Who're you rooting for in America's 2004?
Posts: 2414
  • Posted On: Jan 21 2004 4:43am
I didn't know your ass was plastic Marth. Interesting. And there are no warlords. Those are holdouts of the Taliban. And Bush never said we were going to stay there for ten more years.
  • Posted On: Jan 21 2004 4:43am
Okay, look man, I try to stay calm, but I'm just going to say it.

What the @#%$ are you talking about? We are not talking about Iraq but the multitude of free nations outside of America and the repeated trumpeting of the United States as some sort of bastion of freedom.

I'm pointing out examples.

You're the one walking around in circles and making generalizations.

And America happens to be one of many bastions of freedom. Britan is free, the U.S. is free, hell Germany is free, there are plenty of free countries.

It seems the only reason you dislike the U.S. is out of some kind of unfathomeable jealousy.

Look, Ralen, I respect that you're trying to make your point through emotional language. But you really need to work on your debating skills; please try to stay on task.

Do I detect a logical fallacy?

If you're going to lurch from one subject to another and somehow extrapolate some sort of wild hatred for an entire nation from a few simple statements about a president I dislike, I'm really not going to bother rebutting you.

Pardon? Everytime I talk to you it's "I hate America because of this" "Capitalism is horrible because of that" "White men are so evil".
  • Posted On: Jan 21 2004 4:48am
Despite what good old goergy tells you. Everything is not the Taliban and Al-Qaida. They are tribal leaders who are in all respects warlords.
Posts: 2414
  • Posted On: Jan 21 2004 4:48am
Whoever this Goergy is I don't care. I only care about the President.
  • Posted On: Jan 21 2004 4:50am
Instead Mr. Bush is keen on the idea of staying there for the next 10 years while his soldiers slowly get killed off along with enormous amounts of Iraqi civilians. Isn't Bush a @#%$ hero now?

Bush recently tried to give the country back, but his staff and several other nations said the time wasn't ripe.

You're thinking of when we intend to send a man to the moon again in ten years.
Posts: 2377
  • Posted On: Jan 21 2004 4:50am
I'm pointing out examples.

You're the one walking around in circles and making generalizations.

And America happens to be one of many bastions of freedom. Britan is free, the U.S. is free, hell Germany is free, there are plenty of free countries.

It seems the only reason you dislike the U.S. is out of some kind of unfathomeable jealousy.
Uh... Ralen... no, man, no.

Look, you're going nowhere with this, and you're making an ass of yourself. I said that there are fistfuls of free nations other than America. You leapt off onto a huge speech about a variety of horse @#%$, most of which had little or no discernable relationship to any discussion you and I were having.

Everytime you accuse someone from another nation of being somehow jealous of you because you live in America, you only prove to everyone how correct my observation regarding the myth of American freedom is.

Do I detect a logical fallacy?
Yes. It's coming from your direction.

Pardon? Everytime I talk to you it's "I hate America because of this" "Capitalism is horrible because of that" "White men are so evil".
I don't think I've had many other debates with you, Ralen. Why, do you have an alias I don't know about?
Posts: 2414
  • Posted On: Jan 21 2004 4:52am
Doesn't matter. That's all I hear from you as well, Gash. And Ralen's right.
Posts: 2377
  • Posted On: Jan 21 2004 4:52am
And yes, I sincerely think that white people and capitalism are both evil, because I AM A WHITE MAN LIVING IN A CAPITALIST NATION.
Posts: 2414
  • Posted On: Jan 21 2004 4:53am
Can't argue with what you argue with us about. Deny it all you want.
  • Posted On: Jan 21 2004 4:54am
Everytime you accuse someone from another nation of being somehow jealous of you because you live in America, you only prove to everyone how correct my observation regarding the myth of American freedom is.


I, an American, will have none of that. An American does not need to waste his time with those who do not recognize American glory. Begone non-American infidel.

is that more along the lines of the kind of American you like to hear?