OOC: Tsk Tsk Tsk, firing a superlaser of all things against ships that are broadcasting neutral IFF signals and are retreating from combat. And without even an attempt at contacting us(Siather is not one of us, his DSSD is seperate{being of TRE origins}) from the Phantom ships, and he has no control over them, barring my compliance.). Ohh well, your choice I guess.
(The above was for humor/tension burning purposes, the following is just to clear up some possible imperceptions.)
Positionwise, the Interdictor was in the back of the formation, like my post says, not the middle, but on the opposite side of 86 other ships than your forces. But that's not important, just wanted to let you know. Other than that you seem to have completely misunderstood the setup of my fleet, but I really don't feel like going into that right now.
IC: The sound of crumpling metal accompanied the feral growl that emmitted from the Gand's throat as both pierced the silence of the "Pandora's Box" bridge immediately following the superlaser shot. It actually sounded like something from a predatory cat, one shocked crew member thought shortly before the ruined datapad out of thier leaders hands and clattered to the decking.
"Let Ara's wisdom and might allow me to avenge the lost," Jander prayed as he realized the travesty that had just been committed upon his men and himself by the Mon Calamari. A war crime by all definition, it was inexscusable. Not one weapon had been aimed, not one fighter launched, not one aggressive move made on behalf of the Phantoms. They were simply there. Yet just short of 2,900 of his men had just died.
The Mon Cals had not attempted to communicate with him, and they had fired at a retreating force, one which broadcasted neutral IFF signals. No man, woman, or alien could dispute these facts, nor forgive them. Ara certainly would not allow such a murder, particularly when so many of them were his own followers, and thus Sunstar must avenge his men.
His anger, along with all those capable of knowing what had just happened flared. In many cases this resulted in violence against the nearest inanimate object, like what had happened to the Gand's datapad. In others just shock. In all it resolved into a calm directive. Avenge the fallen. They would not die needlessly.
Back on the bridge, Phantom Leader allowed himself a cleansing breath, and returned to command. "Initiate Secondary measures for the 'Speed-Trap' maneuver. Condition 'Run and Gun' is in effect. Likewise, send encrypt file 'Return Fire' out immediately."
Jander looked at the ruined datapad lying at his feet. There were times when his anger got the best of him. Fortunately all the information on that pad was automatically backed up in the memory of his astromech droid, which he was sure was somewhere aboard the ship doing one job or another. Over the years he'd put enough work into that little R2 unit that it has become quite the jack of all trades. It's original purpose was to assist his flight, and from there it had learned new skills, such as demolitions and slicing. Quite the useful droid.
Sunstar blinked twice, watching the countdown that had been commencing since he had last spoken to Siather blink away the last ten seconds. As the counter reached zero, he simply spoke two words.
"Omega Directive"
OOC: Crap, I ran out of time and now I have to run to the doctor. I will finish the post ASAP(this evening). Thanks for your patience.
My apologies for slowing the RP. Simply not the best of times for me, the last few days before I move back to school(tommorow morning). On that note I'll go ahead and finish this post, but please be aware that I may be away for a few days, depending on how long it takes for the dolts down at the college's tech office to turn on my access. Please continue posting your responses, though I'd like to respectfully request it be kept to a single reply from the two of you, I should only be gone a day or two. I'd simply give character privilages to Siather normally, but despite the communication between us, as well as a longstanding friendship, my plan of action is a bit too complex for proper explaination. Thanks again.
IC: The secondary plan for "Speed-Trap" began moments after the order was given. A dozen Firespray Patrol craft launched from a secondary hanger aboard the "Pandora's Box." They immediately ran to full speed, putting all auxilary power into the engines as they continued on the path the fleet was already taking, away from the Mon Cal forces. The much smaller craft easily jumped ahead of the fleets capital ships, speeding for the edges of the Interdictor and Abolisher fields.
Upon reaching the invisible line that marked the edges of a feild that was moving as the Abolisher Cruiser moved forward, each Firespray curved to it's assigned sector and began laying mines. Normally, laying mines in the path of ones fleet simply isn't done, but in this case it would be. The mines were well out of range of anything the Mon Calamari could fire at them, perhaps save the superlaser, as the unfortunate souls aboard the Phantom interdictor had just found out. Each Firespray dropped four mines, well spread out, and swiftly made thier way back to the Pandora's Box.
