OOC: Gonna have to rethink that one....I brought my own shields down and went into cloak right after dumping your Home One into the side of your ESSD. *Grins*
Revenge...(MCR takeover of Ylesia)
OOC: Whoo boy is this an interesting little situation. My utmost apologies for my absence/dissapearance, the school network finally did it and nearly killed my computer. Came back from class one day to a "Operating system not found" message. I promise I will post today, timing from when I was last here, and the lengthy post I had to make then, which I hopefully was able to salvage from the muck somewhere. Otherwise, at least it's saved up here. *taps head* Apologies once again.
oh ill just edit that post a bit then
OOC: As I said, this post follows back to the last time I posted, about three of your posts back I believe. I know it's going to cause a lot of arguement, I'm correcting several misconceptions with this post, but I'm tired of arguement. It's time for all of us to grow up and take it like big boys.
Ohh, something I forgot. The Deathravens are not an R&D, they are a canon ship designed and built by a former Rebel pilot, and the NPC leading them, Erron Kell. Essentially they are two B-wings stuck together, with a slightly larger cockpit. The power generators from both of it's parent ships allows it to both respectable weapons and shielding without loss to it's admirable speed. Likewise, the maneuvering jets on the trailing edges of all of the S-foils allows a Deathraven better maneuverability than it's parent ships, though larger.
IC: The first reaction from the Mon Calamari to the newly arrived ships was the only one with the full effect they had hoped. The "Carnage" went up in flames, exploding into nothingness, it's crew dying valiantly. They would be remembered.
The Eclipse's charge on the otherhand was almost comical to the fighter pilots it attacked. Erron Kell laughed out loud as Deathraven and TIE Defender alike easily avoided the anti-capital ship weaponry arrayed against them. It was absurd that they would intentionally fight the tiny ships with large-scale weapons, rather than the much more effective anti-starfighter weapons the ship boasted. Occassionally a Mon Cal gunner would get lucky and score a hit, but at least in the case of the Deathravens, more than one of them was able to survive a turbolaser hit, and continue on.
The other two tactics used against the Phantom fighters held only marginally more success. Having years of practice in tactics as well as complete trust in thier fellows, each pilot took full advantage of the situation, knowing that his back would be covered if he was in danger. Projectiles aimed at the fighters were destroyed either by skillful stickwork by the targetted ships pilot, or a save from one of his wingmen. The tractor beam ramming attempts from the Mon Calamari TIEs found success a few times amongst the newer pilots, but the veterans quickly fought back, vaping the ships that were slowed while tractoring others. Likewise the 418s, with thier deadly quad-laser cannons, picked off any ship that tried the maneuvers.
One such Interceptor-418 found itself closing with the Ranger Gunship that was being rammed by the mighty Eclipse Star Destroyer. Thankfully, like all competant commanders, it's captain knew well enough to keep plenty of space between it and any other ships so that no maneuver would leave him incapable of maneuvering away. This one was close though, most of the ships crew was completely concentrating on thier tasks in the battle. It took an especially perceptive sensor operator to notice in advance the tactic the Mon Calamari commander was attempting. Not many people remembered that the bow of an ESD was designed to ram ships, that the bow ridge beneath the superlaser was strengthened to withstand impact with other ships.
"All ahead flank speed, target tractor beams to slingshot us forward," the captain cried out.
His men sprang to action, fighting for thier lives. The tractor beams grabbed thier trapped comrades ship, from which escape pods were shooting out in all directions. The 418 gained extra speed, shooting forward and narrowly missing the Gunship. Now past the ship, the tractor beams now grabbed up as many of the escape pods as they could, while swiftly moving away from the massive enemy ship. In the distance beyond it, the unpowered hulk of the "Unity" began moving towards the "Molniya".
The "Pandora's Box" and "Elrond's Majesty", along with four Defender-class Star Destroyers continued to tear away at the bow shielding of the "Pegasus", which now was running off it's secondary generators. The Phantom flagship fired a third Mark IV shot into the Viscount Star Defender, and finally they took effect, as power couplings, circuit boards, and anything else running a lot of power through it, including the reactors themselves, began exploding. Klaxons wailed aboard the Mon Cal ship, while sensors aboard the Phantom and TJE vessels showed massive energy spikes followed by the power output nearly dropping off completely. Shields dropped and explosions ran the length of the ship as turbolaser, ion cannon, missile, and torpedo fire dug deep scars into the rapidly degenerating command ship of the Mon Cal fleet.
With that sensor data, the TJE SSD retargeted thier weapons fire, now turning the second half of the ships arsenal against the ever closing ESD. Now the full fury of three Super Star Destroyers faced the Eclipse, which when totaled more than equaled the ship in length, weapons, and shields. Plus they had the advantage of causeing the ESD to divide it's firepower amongst them, while they could chew away at it's shields with combined fire.
