Upon reading your new post, I must inform you that it is entirely and utterly illogical. It even contradicts itself, nevermind everything I wrote.
If I may, allow me to recount recent events - I divebombed you, then my ships scattered in all directions. Your forces responded by reorganizing into a line formation and rushing towards the planet - past us, since we were scattering. We then reform behind you, and shoot you in the back.
You chose to remain in formation even at a time where breaking formation would have benefitted you - you could have pursued us as we broke. Instead, you gave us the ideal target for a fast fleet, by spreading yourself into a thin line and advancing. This means you leave us behind, leave us in your wake, so it's just a matter of us reforming behind you and pummeling you. We didn't have to fly through your formation, or into your formation, or even next to your formation to attack your back. Your gunners can't shoot at us, since as my post's entire purpose was to establish that we were behind a line.
It was a glaring tactical error to form into a line, when you're fighting a fast enemy you should bunch up and face them with a solid wall. Make sure they can't flank you or pass between your formation - which we did, I may remind you - because then they can attack you from your weakest point, or force you to move and thus reveal more weak points to attack.
If you have any argument that we wouldn't be behind you, recall that in this new post of yours you begin bombing the planet (hard enough to imagine, since you'd have to be in orbit). To get that close to the planet so quickly, you must have just rushed straight forwards after we broke formation, you must have run straight at the planet. Thus, we have a clear and unobstructed view of the back of your fleet. As you cannot take back your earlier commitment to moving past me in a line formation, your current declaration of somehow inflicting punishing fire as we 'pass by' would have to be removed. Either you break formation, or we destroy you very quickly from behind.
If I may, allow me to recount recent events - I divebombed you, then my ships scattered in all directions. Your forces responded by reorganizing into a line formation and rushing towards the planet - past us, since we were scattering. We then reform behind you, and shoot you in the back.
You chose to remain in formation even at a time where breaking formation would have benefitted you - you could have pursued us as we broke. Instead, you gave us the ideal target for a fast fleet, by spreading yourself into a thin line and advancing. This means you leave us behind, leave us in your wake, so it's just a matter of us reforming behind you and pummeling you. We didn't have to fly through your formation, or into your formation, or even next to your formation to attack your back. Your gunners can't shoot at us, since as my post's entire purpose was to establish that we were behind a line.
It was a glaring tactical error to form into a line, when you're fighting a fast enemy you should bunch up and face them with a solid wall. Make sure they can't flank you or pass between your formation - which we did, I may remind you - because then they can attack you from your weakest point, or force you to move and thus reveal more weak points to attack.
If you have any argument that we wouldn't be behind you, recall that in this new post of yours you begin bombing the planet (hard enough to imagine, since you'd have to be in orbit). To get that close to the planet so quickly, you must have just rushed straight forwards after we broke formation, you must have run straight at the planet. Thus, we have a clear and unobstructed view of the back of your fleet. As you cannot take back your earlier commitment to moving past me in a line formation, your current declaration of somehow inflicting punishing fire as we 'pass by' would have to be removed. Either you break formation, or we destroy you very quickly from behind.