Mine is bigger than yours! Now with more CHEESE.
Posts: 5711
  • Posted On: Feb 14 2007 10:49pm
Cool. Let's go the way of realism then, kay Park?

The Galactic Core, at least in comparison with our Galaxy and comparing the relevant position of the Core Worlds according to the Galaxy Map, is a basin of radiation. Your people are all dying of radiation infection but, out here on our version of the Western Spiral Arm, we're all good.

So pwn all you want. We'll just wait you out.
Posts: 4025
  • Posted On: Feb 14 2007 10:53pm
But see, before we die, we'll finish construction of the super sun crusher and trigger simultaneous explosions of all the deep core starts, obliterating the galaxy. If we go down, we'll take you with us. At least, according to Top Secret code plan Alpha Omega. Oh, wait....Oops.

*Looks for his MIB memory erasing device*
Posts: 5711
  • Posted On: Feb 14 2007 10:55pm
*watches Park fidget with his vibrator while silently wondering where the slim, silver, phallic Memory Wiper is truely hidden.

My problem here is that both sides of the argument are doing the same thing. You are applying the conventions of canon or reality only where they suit your needs. This is a Fiction and if you try to define parts of it as Non-Fiction then we might as well do away with the whole fucking thing.

This is an intractable issue.

Edit: We walk a fine line, here at TRF. We exist in a gray area between Fact and Fiction. Every time we enter in to one of these debates we risk ruination on a massive scale. Please, be careful.
Posts: 2558
  • Posted On: Feb 14 2007 10:57pm
Thus why I'm trying to argue Sphere of Influence.

But everyone ignores Zathras, erm, Irtar....
Posts: 4025
  • Posted On: Feb 14 2007 10:58pm
Beff Pike
*watches Park fidget with his vibrator while silently wondering where the slim, silver, phallic Memory Wiper is truely hidden.

My problem here is that both sides of the argument are doing the same thing. You are applying the conventions of canon or reality only where they suit your needs. This is a Fiction and if you try to define parts of it as Non-Fiction then we might as well do away with the hole fucking thing.

This is an intractable issue.

Damn Beff. Way to read my mind.

He's right though. Why the fuck are we trying to determine the realistic economy stock exchange crap for a Fictional STAR WARS RPing board?
Posts: 2558
  • Posted On: Feb 14 2007 10:59pm
Because Demos sucks?
Posts: 5711
  • Posted On: Feb 14 2007 11:00pm
Because we are passionate about what we do.

Drayson, however; much like myself, coulde use to move his focus towards creating some In Character substance as per the days of old. Hey Drayson, wanna fight?
Posts: 4025
  • Posted On: Feb 14 2007 11:06pm
The Irtarded
Because Demos sucks?

I was thinking more along the lines because what the GC does is really too much on the side of fiction for even us to comprehend. I'd rather spend my time writing than trying to comperhend what the hell that R&D means.
Posts: 5711
  • Posted On: Feb 14 2007 11:10pm
The GC puts in the footwork. And granted, because of its elaborate nature can be difficult to understand from the outside.

TNO, however; assumes. The Empire functions on the premise that everyone just knows they have a powerful, booming economy. Granted, TNO certianly references that fact constantly in the In Character posts made by its members, but not so frequently does the Empire do the grunt work to establish these factors.

The issue of "sphere of influence" needs seriously to be adressed because it is an element based entirely in assumption without any substantiation. If influence is spherical, what diameter does it have?
Posts: 67
  • Posted On: Feb 14 2007 11:13pm
The only thing that matches non-fiction here is the science, other than that (Politics, Economic structures, Population behavior) the rest is completely made up as you see fit. Your Empires and Coalitions might get pounded into the dirt and yet your people will always be 100% loyal... When you jump your bound to come back down.

EDIT: A sphere of influence is nothing more than the space around systems you control where your power is considered to be undisputed and your control is easily asserted while not being under direct control of that area. A good example of this is multi-planet systems. A group might put the work in to capture a single planet, while not putting any effort in to the rest of the system. One out of Eight planets is captured, the other Seven can safely be assumed under that groups sphere of influence.