Meanwhile, as the "Pegasus" quickly lost power, the Phantom flagship also retargeted on it's new attackers, with it's escorts doing the same thing. It was a slugfest, hordes of Mon Cal ships fighting the similar numbers of Phantom and TJE ships. Meanwhile the Firesprays that had been seen earlier reappeared from the "Pandora's Box" hangers, along with others, numbering a total of 42 freighters, that began flying away, towards the massive enemy ship.
Since landing from thier previous duties, flight crews had been frantically refitting the Firesprays, and filling thier cargo bays with a special cargo. The launched, activated thier sensor masks, and headed directly for the "Molinya". These ships were flown by remote, similar to how the TIE Devils of the New Order operated, thier pilots safe aboard the Galactic-class Star Destroyer. Thier sensor masks protected them for some time, keeping them off the sensor screens of the ESD. As they closed the powerful insturments burned through the freighters systems, and several guns opened up, exactly as planned.
The first turbolasers slammed into the lead ship, tearing into it's hull and activating the newly installed systems, and setting of the precious cargo aboard. The instant the internal ships sensors registered the vacuum of space, forty metric tons of concussion missiles in thier special launchers tore through the hull, and targeted the last thing thier home ships had on thier systems, the already battle weakened bow of the Eclipse-class Super Star Destroyer. Over 5000 assault concussion missiles blew away the ESDs shields in a massive flash, and slammed into the bow all over, tearing massive rends in the hull. The superlaser tip was left a crater while sparks lept from blown shield emmitters across the ship.
At the same time, the six Phantom Vibre Cruisers reappeared in the battle. They had dissapeared early on, relying on thier cloaking devices combined with thier sensor masks to protect them while they waited for thier opportunity to do thier job.
They appeared in close to the hull of the "Molinya", opening up on any weapons operating near thier location with thier turrented weapons. The six of them were each located at important points, and the cutting torches began slicing into the hull that the small ships were huddled against. The boarding holes were cut quickly, and the Phantom assault teams entered the Mon Calamari ship.
Normally a Phantom squad held a number of Defels and Nogori, famed for thier stealth. Boarding teams however were heavy with Gand and Givin, both species capable of surviving in non-atmospheric situations with little or no assistance. In the command tower, the 40 troops were led by a Gand, Jaegar Sonstaa. Jaegar was one of several of the Kaalif's offspring, but oddly the only one to choose work amongst the Phantoms. Like his father, he refused any special treatment amongst the men, exactly the reason he was boarding the enemy ship now, rather than commanding a ship in battle.
The Gand wiped condensation from his exoskeleton and fired at the troops that were already attacking the invaders as they began entering areas that still held atmosphere. Behind cover for a moment, he showed a bit of his father's trademark combat banter, "Stupid Mon Cals, always keep enough moisture in the air to swim through the ship. Somebody find an access panel and cut atmostpheric controls. Let's see them fight while they gasp for breath." Obviously the younger Sunstar held a bit of his father's temper as well.
As boarding commenced and the troops thrust into the massive ship to thier strategic targets, outside the battle continued. The Torpedo Spheres entered battle, firing first on the 418s and fighters. The downlinked firing systems fired fine against the Phantom capital ships, but they were uncapable of firing at things the size of fighters. Those torpedos launched and without proper targets, went wild. Some went the way they were intended, to either strike thier marks or be shot down by the Phantoms. Others flew out into space, or worse yet, into friendly ships. Such was the result of using weapons systems one didn't understand.
The 418s were forced to go on the defensive as fifty torpedoes each rained in on them. Combined arms along with the protection of thier combat-air-patrols took down many of the projectiles, but the Mon Cals still struck hits, damaging the shields and occassionally scoring hull hits on the swiftly moving ships.
Phantom Leader was firing off order after order from the bridge of his flagship when massive flashes of light darkened the phototropic shielding of the ship. "Sithspit, what in the heck was that," he called out, blinking from tha light that had gotten in before the transparasteel darkened.
"Sir, sensors show massive exsplosions from the Torpedo Spheres, and chaos in general from those flashes," the human officer stammered for a second. "Umm sir, the Mon Cal Torpedo Spheres are gone, we only find wreckage there now."
Sure enough, as the transparisteel cleared again, two fields of wreckage filled the areas where the massive stations had once been. They had seemingly exploded without reason, at least one capable of being told from the "Pandora's Box". Perhaps after the battle they would find out what happened, but until then Jander simply thanked Ara. While not a great weapon of war, Torpedo Speheres were still fearsome under proper command. The battle would continue despite the current confusion.
OOC: This is the information on the Torpedo Sphere from the Official SW RPG's "Starships of the Galaxy" sourcebook...
"The Torpedo Sphere was a specialty siege vessel designed by the emprer to penetrat defense shields. No more than 6 were in service at one time cause the cost too much to upkeep pg 109
The primary armament of a torpedo sphere is a massive collectoin of 500 proton torpedo tubes arranged in a single cluster and designed to fire together. Because a station the size of a torpedo shpere cannot fir-link systems, this collection of torpedo tubes must be carefully coordinated by over a hundred technicicans, a process that can take hours.