---Operation "Return Fire"---
The encrypt "Return Fire" triggered the reserve force intended to rendevous (sp?) where both Siather and Jander had thought the Mon Cals to be retreating to. Bimmisaari. The trajectory had been correct, but in what seemed to be a bright moment for the Mon Calamari Fleet, they had pulled shy, actually catching the two Gands slightly off guard. It didn't mean much in the end for Operation "Return Fire" however, as the sheer amount of forces committed to battle against the Phantoms and the Sadistic Mist left very few behind to defend the homeland.
An hour hyperspace jump away from Bimmisaari, the TJE 2nd Fleet hung in space, along with six Abolisher Cruisers transfered from another fleet just for this operation. Fleet Admiral Elrond, commander of the Second Fleet, grimaced as the communications team handed him the decrypted transmission that had just recieved over the most secure of TJE frequencies. So the others had been ambushed, yet the attack was to commence. The Admiral nodded to the flagship's captain, who relayed the order that would send the fleet to Bimmisaari.
An hour later, the full Second Fleet dropped out of hyperspace in the Bimmisaari system. Admiral Elrond gave the neccesary orders. "Power up Interdictor and Abolisher fields, let's close this system off. Launch all fighters, and I want an immediate sensor report so they have targets as soon as they're out of the hangers."
The Fleet's fighters began launching as alert klaxons wailed. Sensor readings came in, and Elrond signaled to send a message down to the planet. "Attention Mon Calamari Republic officials. I am Fleet Admiral Elrond of the Jutraalian Empire. Your forces have assaulted one of our worlds, and attacked neutral ships without warning. In response, the Second Fleet has been ordered here to Bimmisaari. I hearby request the surrender of all MCR forces in this system. Please think this through, I have no desire to shed more blood today. If you will go peacefully, your forces may simply leave to another of your worlds. You have until my fleet is entirely in place to respond. Good day."
The holocam's light blinked out and Elrond cleared his throat. The viewscreens in his chair showed that preparations were well underway. Abolisher fields were in place and about half of the fleets fighters were out of the hanger already. Weapons were powered and targeted, but not fully activated yet, simply prepared for anything. The middle-aged officer sincerely hoped the Mon Calamari would keep the peace.
OOC: Manifest
Rogue Imperial Second Fleet
Capital Ships
Allegiance-Class Super Star Destroyer Lusankya III
Bulwark-Class Heavy Battlcruiser Invincible
Galactic-Class Star Destroyer Extinguisher
Galactic-Class Star Destroyer Ravenblade
Imperial-Class Mark II Star Destroyer PeFauna
Imperial-Class Mark II Star Destroyer Rage
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Despayre
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Sluis Van
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Liberi
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Tyrant
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Heart Taker
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Angel's Wrath
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Demon's Anguish
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Intrepid
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Arai's Wrath
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Blackblade
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Shadow Jedi
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Thrawn
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Warmaster
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Spectre Hunter
MC200-Class Cruiser Defender
Dauntless-Class Battlecruiser Wealth
Victory-Class Star Destroyer Healing Wind
Victory-Class Star Destroyer Righteous Blessing
Victory-Class Mark II Star Destroyer Oppression
Redemption-Class Battlecruiser Ravenblade II
Lictor-Class Dungeon Ship Mighty Grip ***Modified For Fighter Carrying***
Lictor-Class Dungeon Ship Carnival ***Modified For Fighter Carrying***
Lictor-Class Dungeon Ship Parade ***Modified For Fighter Carrying***
Interdictor-Class Immobilizer Cruiser Strawberry
Interdictor-Class Cruiser Harpago
Interdictor-Class Cruiser Robust
Abolisher-Class Hyperspace Cruiser Impregnable
Abolisher-Class Hyperspace Cruiser Abjegation
Abolisher-Class Hyperspace Cruiser Sublimity
Abolisher-Class Hyperspace Cruiser Vogue
Abolisher-Class Hyperspace Cruiser Implosion
Abolisher-Class Hyperspace Cruiser Hyfe
Dreadnaught-Class Medium Cruiser Courageous
Dreadnaught-Class Medium Cruiser Defender
Dreadnaught-Class Medium Cruiser Chandrilla
Dreadnaught-Class Medium Cruiser Snake
Dreadnaught-Class Medium Cruiser Asp
Nebulan-Class C Frigate Destroyer
Nebulan-Class C Frigate Warmth of Shadow
Nebulan-Class C Frigate Horrific Shadow
Modified Nebulan-B2 Assault Frigate Crimes
Modified Nebulan-Class B2 Frigate Distant Shadow
Modified Nebulan-Class B2 Frigate Fading Desire
Modified Nebulan-Class B2 Frigate Make Up
Nebulan-Class B Frigate Desire.
