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Feb 21 2006 11:43am
For the record, I think if you try something and it is ruled to not work, then you cannot simply edit a whole new plan into being. If having the central third of your ship reduced to junk and sucked down a hole would prevent the bridge from giving a self-destruct order to the reactor, as you've given the command already, I belive the corret protocol would be that you would give the command but nothing would happen - you couldn't edit it so that something completely different happens. Were that the case, if ever a "Fighters fly into your own shields" happened, someone would just edit their post to say they lowered their shields.
Posts: 171
  • Posted On: Feb 21 2006 2:04pm
Perhaps, but you just happen to object to almost my entire post. I don't see much sense in if the staff saying its not permissible that I shouldn't rewrite it to at least be permissible. You challenge both my information gathering methods and the ship's destruction, that is two thirds of my post... I shouldn't edit to fix it if its wrong? Of course, that logic could be wrong so someone please inform me if it is.
Posts: 4195
  • Posted On: Feb 21 2006 6:22pm
Ok, I am confused what you want decided on? If a maneuver is reasonably legal or if a maneuver succeeds or not?

If we are deciding on the maneuver itself, then yes, edits need to be made.
If we are deciding on the success of the maneuver, then the opposition has allowed that the meanuver is, in fact, legal and is only contesting damages.

Which is it?
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Feb 21 2006 8:46pm
I believe the maneauver itself would be impossible to accomplish, as the ship was broken into three pieces (The middle piece sucked into the hole, and the bit on either side of the torn-out middle bit) which would separate the bridge and the reactor - most notably, if my understanding of the layout of a Dreadnought from the picture Omega provided is accurate, the bridge would not have fallen down the hole. Depending on where the reactor is (The middle or the back third of the ship) it too might still be on the surface, but not connected to the front portion any more.

As such, I argue that when Omega gives the order for the reactor to destruct, nothing would occur, as the system would be irreparably damaged by my actions in the last post.

As for the information thing, that's just nebulous - he hasn't specified what information he's acquired, and just exactly from where (He doesn't have a layout of the city so I'm guessing he just guessed what he thought to be the "Comm Center"). As such, I doubt there will really be any problem with it until he actually tries to use any of it, because then we'll have to debate just what he could get from where.
Posts: 171
  • Posted On: Feb 21 2006 10:38pm
The information portion was carried out successfully and legally. I've also stated removal of information from two sources that will be deciphered and examined now that the Union acutally has it. I believe that gives us the right to perhaps lay claim to the coordinates of a certain cluster of hidden worlds that just so happened to supply the fleet the defended Kubindi.

But if the manuever is illegal, then adjustments will be made. If I can't set off a reactor fine. I just want this over with. I don't care for the thread anymore, it quit being fun around the start. And so help me if someone says if you don't like it, don't fleet. I will personally hunt them down and strangle them to death with their mouse cord.