Ralen: Nah, the real thing is if we disbanded our navy, and scrapped all our ships, and subs. Because then Russia, and China can transport around 2 billion people to America via ships, and no matter what our current army is like, we are in deep @#%$.
The problem with invading the U.S. is that you have to take a HUGE country state by state - with generally people who don't want to be taken.
With our air force and generally a populace willing to fight in small militias to help the government, I would think completely conquering America would be pretty damn difficult.
Besides, they wouldn't transport 2 billion peeps, would be a logistical nightmare and would be destroyed by our British friends before they ever arrived.
Now that's paranoid. Russia is economically a mess, and they're back with friendly capitalism again. China is hardly an insane, gun toting, violent, often-conquering-people nation, like some I could mention,
People don't WANT to fight you not because they'd lose, but because they WANT to be friends, they LIKE peace. Those who don't get their doors kicked down and their civilians blasted.
And when I say they couldn't, its' not because they'd get sunk, its' because they havn't got the military power, the ships or planes, or the money to even THINK about staging such an attack.
England and France stopped fighting us cause they'd lose.
It's a simple fact that people want peace with the people who can support them the best. The U.S. is among those people who can do so.
I assure you that if America suffered some kind of mass defection or military melt down, other countries would be on us in a second.
And China isn't a hostile country?
They threatened to invade one of their neighbors if they voted to no longer be a part of China - or something along those lines. The U.S. had to threaten with intervention.
And mind to point out when the U.S. smashes open doors and blows away civilians?
Kas has the exact same level of diplomatic finesse as his president. Fancy that.
Batten down the hatches. Lock your doors. Load your guns. Say your prayers. The communists are coming.
You cannot @#%$ be serious, Kas. This is not a @#%$ video game, this is real life. The wars of the future -- the wars America must fight -- will not be fought on battlefields. You'll be fighting two kinds of wars; against terrorism and against nuclear war.
Kerry and Edwards are even worse than the abominable Howard Dean; Dean is all bluster and no balls, with his pseudo-radical political persona that all of you slack-jawed internet ass fiends buy into masking what is essentially just another moderate-left Clinonite agenda. But these other idiots don't even bother hiding it with a carfully contrived facade; they just serve up another bland, boring set of DNC-brainwashed values wrapped in uninteresting, uncharismatic packages. They are the Happy Meal of presidential candidates; adaptable, goes down easy.
Anyone who thinks that it's all over because of Iowa is on cocaine. Clark didn't even run in Iowa. We'll see what happens from here.
Luckily for you and the other run-chicken-little conservatives who keep social programs closed and @#%$ with the constantly running fear machine, there isn't REALLY any invasion threat.
I voted for Clark. Kerry and Edwards are @#%$ hopeless for reasons mentioned above. They will never be elected. Bush will trounce their bland horseshit by simply stuffing the State of the Union with an hour of "God Bless America" and "I Love Jesus". All of the middleground faux-liberals will come jumping into his lap like they always do, numbly bobbing their heads because they've actually started to like being fed bullshit.
Dean is a dink. There is no other word for it. He is uncharismatic in the extreme in my humble opinion, an immature child who has yet to pull his head out of his ass and awake to the startling realization that YOU CANNOT ACT LIKE A TWELVE YEAR OLD ON THE CAMPAIGN TRAIL AND BE ELECTED. He rode his way to nomination glory out of nowhere, not on his own steam and political savvy, but by utilizing the most sound campaign strategy. Hey, way to go buddy, you convinced a legion of 18-30 year olds to send you cheques in the mail. Too bad they're all lame-ass, trendy-glasses wearing, latte sipping pseudo-intellectuals in dire need of something a little radical (but god help us NOT TOO RADICAL) to make them feel like they're still the indestructably bitter liberal extremists they were before they all went out, bought SUVs and voted for Clinton because he played a motherfucking saxaphone.
Clark may be middle-left, and that may not be the best of what I could have hoped for, but he IS an incredibly intelligent and well-spoken man. He does have military experience, and let's face it, even you government hating conservatives who condemn all taxes unless they're against the lazy, shiftless poor, have got to admit that any tax plan eliminating income tax for the lower-middle class takes a huge pair of balls.
And you know what? I know for a fact that if Dean, Kerry, or any of those other pussies get into office, nothing they've made a point of saying with such bluster will ever come to pass. Their liberal sentiments would fade and then you've got Clinton with a less bent penis and maybe fewer advertisments about loving Jesus on Christian radio.
Even if nothing Clark says ever occurs, I will at least sleep better at night knowing there is a more respectable face on the Holy American Empire, even as they annex my nation.