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser Extreme
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser Monstrous
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser Wizard
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser Shockwave
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser Vong
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser Council
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser Medal of Courage
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser Periodic Destruction
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser Wrought Wrath
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser Terror of Adumar
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser Welded Scar
Lancer-Class Frigate Mercury Rising
Lancer-Class Frigate Home Runner
Lancer-Class Frigate Clairvoyance
Modified Corellian-Corvete Wendigo
Vibre-Class Assault Cruiser Paxa
Vibre-Class Assault Cruiser Lofte
Vibre-Class Assault Cruiser Victorious
Vibre-Class Assault Cruiser Pulley
Vibre-Class Assault Cruiser Defender
Vibre-Class Assault Cruiser Power Grip
12 TIE Fighters- Interdictor-Class Immobilizer Cruiser Harpago
12 TIE Interceptors- Modified Corellian-Class Corvette Wendigo
72 TIE Fighters- Lictor-Class Dungeon Ship Mighty Grip
24 TIE Advanced- Lictor-Class Dungeon Ship Mighty Grip
12 TIE Defenders- Interdictor-Class Immobilizer Cruiser Robust
24 TIE Fighters- Dauntless-Class Battlecruiser Wealth
72 TIE Defenders- Lictor-Class Dungeon Ship Carnival
36 Missile Boats- Lictor-Class Dungeon Ship Carnival
12 TIE Fighters- Bulwark-Class Heavy Cruiser Invincible
12 TIE Bombers- Bulwark-Class Heavy Cruiser Invincible
12 Assault Gunboats- Bulwark-Class Heavy Cruiser Invincible
12 TIE Fighters- Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Despayre
12 TIE Defenders- Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Despayre
12 Assault Gunboats- Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Despayre
24 TIE Interceptors- Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Despayre
36 TIE Fighters- Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Sluis Van
36 TIE Bombers- Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Sluis Van
24 TIE Fighters- Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Liberi
12 TIE Defenders- Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Liberi
24 Missile Boats- Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Liberi
12 TIE Advanced- Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Liberi
72 TIE Fighters- Lictor-Class Dungeon Ship Ship Parade
24 TIE Defenders- Lictor-Class Dungeon Ship Ship Parade
24 TIE Fighters- Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Tyrant
24 Assault Gunboats- Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Tyrant
24 TIE Bombers- Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Tyrant
24 TIE Fighters- Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Heart Taker
24 TIE Advanced- Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Heart Taker
24 Assault Gunboats- Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Heart Taker
6 TIE Fighters- Modified Nebulan-B2 Frigate Crimes
6 TIE Interceptors- Modified Nebulan-B2 Frigate Crimes
6 TIE Fighters- Nebulan-B Frigate Desire
6 TIE Interceptors- Nebulan-B Frigate Desire
12 TIE Defenders- Interdictor-Class Immobilizer Cruiser Strawberry
24 TIE Fighters- Imperial-Class Mark II Star Destroyer Rage
24 TIE Interceptors- Imperial-Class Mark II Star Destroyer Rage
24 TIE Bombers- Imperial-Class Mark II Star Destroyer Rage
12 TIE Fighters- Dreadnaught-Class Medium Battlecrusier Courageous
12 TIE Bombers- Dreadnaught-Class Medium Battlecruiser Defender
12 TIE Defenders- Dreadnaught-Class Medium Battlecruiser Chandrilla
12 TIE Advanced- Dreadnaught-Class Medium Cruiser Snake
12 Missile Boats- Dreadnaught-Class Medium Crusier Asp
72 TIE Defenders- Galactic-Class Star Destroyer Ravenblade
36 TIE Fighters- Imperial-Class Mark II Star Destroyer PeFauna
36 TIE Advanced- Imperial-Class Mark II Star Destroyer PeFauna
76 TIE Defenders- Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Spectre Hunter
Total Fighters-
2 Assault Transports
Imperial-Class Dropship Group Omega
20 Sentinel-Class Landing Shuttles
40 Mynock-Class Assault Boats
30 Svelte-Class Assault Shuttles
---Back with the Phantom Fleet---
IC: Perfectly cued, the mines so recently laid went off. These were not regular mines, but mass pulse mines, and they sent out a gravity well large enough to reach past the Abolisher field. Timed to reach the area in the middle of the mines one minute field projection time, a dozen new ships entered the fray. These, like the "Pandora's Box" were ships paid to the Phantoms for thier services, holdovers from the last war between TRE and MCR. The Interdictor in the midst of the ships activated it's gravity well projector as soon as they were fully on station, the projectors warmed while still in hyperspace.
