Hey Joren, before you talk to Dolash like that maybe you should shut the fuck up and then never come on this fucking board again.
Oh wait, Therens a fucking hypocrate, shove the dildo back up your ass and cough
Shut up Theren and go bother someone else.
Hahaha it's funny because even though I'm a drug addict, more people listen to me than will listen to you because you are an arrogant piece of shit that no one on this board likes. So instead of bothering to reply to this, why don't you just go fuck yourself and see if anyone gives a shit, you braindead redneck prick.
And to you Griff, shut the fuck up. You're even worse than Gue because you don't even have the small measure of faggoty internet notoriety that he's built up by being a complete retard and fuckup and getting kicked off of boards. You're just another self-righteous toddler and nobody could care less about your fucking bullshit. Crawl into a fucking hole and read your Bible.
Oh really?
No one likes me, you say? So now you speak for every single person on this board?
Really smart, Theren. Have fun with your drugs.
No one likes me, you say? So now you speak for every single person on this board?
Really smart, Theren. Have fun with your drugs.
Way to go Griff, you just carefully analyzed the words of a druggie, you sure are the fucking winner here.
Ok. Enough . Seriously this isn't helping matters, if you want to shout and scream at each other do it over AIM.
Relax, take a walk , use a stressball, listen to Elvis.
Relax, take a walk , use a stressball, listen to Elvis.
Dolash: Talk to me on AIM.
Keeping in mind that before Griff ate his words he described your actions as "stupid shit".