Because of this the tubes cannot be fired together at anything more mobile than a planet."
Sorry there, but your tactic won't work. It does go on to say that a maximum of 50 tubes can be fired at a smaller target after serious work to recoordinate them. However, by no means are those tubes multi-purpose, they fire Proton Torpedoes only. There's a reason there were only six built, they're worthless if engaged in space warfare. Except as targets.
Since I'm sure you'll argue, I consulted with a couple of other people regarding an attempt to fire concussion missiles in proton torpedo tubes. Massive explosions was the only thing we could think of. You see, concussion missiles are much larger than proton torpedoes because the bulk of a fired torpedo is made up of energy, as you see in ANH, rather than a conc missile, as seen in AotC. Sorry, but we do have to be realistic, that goes the same for the rest of my reactions.
Synopsis: ESD - Shields down, troops aboard, superlaser destroyed
Pegasus - Pretty much dead in the water. Electronics of all sorts blown, including reactors. Severe damage from six different ships, mainly confined to the front half of the ship or so.
Torpedo Spheres - Gone. They don't fire concussion missiles, they're weapons complement is 500 Proton torpedo tubes and 10 heavy turbolasers, all in the front arc. Any attempt to fire concussion missiles would result in disaster, hence what happened.
Sorry to seem like an @$$, but it's about time we saw the effects of this entire thread start occuring.
Ohh, something I forgot. The Deathravens are not an R&D, they are a canon ship designed and built by a former Rebel pilot, and the NPC leading them, Erron Kell. Essentially they are two B-wings stuck together, with a slightly larger cockpit. The power generators from both of it's parent ships allows it to both respectable weapons and shielding without loss to it's admirable speed. Likewise, the maneuvering jets on the trailing edges of all of the S-foils allows a Deathraven better maneuverability than it's parent ships, though larger.
IC: The first reaction from the Mon Calamari to the newly arrived ships was the only one with the full effect they had hoped. The "Carnage" went up in flames, exploding into nothingness, it's crew dying valiantly. They would be remembered.
The Eclipse's charge on the otherhand was almost comical to the fighter pilots it attacked. Erron Kell laughed out loud as Deathraven and TIE Defender alike easily avoided the anti-capital ship weaponry arrayed against them. It was absurd that they would intentionally fight the tiny ships with large-scale weapons, rather than the much more effective anti-starfighter weapons the ship boasted. Occassionally a Mon Cal gunner would get lucky and score a hit, but at least in the case of the Deathravens, more than one of them was able to survive a turbolaser hit, and continue on.
The other two tactics used against the Phantom fighters held only marginally more success. Having years of practice in tactics as well as complete trust in thier fellows, each pilot took full advantage of the situation, knowing that his back would be covered if he was in danger. Projectiles aimed at the fighters were destroyed either by skillful stickwork by the targetted ships pilot, or a save from one of his wingmen. The tractor beam ramming attempts from the Mon Calamari TIEs found success a few times amongst the newer pilots, but the veterans quickly fought back, vaping the ships that were slowed while tractoring others. Likewise the 418s, with thier deadly quad-laser cannons, picked off any ship that tried the maneuvers.
One such Interceptor-418 found itself closing with the Ranger Gunship that was being rammed by the mighty Eclipse Star Destroyer. Thankfully, like all competant commanders, it's captain knew well enough to keep plenty of space between it and any other ships so that no maneuver would leave him incapable of maneuvering away. This one was close though, most of the ships crew was completely concentrating on thier tasks in the battle. It took an especially perceptive sensor operator to notice in advance the tactic the Mon Calamari commander was attempting. Not many people remembered that the bow of an ESD was designed to ram ships, that the bow ridge beneath the superlaser was strengthened to withstand impact with other ships.
"All ahead flank speed, target tractor beams to slingshot us forward," the captain cried out.
His men sprang to action, fighting for thier lives. The tractor beams grabbed thier trapped comrades ship, from which escape pods were shooting out in all directions. The 418 gained extra speed, shooting forward and narrowly missing the Gunship. Now past the ship, the tractor beams now grabbed up as many of the escape pods as they could, while swiftly moving away from the massive enemy ship. In the distance beyond it, the unpowered hulk of the "Unity" began moving towards the "Molniya".
The "Pandora's Box" and "Elrond's Majesty", along with four Defender-class Star Destroyers continued to tear away at the bow shielding of the "Pegasus", which now was running off it's secondary generators. The Phantom flagship fired a third Mark IV shot into the Viscount Star Defender, and finally they took effect, as power couplings, circuit boards, and anything else running a lot of power through it, including the reactors themselves, began exploding. Klaxons wailed aboard the Mon Cal ship, while sensors aboard the Phantom and TJE vessels showed massive energy spikes followed by the power output nearly dropping off completely. Shields dropped and explosions ran the length of the ship as turbolaser, ion cannon, missile, and torpedo fire dug deep scars into the rapidly degenerating command ship of the Mon Cal fleet.