This gravity field came on just in time to pull the rest of thier allies from hyperspace before they hit the Abolisher field. It was a close thing, particularly with the Dreadnaughts movements, but just enough space had been allowed for thier safe arrival. Now, just as Phantom Leader was giving the "Omega Directive", the rest of Siather's command dropped out of hyperspace behind the new Phantom arrivals.
OOC: Manifest
MC200-Class Battlecruiser Swift Liberty
MC200-Class Battlecruiser Bimmissari
MC200-Class Battlecruiser Liberator
MC200-Class Battlecruiser Swift Star
Victory-Class Star Destroyer Eternal Light
Victory-Class Star Destroyer Shadowhunter
Nebulan-Class B Frigate Redemption
Interdictor-Class Immobilizer Cruiser Morning Star
Corellian-Class Corvette Kessel's Last Hope
Corellian-Class Corvette Minotaur
Victory-Class Star Destroyer Twin Star
Victory-Class Star Destroyer Hateful Rage
Avenger and Vengance Fleets are what was at Ylesia earlier. As I said above I will probably be gone for a day or two, Siather will RP "Omega Directive". We can continue the events at Bimmisari here or in a new thread if you like. If so I'll make it as soon as I'm back. Thanks for your patience, and sorry for the inconveniences.
(The above was for humor/tension burning purposes, the following is just to clear up some possible imperceptions.)
Positionwise, the Interdictor was in the back of the formation, like my post says, not the middle, but on the opposite side of 86 other ships than your forces. But that's not important, just wanted to let you know. Other than that you seem to have completely misunderstood the setup of my fleet, but I really don't feel like going into that right now.
IC: The sound of crumpling metal accompanied the feral growl that emmitted from the Gand's throat as both pierced the silence of the "Pandora's Box" bridge immediately following the superlaser shot. It actually sounded like something from a predatory cat, one shocked crew member thought shortly before the ruined datapad out of thier leaders hands and clattered to the decking.
"Let Ara's wisdom and might allow me to avenge the lost," Jander prayed as he realized the travesty that had just been committed upon his men and himself by the Mon Calamari. A war crime by all definition, it was inexscusable. Not one weapon had been aimed, not one fighter launched, not one aggressive move made on behalf of the Phantoms. They were simply there. Yet just short of 2,900 of his men had just died.
The Mon Cals had not attempted to communicate with him, and they had fired at a retreating force, one which broadcasted neutral IFF signals. No man, woman, or alien could dispute these facts, nor forgive them. Ara certainly would not allow such a murder, particularly when so many of them were his own followers, and thus Sunstar must avenge his men.
His anger, along with all those capable of knowing what had just happened flared. In many cases this resulted in violence against the nearest inanimate object, like what had happened to the Gand's datapad. In others just shock. In all it resolved into a calm directive. Avenge the fallen. They would not die needlessly.
Back on the bridge, Phantom Leader allowed himself a cleansing breath, and returned to command. "Initiate Secondary measures for the 'Speed-Trap' maneuver. Condition 'Run and Gun' is in effect. Likewise, send encrypt file 'Return Fire' out immediately."
