Slight problem. I think Simon and I may be working from a slightly different timetable. I based most of my timetable on Telan's "Empire at War: Cut, Slash, Run," in which he states pretty clearly that the Imperial fleet doesn't arrive at Onyx until five days after the Empire has declared the Commonwealth to be rogue. Most of the events I've written so far have taken place in the last three days of the five day time period, the only exception being my last post, which started with the same message Telan's fleet transmitted at the end of his thread.
The problem comes from Simon's "They were in the second week of the evacuation" statement. I'm still on day one of the two-week "grace period" TNO has given us to evacuate people, and presumably, Corise's ships showed up either on day one, or soon after. Seeing as it took me 12,000 words to cover three days, I'm sure you can see how having an entire week magically disappear could prove problematic for me.
No. 5 Days after annexation. This is 5 days into the 2 week period. The Commonwealth was declared rogue after Bilbringi attack and before Regrad's visit.
Yes. Your thread starts 2 days after Hyfe's proposal, which Regrad transmitted to his House of Reps, and 2 days into the 2 week period.
Your last post puts the bulk of your work between the 2nd and 5th days (so far) into the 2 week period.
umm.. no. Corise's ships cannot show up on day 1 because on day 1 of the evac, the Confederation was still a part of the Coalition. Regrad has to travel from Coruscant to House of Representatives to meet (and presumably to have his decision ratified). They meet and grudgingly agree to the decision Regrad made. The Confederation did not and so had a meeting themselves and opted for the painful decision to break from Coalition (then to reroute time..etc?). With all this drama going on, Smarts is taking charge (it seems) of the evac.
Now Dolash is going from where he is to OZ via Sinsang. Since 5 days have already passed of the 2 week period so with Dolash and Corise's post (coupled with mine), I figured 2 more days was not alot to make mention of.
Not necessarily. The Confederation already has a transport fleet within the Onyxian Commonwealth at Ord Mantell since at least before the day of the Battle of Bilbringi as notedhere. Therefore, there already is a fleet already there.
It is a question of issuing the orders to the fleet. Luckly, there is faster-than-light communications with the holonet, or more commonly, with a series of relay subspace transcievers. As the Supreme Commanding Officer of Confederation forces, Corise can, and did issue the orders to pick up the civilians without having to wait on a decision by the Contegorian Confederation via an executive order.
Corise, it's not the speed the orders were transmitted from Lucern's lips and relayed via hyperspacial holonet to Tobias' ears that really keeps your forces from acting on Day 1. It's the fact that your post indicated your orders were not issued until after the event of the Confederation's breaking took place.
My thread began five days into the grace period. The Onyxian Commonwealth was declared rogue when the Emperor decried it - my arrival was five days into that leaving approximately ten to go (since we're not sure if an SW week is 7 days).
. . . later, in the same post: (relevant segment in larger font and bold print)
Five days, and then—quite separately—an additional two weeks. The first five day period, I would assume, Telan's forces are wandering about the Commonwealth, blowing up freighters and charging through planetary systems (such as Ord Mantell), as evidenced by his previous posts.
Edit: I posted this before I saw Telan's post, but I still stand by what I read in Telan's Empire at War thread. I don't think that retcon exists at TRF; please correct me if I'm wrong.
If I read this correctly the miscommunication arose between Telans' and Simon; with Smarts being caught in the middle having based his work on one while the other, at least at a glance, seems contradictory. Even I can excuse the misunderstanding as, in my reading, I was under the same impression as our dear Smarts.
Okay. Enough. I love Om as much as the next guy, maybe more-so. But even I am getting sick and tired of seeing the "Infallible Om" thrown around, joking or not, as often as it is. Rest assured, while we Vets may understand just fine the annectodal nature of the statement others, particularly newer members, may not understand this and, as a matter of course, will perceive an inequality between TNO and the rest of TRF given that, by and large, TNO is Simon Kaine.
So let's be rational shall we. Omane is still human and prone to being... human. I love you Omane, you're a paragon of TRF - but I beg of you that, much as they jest at my homosexuality...
I believe I grasp the crux of the disagreement. Allow me, if I may, to intervene.
The question is wether the two weeks started the moment the deal was made on Coruscant, or five days later when Telan shows up. If the two weeks start from when Telan says so, that would bring the total number of days from the surrender on Coruscant to the takeover to be 19 days. If, however, the two weeks started the moment Hyfe and Regrad agrees, then the time between the agreement and takeover is 14 days.
Is there any evidence to say the two weeks was declared during the meeting? If so, then it could be understood that Telan meant to imply this in his declaration.
The reason why this is relevant depends on what Telan was doing in those five days between the agreement and Telan's arrival. If he's been blowing up ships in Onyx during those five days, like he was during the brief war, then the first five days of the official evacuation might have been spent being blasted by Imperials or not. That would put waves of evacuees at risk, as well as the Cooperative because they act during this time period.