With that sensor data, the TJE SSD retargeted thier weapons fire, now turning the second half of the ships arsenal against the ever closing ESD. Now the full fury of three Super Star Destroyers faced the Eclipse, which when totaled more than equaled the ship in length, weapons, and shields. Plus they had the advantage of causeing the ESD to divide it's firepower amongst them, while they could chew away at it's shields with combined fire.
Meanwhile, as the "Pegasus" quickly lost power, the Phantom flagship also retargeted on it's new attackers, with it's escorts doing the same thing. It was a slugfest, hordes of Mon Cal ships fighting the similar numbers of Phantom and TJE ships. Meanwhile the Firesprays that had been seen earlier reappeared from the "Pandora's Box" hangers, along with others, numbering a total of 42 freighters, that began flying away, towards the massive enemy ship.
Since landing from thier previous duties, flight crews had been frantically refitting the Firesprays, and filling thier cargo bays with a special cargo. The launched, activated thier sensor masks, and headed directly for the "Molinya". These ships were flown by remote, similar to how the TIE Devils of the New Order operated, thier pilots safe aboard the Galactic-class Star Destroyer. Thier sensor masks protected them for some time, keeping them off the sensor screens of the ESD. As they closed the powerful insturments burned through the freighters systems, and several guns opened up, exactly as planned.
The first turbolasers slammed into the lead ship, tearing into it's hull and activating the newly installed systems, and setting of the precious cargo aboard. The instant the internal ships sensors registered the vacuum of space, forty metric tons of concussion missiles in thier special launchers tore through the hull, and targeted the last thing thier home ships had on thier systems, the already battle weakened bow of the Eclipse-class Super Star Destroyer. Over 5000 assault concussion missiles blew away the ESDs shields in a massive flash, and slammed into the bow all over, tearing massive rends in the hull. The superlaser tip was left a crater while sparks lept from blown shield emmitters across the ship.
At the same time, the six Phantom Vibre Cruisers reappeared in the battle. They had dissapeared early on, relying on thier cloaking devices combined with thier sensor masks to protect them while they waited for thier opportunity to do thier job.
They appeared in close to the hull of the "Molinya", opening up on any weapons operating near thier location with thier turrented weapons. The six of them were each located at important points, and the cutting torches began slicing into the hull that the small ships were huddled against. The boarding holes were cut quickly, and the Phantom assault teams entered the Mon Calamari ship.
Normally a Phantom squad held a number of Defels and Nogori, famed for thier stealth. Boarding teams however were heavy with Gand and Givin, both species capable of surviving in non-atmospheric situations with little or no assistance. In the command tower, the 40 troops were led by a Gand, Jaegar Sonstaa. Jaegar was one of several of the Kaalif's offspring, but oddly the only one to choose work amongst the Phantoms. Like his father, he refused any special treatment amongst the men, exactly the reason he was boarding the enemy ship now, rather than commanding a ship in battle.
The Gand wiped condensation from his exoskeleton and fired at the troops that were already attacking the invaders as they began entering areas that still held atmosphere. Behind cover for a moment, he showed a bit of his father's trademark combat banter, "Stupid Mon Cals, always keep enough moisture in the air to swim through the ship. Somebody find an access panel and cut atmostpheric controls. Let's see them fight while they gasp for breath." Obviously the younger Sunstar held a bit of his father's temper as well.
As boarding commenced and the troops thrust into the massive ship to thier strategic targets, outside the battle continued. The Torpedo Spheres entered battle, firing first on the 418s and fighters. The downlinked firing systems fired fine against the Phantom capital ships, but they were uncapable of firing at things the size of fighters. Those torpedos launched and without proper targets, went wild. Some went the way they were intended, to either strike thier marks or be shot down by the Phantoms. Others flew out into space, or worse yet, into friendly ships. Such was the result of using weapons systems one didn't understand.
The 418s were forced to go on the defensive as fifty torpedoes each rained in on them. Combined arms along with the protection of thier combat-air-patrols took down many of the projectiles, but the Mon Cals still struck hits, damaging the shields and occassionally scoring hull hits on the swiftly moving ships.
Phantom Leader was firing off order after order from the bridge of his flagship when massive flashes of light darkened the phototropic shielding of the ship. "Sithspit, what in the heck was that," he called out, blinking from tha light that had gotten in before the transparasteel darkened.
"Sir, sensors show massive exsplosions from the Torpedo Spheres, and chaos in general from those flashes," the human officer stammered for a second. "Umm sir, the Mon Cal Torpedo Spheres are gone, we only find wreckage there now."