Jander looked at the ruined datapad lying at his feet. There were times when his anger got the best of him. Fortunately all the information on that pad was automatically backed up in the memory of his astromech droid, which he was sure was somewhere aboard the ship doing one job or another. Over the years he'd put enough work into that little R2 unit that it has become quite the jack of all trades. It's original purpose was to assist his flight, and from there it had learned new skills, such as demolitions and slicing. Quite the useful droid.
Sunstar blinked twice, watching the countdown that had been commencing since he had last spoken to Siather blink away the last ten seconds. As the counter reached zero, he simply spoke two words.
"Omega Directive"
OOC: Crap, I ran out of time and now I have to run to the doctor. I will finish the post ASAP(this evening). Thanks for your patience.
My apologies for slowing the RP. Simply not the best of times for me, the last few days before I move back to school(tommorow morning). On that note I'll go ahead and finish this post, but please be aware that I may be away for a few days, depending on how long it takes for the dolts down at the college's tech office to turn on my access. Please continue posting your responses, though I'd like to respectfully request it be kept to a single reply from the two of you, I should only be gone a day or two. I'd simply give character privilages to Siather normally, but despite the communication between us, as well as a longstanding friendship, my plan of action is a bit too complex for proper explaination. Thanks again.
IC: The secondary plan for "Speed-Trap" began moments after the order was given. A dozen Firespray Patrol craft launched from a secondary hanger aboard the "Pandora's Box." They immediately ran to full speed, putting all auxilary power into the engines as they continued on the path the fleet was already taking, away from the Mon Cal forces. The much smaller craft easily jumped ahead of the fleets capital ships, speeding for the edges of the Interdictor and Abolisher fields.
Upon reaching the invisible line that marked the edges of a feild that was moving as the Abolisher Cruiser moved forward, each Firespray curved to it's assigned sector and began laying mines. Normally, laying mines in the path of ones fleet simply isn't done, but in this case it would be. The mines were well out of range of anything the Mon Calamari could fire at them, perhaps save the superlaser, as the unfortunate souls aboard the Phantom interdictor had just found out. Each Firespray dropped four mines, well spread out, and swiftly made thier way back to the Pandora's Box.
---Operation "Return Fire"---
The encrypt "Return Fire" triggered the reserve force intended to rendevous (sp?) where both Siather and Jander had thought the Mon Cals to be retreating to. Bimmisaari. The trajectory had been correct, but in what seemed to be a bright moment for the Mon Calamari Fleet, they had pulled shy, actually catching the two Gands slightly off guard. It didn't mean much in the end for Operation "Return Fire" however, as the sheer amount of forces committed to battle against the Phantoms and the Sadistic Mist left very few behind to defend the homeland.
An hour hyperspace jump away from Bimmisaari, the TJE 2nd Fleet hung in space, along with six Abolisher Cruisers transfered from another fleet just for this operation. Fleet Admiral Elrond, commander of the Second Fleet, grimaced as the communications team handed him the decrypted transmission that had just recieved over the most secure of TJE frequencies. So the others had been ambushed, yet the attack was to commence. The Admiral nodded to the flagship's captain, who relayed the order that would send the fleet to Bimmisaari.
An hour later, the full Second Fleet dropped out of hyperspace in the Bimmisaari system. Admiral Elrond gave the neccesary orders. "Power up Interdictor and Abolisher fields, let's close this system off. Launch all fighters, and I want an immediate sensor report so they have targets as soon as they're out of the hangers."
The Fleet's fighters began launching as alert klaxons wailed. Sensor readings came in, and Elrond signaled to send a message down to the planet. "Attention Mon Calamari Republic officials. I am Fleet Admiral Elrond of the Jutraalian Empire. Your forces have assaulted one of our worlds, and attacked neutral ships without warning. In response, the Second Fleet has been ordered here to Bimmisaari. I hearby request the surrender of all MCR forces in this system. Please think this through, I have no desire to shed more blood today. If you will go peacefully, your forces may simply leave to another of your worlds. You have until my fleet is entirely in place to respond. Good day."
The holocam's light blinked out and Elrond cleared his throat. The viewscreens in his chair showed that preparations were well underway. Abolisher fields were in place and about half of the fleets fighters were out of the hanger already. Weapons were powered and targeted, but not fully activated yet, simply prepared for anything. The middle-aged officer sincerely hoped the Mon Calamari would keep the peace.
