Revenge...(MCR takeover of Ylesia)
  • Posted On: Aug 17 2002 2:26am
OOC: Don't have time to post actions right now, just wanted to make a quick OOC request(will edit this when I do have time to include my actions). One, I said you could RP me for one post Siather, but that's ok. Two, I'd appreciate all MCR R&D related ships to have thier stats posted, I'm sure we'll be happy to do the same. Lastly, in regards to the debate on time, I'd say Siather's right, mostly because I pointed that out to him. We'd probably be about five minutes behind you. The 1st and 3rd fleets could certainly be in position, the one that was as Ylesia would not have the time however. It would probably have to move to get out of our way in fact. Other than that, good luck to all, and please wait to continue until I can get in a response. Thanks.
Posts: 130
  • Posted On: Aug 17 2002 3:21pm
Sure no problem.

Mon Cal MC200

weapons:50 proton torpedo launchers (ten refills each) 100 ion cannons, 80 heavy double turbolasers
fighters:6 squadrons:72
speed: hyperdrivex1 sublight 10MGLT
shields: 8 shield generators 4 used at a time so when 1-4 go offline 5-8 go online

Mon Cal MC300
length: 2000m
weapons: 140 ion cannons, 20 proton torpedo launchers (10 refills each), 6 tractor beams, 4 gravity well generators, 70 heavy turbolasers
fighters: 96 fighters
crew: 700 plus 300 troops 6 landing bricks
speed: hyperdrivex1 sublight 5MGLT
shields: 10 generators 5 in use at one time so whan 1-5 go offline 6-10 go online

designer:Mon Calamari Engineering
weapons:2 trurbolaser pulsers(1 front firing 1 back firing), 4 double heavy praticle beams (on seperate turrets), 4 quad laser cannons(on top of the heavy particle cannon's turrets) 4 double turbolasers(turrets), 4 double proton torpedo launchers(two back firing, 2 front firing. 10 refills each)
speed:40 km/h in hover mode/80MGLT
shields:4 generator-two in use at a time
crew:16 gunners, two pilots, 20 troops.

The all terrain hover artilery is a circular ground vehicle that has proven very effective in training battles. The AT-HA has also proven to be capable of space flight and can be used as a fighter. It uses a grapling claw to hold on to a ship. It can hold on while a ship is in hyperspace. It is a very good ship to have in a fight whether on ground or in space. It can be built at construction yards or shipyards.

Mon Calamari MC-10 Starfighter
Designer:Jeori Teebo
Manufacturer:Mon Calamari Republic

Length:6.94 M
Crew:1 pilot
Hyperdrive:Class 1.0 (Incom Corporation GBK-785 Hyperdrive)
Sublight:147 MGLT (Mon Calamari Engineering X-10 Sublight Drive System)
Weapons:4 Fire Linked Taim & Bak KX-9 Laser Cannons, 1 Armek SW-8 Double Ion Cannon, 2 Krupx MG-9 Proton Torpedo Launchers
Shields:114 SBD (Mon Calamari Engineering SF-9 Shield Generator)
Hull:49 RU (Reinforced Titanium Alloy Hull)

The Mon Calamari MC-10 Starfighter was designed to rival the quick and agile starfighters of the Empire, and of the Yuuzhan Vong, while still having decent firepower. This Starfighter has 4 Laser Cannons, 1 Double Ion Cannon and 2 Proton Torpedo Tubes with 4 of the warheads each. The fighter boasts a new drive system, capable of accelerating to speeds faster the the basic Imperial TIE design. It also has a new shielding system, which gives it shields rivaled only by those of strongest starfighters. For individual missions, it has been equiped with a hyperdrive.
And, from the experience with the Yuuzhan Vong, a counter-measure has been added. The laser cannons have been equiped with an extra feature that allows them to fire at low power and extremely rapid rates. This is expected to overload the black holes generated by the Dovin Basals.

I'm pretty sure that is all for this thread.

And yeah we would like the plans for all of the R&Ds used or to be used in this thread.
  • Posted On: Aug 17 2002 10:37pm
ooc:we're in the middle of nowhere in MCR controlled space. Abolisher field and the Interdiction field are the same size. because the MC-300s powered up after the Molniya powered down. My fleet is arrayed around the center or so. Siather's fleet is 50 klicks out from us(not lots) and the field edge is a far way away. No asteroid fields or anything for anybody to use to their advantage.

"Sir the enemy fleet is communicating." said the Communications officer aboard Elian's flagship.