Sure enough, as the transparisteel cleared again, two fields of wreckage filled the areas where the massive stations had once been. They had seemingly exploded without reason, at least one capable of being told from the "Pandora's Box". Perhaps after the battle they would find out what happened, but until then Jander simply thanked Ara. While not a great weapon of war, Torpedo Speheres were still fearsome under proper command. The battle would continue despite the current confusion.
OOC: This is the information on the Torpedo Sphere from the Official SW RPG's "Starships of the Galaxy" sourcebook...
"The Torpedo Sphere was a specialty siege vessel designed by the emprer to penetrat defense shields. No more than 6 were in service at one time cause the cost too much to upkeep pg 109
The primary armament of a torpedo sphere is a massive collectoin of 500 proton torpedo tubes arranged in a single cluster and designed to fire together. Because a station the size of a torpedo shpere cannot fir-link systems, this collection of torpedo tubes must be carefully coordinated by over a hundred technicicans, a process that can take hours.
Because of this the tubes cannot be fired together at anything more mobile than a planet."
Sorry there, but your tactic won't work. It does go on to say that a maximum of 50 tubes can be fired at a smaller target after serious work to recoordinate them. However, by no means are those tubes multi-purpose, they fire Proton Torpedoes only. There's a reason there were only six built, they're worthless if engaged in space warfare. Except as targets.
Since I'm sure you'll argue, I consulted with a couple of other people regarding an attempt to fire concussion missiles in proton torpedo tubes. Massive explosions was the only thing we could think of. You see, concussion missiles are much larger than proton torpedoes because the bulk of a fired torpedo is made up of energy, as you see in ANH, rather than a conc missile, as seen in AotC. Sorry, but we do have to be realistic, that goes the same for the rest of my reactions.
Synopsis: ESD - Shields down, troops aboard, superlaser destroyed
Pegasus - Pretty much dead in the water. Electronics of all sorts blown, including reactors. Severe damage from six different ships, mainly confined to the front half of the ship or so.
Torpedo Spheres - Gone. They don't fire concussion missiles, they're weapons complement is 500 Proton torpedo tubes and 10 heavy turbolasers, all in the front arc. Any attempt to fire concussion missiles would result in disaster, hence what happened.
Sorry to seem like an @$$, but it's about time we saw the effects of this entire thread start occuring.
OOC:I would have to complain. You have to use the damage that has already happened. I know that you were away because of situations beyond your control, but Saither was posting for the combined TJE and Phantom forces. So you can't go back in time and post destoying a superlaser that has already fired since then. As far as the Torpedo Spheres and Pegasus are concerned, I will leave that to Elian. And the ESD would have fired it's laser cannons as well, like all 550 heavy laser cannons. You would have lost a bunch of your fighters, and when your fighters are busy, they wouldn't really notice a huge ship bearing down on them. And please post your new thread about Bimmisaari.
OOC: No, Siather was not posting for both TJE and Phantom forces, in fact the only ship he actually used during the period I was gone was the "Sadistic Mist". In addition, I only reacted to what would have happened had my men been in that situation. Several times in this engagement it's been assumed that my crew are inept enough to either be close enough to easily be knocked into other ships, or to completely ignore a simple tactic of tractor beaming and ramming fighters into one another. If you notice I said that worked with some of the less experienced ones. All I did in my responses were to look at exactly what Elian posted(using a second window) and react accordingly. With the exception of a tactic or two I even discarded my original responses(from the first of his posts before I was drawn away) and reacted on the fly. He specifically stated turbolasers, not laser cannons. Nothing I can do about that. It's an error he made, and I took advantage of it. He's welcome to try the same with me.
I'm sorry, but I will not suffer casualties from the assumption that my forces are inept and inexperienced. They are not, the Phantoms are a force dating back to Yavin and it's original three members working for the Rebellion. It's leader, my character, has had more than eighty years of experience, all but a few chunks RP'd out.
So like I said, I'm sorry, but this whole, "I blast a ship and it hits another" is bull. I know I'm streching pretty far with my post, but I had two to make up(which you cannot deny me) and I was correcting misconceptions, either in crew intelligence or technical capabilities.
But I'd really rather follow my own advice, give up the bickering and just roleplay. I'm more than willing to do it if you guys would just keep it an even keel, rather than assuming dominance either in forces or trained crew. Cause the fact is we're pretty evenly matched in the end.
I'm sorry, but I will not suffer casualties from the assumption that my forces are inept and inexperienced. They are not, the Phantoms are a force dating back to Yavin and it's original three members working for the Rebellion. It's leader, my character, has had more than eighty years of experience, all but a few chunks RP'd out.
So like I said, I'm sorry, but this whole, "I blast a ship and it hits another" is bull. I know I'm streching pretty far with my post, but I had two to make up(which you cannot deny me) and I was correcting misconceptions, either in crew intelligence or technical capabilities.