OOC: Manifest
Rogue Imperial Second Fleet
Capital Ships
Allegiance-Class Super Star Destroyer Lusankya III
Bulwark-Class Heavy Battlcruiser Invincible
Galactic-Class Star Destroyer Extinguisher
Galactic-Class Star Destroyer Ravenblade
Imperial-Class Mark II Star Destroyer PeFauna
Imperial-Class Mark II Star Destroyer Rage
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Despayre
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Sluis Van
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Liberi
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Tyrant
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Heart Taker
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Angel's Wrath
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Demon's Anguish
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Intrepid
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Arai's Wrath
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Blackblade
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Shadow Jedi
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Thrawn
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Warmaster
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Spectre Hunter
MC200-Class Cruiser Defender
Dauntless-Class Battlecruiser Wealth
Victory-Class Star Destroyer Healing Wind
Victory-Class Star Destroyer Righteous Blessing
Victory-Class Mark II Star Destroyer Oppression
Redemption-Class Battlecruiser Ravenblade II
Lictor-Class Dungeon Ship Mighty Grip ***Modified For Fighter Carrying***
Lictor-Class Dungeon Ship Carnival ***Modified For Fighter Carrying***
Lictor-Class Dungeon Ship Parade ***Modified For Fighter Carrying***
Interdictor-Class Immobilizer Cruiser Strawberry
Interdictor-Class Cruiser Harpago
Interdictor-Class Cruiser Robust
Abolisher-Class Hyperspace Cruiser Impregnable
Abolisher-Class Hyperspace Cruiser Abjegation
Abolisher-Class Hyperspace Cruiser Sublimity
Abolisher-Class Hyperspace Cruiser Vogue
Abolisher-Class Hyperspace Cruiser Implosion
Abolisher-Class Hyperspace Cruiser Hyfe
Dreadnaught-Class Medium Cruiser Courageous
Dreadnaught-Class Medium Cruiser Defender
Dreadnaught-Class Medium Cruiser Chandrilla
Dreadnaught-Class Medium Cruiser Snake
Dreadnaught-Class Medium Cruiser Asp
Nebulan-Class C Frigate Destroyer
Nebulan-Class C Frigate Warmth of Shadow
Nebulan-Class C Frigate Horrific Shadow
Modified Nebulan-B2 Assault Frigate Crimes
Modified Nebulan-Class B2 Frigate Distant Shadow
Modified Nebulan-Class B2 Frigate Fading Desire
Modified Nebulan-Class B2 Frigate Make Up
Nebulan-Class B Frigate Desire.
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser Extreme
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser Monstrous
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser Wizard
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser Shockwave
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser Vong
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser Council
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser Medal of Courage
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser Periodic Destruction
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser Wrought Wrath
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser Terror of Adumar
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser Welded Scar
Lancer-Class Frigate Mercury Rising
Lancer-Class Frigate Home Runner
Lancer-Class Frigate Clairvoyance
Modified Corellian-Corvete Wendigo
Vibre-Class Assault Cruiser Paxa
Vibre-Class Assault Cruiser Lofte
Vibre-Class Assault Cruiser Victorious
Vibre-Class Assault Cruiser Pulley
Vibre-Class Assault Cruiser Defender
Vibre-Class Assault Cruiser Power Grip
12 TIE Fighters- Interdictor-Class Immobilizer Cruiser Harpago
12 TIE Interceptors- Modified Corellian-Class Corvette Wendigo
72 TIE Fighters- Lictor-Class Dungeon Ship Mighty Grip
24 TIE Advanced- Lictor-Class Dungeon Ship Mighty Grip
12 TIE Defenders- Interdictor-Class Immobilizer Cruiser Robust
24 TIE Fighters- Dauntless-Class Battlecruiser Wealth
72 TIE Defenders- Lictor-Class Dungeon Ship Carnival
36 Missile Boats- Lictor-Class Dungeon Ship Carnival
12 TIE Fighters- Bulwark-Class Heavy Cruiser Invincible
12 TIE Bombers- Bulwark-Class Heavy Cruiser Invincible
12 Assault Gunboats- Bulwark-Class Heavy Cruiser Invincible
12 TIE Fighters- Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Despayre
