In the old days we could have 50 capital ships per planet. In the old days abolishers were allowed. In the old days chadd wasn't banned. In the old days, there was a New Republic.
Face it, things have changed. While we might not like the changes, it is still legal.
You said in a protective, hemisphere, so I thought they would be at the "equator".
Im saying is, the losses are unrealistic for a minutes worth of fight. Any unit with a brain would seek cover or retun fire, or do something to defend ones self. As such I also stated the Ghosts FBCs vapourized a coupld of trenches accross the surface before it landed....
So? That means nothing. You said your guys were running, not "run, hide ina trench, run, hide in a trench". And yes, if three thousand blasters fire at once, lots and lots of people will die. And blasters can fire dozens of times in one minute - especially repeating blasters which can fire over a hundred times a minute.
Jan, if you need someone to draw you a circle and illustrate how two opposit facing hemispheres of 185 degress makes more than a full coverage, please go find them.
As well, please do tell me how your able to be doing all these things to my ships, unable to use your ships sensors? Targeting them for missles or anything would incredably difficult, since your runing your ships from eyesight.
1. Gue, you can't say that there will be no reinforcements. 2. Jan, you will have to explain exactly who these reinforcements are, and where they are coming from.
Is this in the R&D doc or something?
Jan, you may or may not be doing this on purpose, but the repeated "Oh, by the way" and "Oh, don't forget" crap is really getting annoying. It makes you sound like you're being condescending to a small child. Try posting without adding it, ok? Thanks.
Sure thing Kas. I did mention Farquak receiving the message and that the reinforcements were coming from Farquak, which isn't very far from Endor(just the other side of the Ssi-Ruuvi Star Cluster.
Just as ORS got burned for the not mentioning that they have a auxiliary bridge on the BoP, and TNO got burned for not saying any of their weapons on the Venerator could fire backwards(Mechis) BDE is getting burned for not saying their stuff could fire down. And no I wouldn't complaing if someone burned me on that, because on most of my R&Ds I have mentioned being able to fire left, right, front and back, sayign which guns can do what. But of course I didn't mention they could fire down or up, so you could burn me there, IF I were bringing in R&Ds, which I'm not.
Also, I was using the assumption that if you don't say your ships angled down, they didn't.
If im defending a curved portion of a planets shield, since a shield isnt projected as a square, my ships would be assumed to be at an angle already, unless your an idiot. Its not that much of an assumption that when I say my Reapers are covering the ENTIRE formation that they would be in whatever position needed to be to cover the entire formation. As well as the fact my reapers can fire in 185 degree angles, and you do not dictate to me where my ships can and cannot fire. They are my writtings and not yours. Go dictate to Gash how his Rp's go and see how well a recption you get there.