But I'd really rather follow my own advice, give up the bickering and just roleplay. I'm more than willing to do it if you guys would just keep it an even keel, rather than assuming dominance either in forces or trained crew. Cause the fact is we're pretty evenly matched in the end.
ooc:<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> The "Pandora's Box" and "Elrond's Majesty", along with four Defender-class Star Destroyers continued to tear away at the bow shielding of the "Pegasus", which now was running off it's secondary generators. The Phantom flagship fired a third Mark IV shot into the Viscount Star Defender, and finally they took effect, as power couplings, circuit boards, and anything else running a lot of power through it, including the reactors themselves, began exploding. Klaxons wailed aboard the Mon Cal ship, while sensors aboard the Phantom and TJE vessels showed massive energy spikes followed by the power output nearly dropping off completely. Shields dropped and explosions ran the length of the ship as turbolaser, ion cannon, missile, and torpedo fire dug deep scars into the rapidly degenerating command ship of the Mon Cal fleet<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
I dunno if you noticed but every ship there is out gunned by at least 2x by ships with specific orders to attack it. And you're saying they still live and they destroyed a ship which is better than a friggin SSD? uh NO!
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> With that sensor data, the TJE SSD retargeted thier weapons fire, now turning the second half of the ships arsenal against the ever closing ESD. Now the full fury of three Super Star Destroyers faced the Eclipse, which when totaled more than equaled the ship in length, weapons, and shields. Plus they had the advantage of causeing the ESD to divide it's firepower amongst them, while they could chew away at it's shields with combined fire.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
Where the hell did you get 3 SSD's from?
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> At the same time, the six Phantom Vibre Cruisers reappeared in the battle. They had dissapeared early on, relying on thier cloaking devices combined with thier sensor masks to protect them while they waited for thier opportunity to do thier job.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
I'm sorry but after reading your manifest I have one thing to say. <!--EZCODE BOLD START--> WHERE THE @#%$ DID YOU GET A @#%$ VIBRE FROM?<!--EZCODE BOLD END-->
thank you and remember have a nice day
I dunno if you noticed but every ship there is out gunned by at least 2x by ships with specific orders to attack it. And you're saying they still live and they destroyed a ship which is better than a friggin SSD? uh NO!
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> With that sensor data, the TJE SSD retargeted thier weapons fire, now turning the second half of the ships arsenal against the ever closing ESD. Now the full fury of three Super Star Destroyers faced the Eclipse, which when totaled more than equaled the ship in length, weapons, and shields. Plus they had the advantage of causeing the ESD to divide it's firepower amongst them, while they could chew away at it's shields with combined fire.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
Where the hell did you get 3 SSD's from?
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> At the same time, the six Phantom Vibre Cruisers reappeared in the battle. They had dissapeared early on, relying on thier cloaking devices combined with thier sensor masks to protect them while they waited for thier opportunity to do thier job.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
I'm sorry but after reading your manifest I have one thing to say. <!--EZCODE BOLD START--> WHERE THE @#%$ DID YOU GET A @#%$ VIBRE FROM?<!--EZCODE BOLD END-->
thank you and remember have a nice day
OOC: This is the last time I'm going to respond to OOC comments in this thread. I don't have time with what limited net time I can beat out of my computer to deal with this crap. If you really feel it neccesary to argue something, IM me, I know both you and Jesmin have my contacts. So here goes.
A) No offense, but you obviously don't know the capabilities of the ships arrayed against you. You really couldn't, because I don't use the standard loadout on the ships. Pretty much every ship I use is modified, usually at least including an increase or upgrade in weapons and addition of backup shields. I hadn't mentioned it yet because it's not something you would know IC. I know such modifications are legal, I remember running across an RJO Marauder Corvette a few months ago with similar modifications, and Gash even posted in that thread.
B) 3 SSDs comes from the fact that that portion of the reply was dated before Siather's cloak and retreat maneuver. So one Modified SSD(TJE's "Elrond's Majesty), As Disruptor-class Super Star Destroyer(the "Sadistic Mist"), and the Alliegience-class Super Star Destroyer(again a TJE ship, I don't remember the name). I really shouldn't have to spell everything out for you. I'm far from incompetant enough to try and pull some BS like making ships appear from nowhere.
C) In regards to the Vibre's, I'd refer you to my original manifest. As I'm looking now I notice I make a mistake in leaving them off, however my total ships does include them(there are only 81 in the list, but the total is 87). My apologies for that. So please either consider them included(they didn't do anything but cloak{a modification} and wait for thier opportunity to strike anyway, or convert those to the various shuttles I did list, similarily modified with cloaking devices. It really doesn't make any difference to me, the shuttles would actually provide more troops, and were my original idea before I remembered my Vibres.
A) No offense, but you obviously don't know the capabilities of the ships arrayed against you. You really couldn't, because I don't use the standard loadout on the ships. Pretty much every ship I use is modified, usually at least including an increase or upgrade in weapons and addition of backup shields. I hadn't mentioned it yet because it's not something you would know IC. I know such modifications are legal, I remember running across an RJO Marauder Corvette a few months ago with similar modifications, and Gash even posted in that thread.