12 TIE Defenders- Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Despayre
12 Assault Gunboats- Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Despayre
24 TIE Interceptors- Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Despayre
36 TIE Fighters- Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Sluis Van
36 TIE Bombers- Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Sluis Van
24 TIE Fighters- Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Liberi
12 TIE Defenders- Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Liberi
24 Missile Boats- Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Liberi
12 TIE Advanced- Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Liberi
72 TIE Fighters- Lictor-Class Dungeon Ship Ship Parade
24 TIE Defenders- Lictor-Class Dungeon Ship Ship Parade
24 TIE Fighters- Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Tyrant
24 Assault Gunboats- Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Tyrant
24 TIE Bombers- Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Tyrant
24 TIE Fighters- Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Heart Taker
24 TIE Advanced- Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Heart Taker
24 Assault Gunboats- Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Heart Taker
6 TIE Fighters- Modified Nebulan-B2 Frigate Crimes
6 TIE Interceptors- Modified Nebulan-B2 Frigate Crimes
6 TIE Fighters- Nebulan-B Frigate Desire
6 TIE Interceptors- Nebulan-B Frigate Desire
12 TIE Defenders- Interdictor-Class Immobilizer Cruiser Strawberry
24 TIE Fighters- Imperial-Class Mark II Star Destroyer Rage
24 TIE Interceptors- Imperial-Class Mark II Star Destroyer Rage
24 TIE Bombers- Imperial-Class Mark II Star Destroyer Rage
12 TIE Fighters- Dreadnaught-Class Medium Battlecrusier Courageous
12 TIE Bombers- Dreadnaught-Class Medium Battlecruiser Defender
12 TIE Defenders- Dreadnaught-Class Medium Battlecruiser Chandrilla
12 TIE Advanced- Dreadnaught-Class Medium Cruiser Snake
12 Missile Boats- Dreadnaught-Class Medium Crusier Asp
72 TIE Defenders- Galactic-Class Star Destroyer Ravenblade
36 TIE Fighters- Imperial-Class Mark II Star Destroyer PeFauna
36 TIE Advanced- Imperial-Class Mark II Star Destroyer PeFauna
76 TIE Defenders- Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Spectre Hunter
Total Fighters-
2 Assault Transports
Imperial-Class Dropship Group Omega
20 Sentinel-Class Landing Shuttles
40 Mynock-Class Assault Boats
30 Svelte-Class Assault Shuttles
---Back with the Phantom Fleet---
IC: Perfectly cued, the mines so recently laid went off. These were not regular mines, but mass pulse mines, and they sent out a gravity well large enough to reach past the Abolisher field. Timed to reach the area in the middle of the mines one minute field projection time, a dozen new ships entered the fray. These, like the "Pandora's Box" were ships paid to the Phantoms for thier services, holdovers from the last war between TRE and MCR. The Interdictor in the midst of the ships activated it's gravity well projector as soon as they were fully on station, the projectors warmed while still in hyperspace.
This gravity field came on just in time to pull the rest of thier allies from hyperspace before they hit the Abolisher field. It was a close thing, particularly with the Dreadnaughts movements, but just enough space had been allowed for thier safe arrival. Now, just as Phantom Leader was giving the "Omega Directive", the rest of Siather's command dropped out of hyperspace behind the new Phantom arrivals.
OOC: Manifest
MC200-Class Battlecruiser Swift Liberty
MC200-Class Battlecruiser Bimmissari
MC200-Class Battlecruiser Liberator
MC200-Class Battlecruiser Swift Star
Victory-Class Star Destroyer Eternal Light
Victory-Class Star Destroyer Shadowhunter
Nebulan-Class B Frigate Redemption
Interdictor-Class Immobilizer Cruiser Morning Star
Corellian-Class Corvette Kessel's Last Hope
Corellian-Class Corvette Minotaur
Victory-Class Star Destroyer Twin Star
Victory-Class Star Destroyer Hateful Rage
Avenger and Vengance Fleets are what was at Ylesia earlier. As I said above I will probably be gone for a day or two, Siather will RP "Omega Directive". We can continue the events at Bimmisari here or in a new thread if you like. If so I'll make it as soon as I'm back. Thanks for your patience, and sorry for the inconveniences.