Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: Oct 8 2004 7:56pm
An Anhk (as opposed to Ahnk) is the Egyptian symbol of life.
Posts: 5387
  • Posted On: Oct 8 2004 8:08pm

That's a picture of Christopher Daniels, who I am using for an avatar/sig. That tattoo on his chest is an Ankh, the Egyptian symbol representiong eternal life. And yes, that is where I came up with the name Ahnk. No, it is not a typo. I wanted to make it close without being exact, so I changed the spelling and pronounciation. If Zark remembers back to our TGC days, I used to have a gigantic sig with Darth Maul and an ankh in it. Something like 600 by 800. Anyway...

No, the thread is not there. It is locked. Last night, Drayson and I continued our discussion of his position on AIM, and were unable to reach an agreement on what he wants and what I feel is realistic.

1) Drayson is saying that he is not going to expose his back, and thus is lining up against the planet. That's fine... he says "Imperial commanders aren't in the business of giving enemies shots at their backs, that would be incompetent". Maybe that's true... but Cree'Ar commanders aren't in the business of setting elaborate traps only to jump directly in front of a fleet with superior numbers. That would be equally, nay, moreso incompetent as at least Drayson would be able to fall back on "It was a trap".

2) Drayson has two full fleets and is trapped under an interdiction field. What if I were to jump to the other side of the planet? Keeping two fleets in the same spot in the middle of that field ensures I can sit for a hour, unmolested, slagging the planet while he tries to break the interidction field so he can microjump around the planet. Or, he could split into two groups and continue to hover around the edge of the Interdiction field. I said earlier in this thread, that even if I jump in Drayson's face, I'm still behind him compared to Kraken. But that can't happen because Drayson has taken what would be a normal defensive positioning, barring the fact that the system is already under interdiction and I could really pop up anywhere.

3) Every post Kraken has made puts him and Drayson in a relative formation, BUT NOT together. Drayson is the only one maintaining that they are exactly side by side, which all things considered, is not terribly logical.

4) Drayson claims to be past the shipyards, well past, but well inside the planet's grav well. I argued based on evidence from the movie and logical comparisons to real life sattelite deployment that this was not realistic, but because I am not Bill Nye the science guy and have a doctor in physics, my arguement was not valid.

I have made these and additional points to Omnae. Although he is a TNO member, when we were talking I got the impression that what I was saying to him made sense. I respect Omnae as an individual and a staff member and I trust him to make an unbiased decision, or to try and mediate a compromise. While the issue is pending, no one, myself, Jan, or TNO, will exploit the 72 hour rule, as the thread was locked at my request. If Grevious, you wish to make a post, I'd ask you to write it up and save it to your hard drive for now. I will unlock the thread at the completion of Omane's consideration and apologize to everyone for the inconvenience.
Posts: 1772
  • Posted On: Oct 8 2004 11:56pm
That's okay. I have other posts to write, so you can resolve it without any pressure from me. I'll just get around to it when the issue is over with.
Posts: 2011
  • Posted On: Oct 9 2004 9:36pm
Heh, obsessed with wrestling.
Posts: 4195
  • Posted On: Oct 10 2004 8:00pm
I will be looking over the rp and seeing from there what positions I perceive your fleets.