B) 3 SSDs comes from the fact that that portion of the reply was dated before Siather's cloak and retreat maneuver. So one Modified SSD(TJE's "Elrond's Majesty), As Disruptor-class Super Star Destroyer(the "Sadistic Mist"), and the Alliegience-class Super Star Destroyer(again a TJE ship, I don't remember the name). I really shouldn't have to spell everything out for you. I'm far from incompetant enough to try and pull some BS like making ships appear from nowhere.
C) In regards to the Vibre's, I'd refer you to my original manifest. As I'm looking now I notice I make a mistake in leaving them off, however my total ships does include them(there are only 81 in the list, but the total is 87). My apologies for that. So please either consider them included(they didn't do anything but cloak{a modification} and wait for thier opportunity to strike anyway, or convert those to the various shuttles I did list, similarily modified with cloaking devices. It really doesn't make any difference to me, the shuttles would actually provide more troops, and were my original idea before I remembered my Vibres.
ooc:I'll keep them vibres but you're not on board buddy nice try though
ic:An Eclips Star Destroyer is a huge ship carrying hundreds of thousands of men. It requires vasat populations to supply it and that is hard on smaller governments especially ones which have low populated worlds like Kessel. But there are other ways. Shadow Droids. And one unique and know retired MCR Admiral thought that they were the way to go. He ordered many of them most of which 660 to be exact saw service aboard the mighty flagship Molniya. Since the beginning of the battle the Shadow Droids had not been used much at all. However once the Molniya and it's target seperated from the main battle their controllers began slipping them through bit by bit. And that was how the robotic Squadrons B32 and B40 happened to be at the place of battle where the Firesprays aproached. Ordered by their controllers to destroy small threat such as these they split into smaller groups of 5 as well as 1 group of 4. They screamed in on these small ships at 100MGLT a fair bit more then any Firespray could manage. Launching their combined might of 8 Torpedoes and Missiles each they zoomed in on the unprotected Firesprays destroying their shields and their hull. They were the last things the Firespray's sensors saw. And the Firesprays were the last thing the controllers saw before their screen went blank. The huge missile payload of the Firesprays zoomed in on these 2 small insignificant squadrons. Destroying them. And from that explosion grew another explosion. It appeared that there had been some cloaked shuttles in the area. 2 of them happened to drive right through the zone of destrouction. And the explosion of 5000 Torpedoes lasts quite awhile. This alerted the Molniya and when the shuttles decloaked they didn't find a defenceless target they found a ready and alerted battleship. Needless to say they died.
Elian looked around his bridge at the red lights flashing and the smoke coming from the stations. His flagship had been hit. Probably wouldn't be good untill it got some very extensive repairs. Oh it had managed to destroy one of the Defender star destroyer assaulting it. And the other 3 had been destroyed or permanently disabeled. But there was still the Executor and the Galactic. But they wouldn't win. The captains of the Super Cruisers that had destroyed their targets the defenders were even know delivering a massive broadside. Even know Elian could see that less and less of the Turbolasers on those ships were able to fire. Then the Executor stopped firing every light winking out aboard the huge collosus of a ship. Know all available guns turned towards the Galactic set to deliver that final disabling barrage. It seemed to happen in slow motion. The beams lanced out beautifal yet eerie with a strange blue white light. The beams struck their target. And then they stopped firing. Their target had been fully disabeled. Suddenly snapped out of his concentration by the stillness Elian looked up to see an aide hurrying towards him.
"Yes?" he asked in a tired voice.
"Sir! We have managed to re-establish sensors and communications." said the aide
"Any luck on shields?" asked Elian
"Not much sir."
"Good well at least that's something." Suddenly there was a bright flash outside his viewport.
"What was that!" he asked all the commander know
"Phidias and Duchamp sir. We lost them. It appears their turbolasers have been able to destroy or diable 2 of the Redemption Frigates"
"Good. Communications patch me through with Molniya." Elian said
"Sir Captain Gwenivere is on the line." said the communications officer
"Gwen what's the battle update?" asked Elian
"They've lost all their defenders and their Galactic and Executor cruisers. 2 of the Aegis Cruisers appeared to have banded together and are systematically blasting their ships from the weakest up. They currently have 3 Corvette kills. I've ordered one of our Super Cruisers to track that Disruptor and disable it. The rest of our newly freed up Super Cruisers and Star Defenders are attacking their smaller swarming support ships. I plan to remain here and defend your ship and Rodina that my tractor beam operators have gotten for me.Our superlaser is at 80%. ALso Zion has destroyed one Vic I and is proceeding to help destroy their remaining flagship the Allegiance." said Gwenivere
"Alright that's good and tell the lancers to watch for returning fighters."said Elian
ooc:umm i'm going to delete the ranger and 418 kills. but new kills. we have 1 vic 2 redemptions, 3 corvettes 4 defenders 1 galactic and 1 executor dead in this post. Plus a lot of various ships dying. ALso i have to congratulate you jander. You're the best fleet RPer I've seen at TRF ever. As well as Siather. You've actually made me work when i expected this to be a easy fight.