"I kind of thought that they would. Put him on." said Elian

"Yes Sir. on your main screen know." replied the communications officer

Elian looked down to see a alien that he recognized but couldn't place the name of. Oh that's right a Gand. He'd heard that there was one in the service of the Rogue Empire and this appeared to be him.

"Commander. Your forces appear to be outnumbered significantly. You have only on option. Your immediate and full surrender. No conditions and no guarantees other than asylum if you so wish. You have 2 minutes to decide." said Elian a air of finality in his voice as he activated a chrono on his command display and made sure that it would be sent over to the Rogue Imperial Commander so he'd see just how much time he had left.
Posts: 118
  • Posted On: Aug 17 2002 10:52pm

Pardon? Middle of nowhere in MCR controlled space? Care to explain how that works?
  • Posted On: Aug 17 2002 11:15pm
nowherre=somewhere that there isn't any planets or asteroid fields

MCR controlled space= area within a general border. we have a chunk of space where we control all that planets that are owned. anything within that chunk is our controlled space
  • Posted On: Aug 17 2002 11:36pm
OOC: I really don't want to turn this into another endless OOC debate that breaks up the RP, but I have two quick issues(I'm working on my actual post)

1) If we were pulled out of hyperspace by your ships gravity wells, not a long ways in. That's both your original fleet and ours.

2) I asked for some time to reply, and you agreed to it. I'll have it done by the end of today, so please be patient. Thanks.
  • Posted On: Aug 17 2002 11:50pm
ooc:you were puleed out by the Molniya there is know 42 wells powered up instead of 10
  • Posted On: Aug 18 2002 10:37am
OOC: Technically, as your planets are scattered all over the galaxy(like many groups), there would be none of what your calling Mon Cal Space. For the benefit of the doubt I'll interpret your meaning to mean we jumped in the direction of Bimmissari, the closest MCR planet to Ylesia. So now finally to an IC post.

Ohh, one quick note please. I've noticed you mentioned but not identified something named "Dreadnaught". What exactly is it, stats, ect. We need to know to properly RP the situation.


---Pilots Readyroom, ajoining the main hanger---

Erron Kell sat sideways in the booth, his legs hanging over the side. He was trying to relax as best he could along with his fellow pilots while on alert. As commanding officer of all Deathraven Squadrons in the Phantom inventory, Kell probably should have acted a bit more professional than he currently was, but the Phantoms weren't a normal military force, prefering to keep a personal relationship between commanders and those under there command. Erron never had been one who could resist his smuggler nature as well, so he couldn't help but relax in the decidedly unmilitary manner he was.

They hadn't been in hyperspace too long when they dropped back out, the sudden decelleration overwhelming the inertial compensators and sending Kell's mug of caf, as well as a few of the other pilots in the room, crasking to the floor. The tinkling sound of broken glassware had hardly settled as the alarm klaxons began blaring. The aged pilot glowered as he rose, activating his comlink to the wing frequency of the ships aboard "Pandora's Box". "Everyone to thier ships, we launch on my command, by wing pairs, flights, or squadrons. Form up outside and prepare for further orders."

Nobody bothered to reply as the lounge door slid open before him and he ran out, grabbing his helmet on his way. They simply followed, joining others nearby as they scrambled for thier ships. Erron was the first to his ship, having the luxury of it being placed nearest to the doors. He switched his comm to command frequency as he began emergency startup procedures. "Control, encryption setting Alpha-Tango-Zulu-9-6."

The communications system double clicked moments later to tell Kell the encryption was in place. At the same time, he began getting reports in from the bridge. It certainly wasn't going to be pretty, but he had his orders, and his men would do thier best. "And probably die trying," he said to, with his pilots superstition immediately making him regret the statement.

---Bridge, "Pandora's Box"---

In Sunstar's case, the swift stop jolted him out of a prayer to his god Ara. A quick glance at the sensor read out as it came across the consoles in front of him made him finish the prayer. Jander knew they would need it. He hadn't heard very good things about the Mon Cal's strategies, but they certainly had the numbers in this case. Taking an unconcious breath that he didn't need, the Gand answered the message from his old friend Siather.

(Conversation in Siather's post occurs here)

The Gand shook his head as he heard the Mon Calamari officers communication. Either they were showing extreme disrespect for Siather by calling him by the improper rank, or the stories about thier ineptitude were correct. Either way, it would be a rough day. Fortunately, it was also a good day for the part of Jander that was the tactician, he had an idea.

"Siather, I've got an idea, follow my lead and think about strategic targets."

Sunstar blinked one of his compound eyes for the sake of the holocamera and to help Siather understand the meaning of his words before he cut the encrypted transmission and gave the first orders of battle.

