Who're you rooting for in America's 2004?
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Jan 20 2004 4:32pm
The election is coming up, and its' pretty clear that it's either gonna be Bush Vs., Dean, Kerry, or possibly clark if he built up enough support in New Hampshire.

Now I know many people here are not American, and many don't care, so you don't have to do anything. But as a Canadian my country will be heavily affected by who is the new boss down south. So I'm concerned (And rooting Clark)

So of these four big contendors, who're you hoping to see come out on top?
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: Jan 20 2004 6:17pm
None, yet. I need to read up on them first.

And yes, you better be concerned. You depend on us to defend you from external threats. I just read that at the rate it's going your entire military will be nonexistent by 2016.
Posts: 4025
  • Posted On: Jan 20 2004 8:47pm
At the rate of which they build, and then sell them, Canada outta be able to get an VSTOL Carrier from Britian for a pretty cheap price.
Posts: 4195
  • Posted On: Jan 20 2004 10:00pm
Who wants to attack Canada? They're a bunch of good ol boys and never pick fights.. unless they're verbal.. lol
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: Jan 20 2004 10:05pm
Canada = weak point for a surge into US soil.
Posts: 228
  • Posted On: Jan 20 2004 10:33pm
I'm surprised that Clark and Dean were worthy of mention, but not Edwards. He was right next to Kerry, ahead of Dean, in Iowa.

Clark is said to be the "wild card," but as for Dean, I think he's done for.
Posts: 5387
  • Posted On: Jan 20 2004 10:35pm


There goes any chance they had.
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Jan 21 2004 2:14am
Who could even get CLOSE to North America to invade? The only thing the US needs an army for is to attack other nations for varying reasons, never to defend themselves.

And clark is a real democrat.
  • Posted On: Jan 21 2004 2:22am
Bush all the way.

And the reason no one has invaded America yet is because of our army...if we dismantled it any then we'd be ripe for an invasion.

It's no easier for us to send our reserves to fight than it is for other forces to come here.

It's a matter of our defense.
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Jan 21 2004 2:46am
But you just don't get it. NO ONE IN THE WHOLE WORLD who doesn't like america could invade.

Do you think cuba could attack america? No Frackin' way. Neither could Iran, or Iraq (pre-Bush), the only people who have the sort of military that would even allow them to get their armies to America are all friendly. VERY friendly, like permenanatly friends.

Defence?? Defence from who? Yourself? Health-care? Certainly not any foreigners.