ic:An Eclips Star Destroyer is a huge ship carrying hundreds of thousands of men. It requires vasat populations to supply it and that is hard on smaller governments especially ones which have low populated worlds like Kessel. But there are other ways. Shadow Droids. And one unique and know retired MCR Admiral thought that they were the way to go. He ordered many of them most of which 660 to be exact saw service aboard the mighty flagship Molniya. Since the beginning of the battle the Shadow Droids had not been used much at all. However once the Molniya and it's target seperated from the main battle their controllers began slipping them through bit by bit. And that was how the robotic Squadrons B32 and B40 happened to be at the place of battle where the Firesprays aproached. Ordered by their controllers to destroy small threat such as these they split into smaller groups of 5 as well as 1 group of 4. They screamed in on these small ships at 100MGLT a fair bit more then any Firespray could manage. Launching their combined might of 8 Torpedoes and Missiles each they zoomed in on the unprotected Firesprays destroying their shields and their hull. They were the last things the Firespray's sensors saw. And the Firesprays were the last thing the controllers saw before their screen went blank. The huge missile payload of the Firesprays zoomed in on these 2 small insignificant squadrons. Destroying them. And from that explosion grew another explosion. It appeared that there had been some cloaked shuttles in the area. 2 of them happened to drive right through the zone of destrouction. And the explosion of 5000 Torpedoes lasts quite awhile. This alerted the Molniya and when the shuttles decloaked they didn't find a defenceless target they found a ready and alerted battleship. Needless to say they died.
Elian looked around his bridge at the red lights flashing and the smoke coming from the stations. His flagship had been hit. Probably wouldn't be good untill it got some very extensive repairs. Oh it had managed to destroy one of the Defender star destroyer assaulting it. And the other 3 had been destroyed or permanently disabeled. But there was still the Executor and the Galactic. But they wouldn't win. The captains of the Super Cruisers that had destroyed their targets the defenders were even know delivering a massive broadside. Even know Elian could see that less and less of the Turbolasers on those ships were able to fire. Then the Executor stopped firing every light winking out aboard the huge collosus of a ship. Know all available guns turned towards the Galactic set to deliver that final disabling barrage. It seemed to happen in slow motion. The beams lanced out beautifal yet eerie with a strange blue white light. The beams struck their target. And then they stopped firing. Their target had been fully disabeled. Suddenly snapped out of his concentration by the stillness Elian looked up to see an aide hurrying towards him.
"Yes?" he asked in a tired voice.
"Sir! We have managed to re-establish sensors and communications." said the aide
"Any luck on shields?" asked Elian
"Not much sir."
"Good well at least that's something." Suddenly there was a bright flash outside his viewport.
"What was that!" he asked all the commander know
"Phidias and Duchamp sir. We lost them. It appears their turbolasers have been able to destroy or diable 2 of the Redemption Frigates"
"Good. Communications patch me through with Molniya." Elian said
"Sir Captain Gwenivere is on the line." said the communications officer
"Gwen what's the battle update?" asked Elian
"They've lost all their defenders and their Galactic and Executor cruisers. 2 of the Aegis Cruisers appeared to have banded together and are systematically blasting their ships from the weakest up. They currently have 3 Corvette kills. I've ordered one of our Super Cruisers to track that Disruptor and disable it. The rest of our newly freed up Super Cruisers and Star Defenders are attacking their smaller swarming support ships. I plan to remain here and defend your ship and Rodina that my tractor beam operators have gotten for me.Our superlaser is at 80%. ALso Zion has destroyed one Vic I and is proceeding to help destroy their remaining flagship the Allegiance." said Gwenivere
"Alright that's good and tell the lancers to watch for returning fighters."said Elian
ooc:umm i'm going to delete the ranger and 418 kills. but new kills. we have 1 vic 2 redemptions, 3 corvettes 4 defenders 1 galactic and 1 executor dead in this post. Plus a lot of various ships dying. ALso i have to congratulate you jander. You're the best fleet RPer I've seen at TRF ever. As well as Siather. You've actually made me work when i expected this to be a easy fight.
OOC: Excellent timing, I had tired of waiting and was in mid post, having written all day. Not bad strategy but I must remind you that due to RP rules of battle you cannot destroy a ship in a single post with anything less than a superlaser. I'll have to rearrange some things, and such, but please remember the rule I mentioned before. Damage to some degree is fine, but you can't destroy them. That's the only reason we haven't been racking up the kills your listing, is that rule. I'll be back later, probably tommorow.