"All Phantom forces retreat! Keep it organized as well."

---The Fleet---

In most militaries, an order like this would have resulted in chaos. In the Phantoms however, it was a practiced tactic. Like the mercs and pirates most of the galaxy thought them to be, the Phantom ships put all thrust to reverse engines and pulled a strategic retreat away from the enemy forces, which at 50kms were out of weapons range for most any weapon. Thier Interdictor, in the rear of the group as it should be, led the retreat. In what was now the rear of the formation(from direction of movement, they still face the MCR fleet), was the smaller ships, Corvettes and some other ships that looked identical to Interdictors.

As they moved the Phantom Interdictor began warming up it's gravity-well projectors. The crews servicing these trained the emmitters in the direction they were moving. This allowed the field to form in a longer path that way, rather than a round shape like normal. It was not yet activated, they would wait for that until it would project beyond those of the Mon Calamari.

---Back on the Bridge---

Jander stood grimly, watching the viewscreen in front of him with one eye, and a holo of the fleet with the other. It couldn't be told if things were working yet, that would have to wait. Sunstar himself stayed out of the diplomatic efforts with the Mon Cals, as Siather was the TRE representative, his was the responsibility.

---Raven Lead, Hanger of the "Pandora's Box"---

Kell sat impatiently, drawing up ship design improvements on his datapad while they waited. He was listening closely to the events of the fleet itself, able to believe what was going on only because they had trained for it in the past. Things were tense, of that he knew, but only time would tell how it would turn out.


Manifest(my forces)

1 Galactic-class Star Destroyers
4 Defender Star Destroyers
2 Imperial Star DestroyersIIs
4 Imperial Star Destroyers
5 Victory Star Destroyers
6 Liberators
2 Aegis Star Cruisers
1 Immobilizer 418s
2 Interceptor 418s
2 Protector 418s
4 Nebulon-Bs
4 Nebulon-Cs
2 Carracks
26 Ranger Corvettes
3 Corellian Gunships
13 CR-90s (Night Caller modifications)

Total Capital Ships: 87


20Lambda Shuttles
26 Sentinal Shuttles
2 Svelte Shuttles
32 Firesprays
2 Assault Shuttle
5 Escort Shuttles

Full Fighter compliments
Posts: 130
  • Posted On: Aug 18 2002 4:33pm
Dreadnaught is an Abolisher Cruiser. To get to it you have to get through most of the three fleets. To get at the MC-300s of the First Fleet which have powered up their gravity well generators you must go threw the Second and Third Fleets. And if you are looking at the NJO maps then we actually control a minor area of space since Bimmissaari, Kessel and Kubindi are kind of close to each other. But yeah we would have jumped to Bimmisaari.

"Sir the Phantoms seem to be retreating. What are your orders?"

"Stay in formation, do not attack them. We do nothing untill Admiral Toritho tells us to."

The Mon Calamari First Fleet continued to move forward with the rest of the fleets. They would take this chance to continue their attack on The Rogue Empire. Once they had regained their control of this area of space, it would be time to build up bigger fleets, and hopefully a time of peace and prosperity for the citizens of the Mon Calamari Republic.
  • Posted On: Aug 18 2002 6:21pm
"Commander your forces seem to be retreating. I did warn you." He then cut the channel and turned to his Superlaser Control Officer.

"Target the interdictor and fire when ready."

"Yes Sir. Firing." said the officer. Slowly deliberatly he pushed a large red button on his control panel. Suddenly the superlaser shot out striking it and destroying it in a instant. In seconds there was just a few particles and atoms where the interdictor once was. Know there truly was chaos in the phantom fleet as a ship right in the middle of there fleet got knocked out from under them.

"Order Phidias and Duchamp to target the 2 Protectors. Full spread. If their captains want their shields they're not going to be able to use their gravity well generators. Order Fear and Barandis to take out the 2 Interceptors. The rest of the fleet is going to attack their rear support ships like the Rangers." said Elian

"Sir. I suggest we make a move for their larger ships like that Disruptor and leave the Interdictors for later. They hardly represent a huge amount of their firepower unlike the disruptor." said his second-in-command

"True but if they're retreating then they obviously have a trick up their sleeve. The only soecial equipment they have besides plain material of war is their Interdictors, Interceptors and Protectors. As for the Rangers. I don't want to get to close yet. Can Dreadnaught keep up with the enemy fleet?" asked Elian

"Yes Sir unless their Gunships make a run for it but we'll still be able to stop their larger ships."

"Excellent. Oh yes Charge the superlaser again."