Posts: 4025
  • Posted On: Oct 7 2004 12:38am
Ok Ok, probably longer than what I stated, but I did get the edit up now.
Posts: 4025
  • Posted On: Oct 7 2004 12:39am
Here is a list of cloaked ships:
30 Shroud Cruisers
75 TIE Phantoms

But they aren't moving to engage your fleet.
Posts: 2462
  • Posted On: Oct 7 2004 2:27am
Ahnk, you're aware the greater Imperail Fleet is all in one place...
Posts: 5387
  • Posted On: Oct 7 2004 4:21am
Your edit is completely incorrect. I am not jumping between Drayson's fleet and yours, that would be completely retarded. I am jumping behind Drayson's fleet, putting his ships between yours and mine. That's what I meant by behind. I am saying in my posts that I jumped behind Drayson's fleet while he was still turning, because (and correct me if I'm wrong) he spent the last minutes of his post turning. So, effective my post, he is still turning. If he wants to finish turning on his next post, so be it. If he wants to fight me on his post, so be it. I'll leave it to his discretion. The point is that our fleet has excepted him to know that a fleet is incoming, and knowing the positions of your vessels, has put the hole so as to cut off any shot your main fleet, and the NGC, would have.

Isstal: I had assumed so... although I figured you would have Kaine's fleet and Kraken's fleet slightly different distances from your fleet. But in the end, it's not really important, just as long as it is recognized that the pre-disposition of this attack is to eliminate any shot from the main fleet.

A note: The ships jumped in system. I did nothing else on my turn, though if you wanted to say they opened weapons fire, then that would be logical. No fighters have launched yet. Just for reference.
Posts: 2462
  • Posted On: Oct 7 2004 6:15am
I don't think you CAN jump behind my fleet, that's the problem. The Imperial fleet is formed into one group (with the exception of reinforcements), and unless I'm mistaken they are INSIDE the planetary gravity well.

Meaning your ships have to be able to counteract real gravity shadows in order to get behind us... Unless your jumping in from a relative 90 degree angle and trying to slide into that spot (putting you quite out of firing range)?
Posts: 5387
  • Posted On: Oct 7 2004 6:24am
I don't think that's true... farbeit for me to tell you where your fleet is, but you jumped in a position to stop the faux-GC attack... so jumping into the same spot as the rest of the fleet would be useless.

As well, both Kraken's estimate, and your "Pull us in line" comment imply that you are very much disperate from his fleet.

As to the issue of if I can jump behind your fleet because of the planets grav well... you yourself said you had a jump window, which you wouldn't have if you were inside the planets grav shadow. Thus...

Remember, you guessed correctly: That hole is where my fleet is coming from. I assume that you moved, but you didn't really have time to co-ordinate the fleet before you did so, and even if they are in motion, they don't have time to get a shot on me, at least in round one.
Posts: 4025
  • Posted On: Oct 7 2004 12:32pm
^= Drayson's Fleet = Facing forward, away from planet, torwards outer space.
X = Drayson's Fleet
0 = Location = Behind Drayson's Fleet
X = Kraken's Fleet

Therefore, my post is correct.
Posts: 2462
  • Posted On: Oct 7 2004 4:56pm
No. My fleet entered the system and moved into orbit - that's my first post. Orbit implies you are within the planetary gravity well. In my second post, I moved my fleet to formation with Kraken. That was well before your ships arrived, Ahnk, so we're now in proper formation.

Then, upon discovering the opening, the Valhalla began to turn. It was cancelled almost immediatly, returning to her original position in formation with Kraken's ships. The fact that she had to turn to exploit the opening implies she is inside the planetary gravity wells - outside, she could have jumped forward and turned in hyperspace. Inside, she would have to turn and crosss the distance at sublight speeds before jumping.
Posts: 4025
  • Posted On: Oct 7 2004 10:18pm
Ok, I am going to wait until this issue is resolved and understood before I edit my post.
Posts: 5387
  • Posted On: Oct 7 2004 10:49pm
*Typed this up a few hours ago but my internet exploded, so...

No, Kraken. Drayson's own admission is that he had a hole to jump through. A hole he had to turn around to take advantage of. What good would be a hole he could jump through behind him... if you're behind him? He'd jump, and then fall into the same interdiction that is capturing you. That doesn't make any logical sense.

Again, Drayson, your post implies that you have an exit... not that there is a hole so you can get closer to Kraken's fleet, and not a hole that you will have to maneuver around. Orbit... is a loose term, and there is no definitive distance from a planet that constitutes an orbit. But for the benefit of the doubt and since you did say you were entering orbit, then I'll put myself in firing range next turn, but that would put you out of firing range as well, and if Kraken's diagram has a shred of truth, then not only are you out of firing range, but he is both way out of firing range, and still blocked a shot.

If Drayson and Kraken have formed a line... which you did indicate in your posts... line is a very interperatable word. If you are facing the same direction, then Drayson would have turned to face my ships entering system. Fine. But there is no possible way that my commanders would be so mentally incompetent so as to jump past their target and directly into firing cone of other hostile vessels. Maybe yours, but they're likely too busy putting aloe on their anuses to make such a stupid decision. Behind, is another one of those relative terms. Whether I am front of Drayson's fleet, or behind Drayson's fleet, it's behind Drayson's fleet from your point of view. Never would I jump between Drayson's fleet and yours, as it makes negative tactical sense, and would mean I would have to turn to engage Drayson, my objective, while you took potshots unimpeded. It doesn't make any sense, and in addition, is completely physically impossible.