Posted On:
Feb 25 2004 3:05am
First she was all pushy about wanting to know, now she seems like she doesn't cares. It's beginning to make him wonder whether he was really in love with her. Maybe it was lust, or some foolish desire brought on by his past. He wasn't sure about it. All he knew was that he wished she had reacted differently.
"Since the first time we met."
Posted On:
Feb 25 2004 3:59am
Jade did care. She had felt something for him too ever since that night she went back to her hotel on Geonosis. She wasnt sure if it was they same thing he was feeling yet or not, and if she were, how to tell him. Now she didnt have to.
"When you rescued me. Just before Damien was born."
She snorts and turns to look at him. Her right violet eye and left gray eye seemed to glow with inhuman power, then stopped. Jade felt herself getting warm from embarrasment of how she acted.
"After I left back to my hotel on Geonosis. After we were discussing this mission. Surely you remember that?"
Posted On:
Feb 25 2004 4:04am
Kamon nodded.
"After you went shopping and we split to go about our business. Yeah I remember. I was really worried about my daughter then."
He sat down in a chair and looked at her.
"What about then?"
Posted On:
Feb 25 2004 4:34am
"Ever since that night, I was staring at the moon in my hotel quarters, wondering if what I felt for you was the same as you are feeling for me.
I wasnt sure I should tell you. I didnt want Amarie to feel I was replacing her mother, and end up hating me later on. And I didnt want to get in the way of how much time you two spent together without feeling ignored myself."
Suddenly, she felt ashamed for those feelings with Amarie, so she sits on her bed and pulls her knees to her chest. She wraps her arms around her inner thighs and lays her chin on her kneecaps.
Posted On:
Feb 25 2004 5:10am
Kamon stood and walked over to sit next to her.
"So you feel the same way.."
Sliding his arm around her, he looked out the ships viewport.
"Honestly, I don't think that's what Amarie would think. Sure, she loves her biological mother a lot, sometimes I think even more so than she does me, but she wouldn't think that."
Posted On:
Feb 25 2004 5:26am
Jade nods slowly, and sniffles.
"Yeah, I do. If I had known you did too...I wouldnt have acted like I did. I truely am sorry. Being a Sith still haunts me, as does being a Jedi."
She sighs softly, hiding her face for a moment, then raises it again.
"Pfft. Well, all my kids...Amnon and Amethyst, actually...tend to hate whoever tried to even be a father figure in their lives. So dont expect much of a happy life with them."
Posted On:
Feb 25 2004 5:32am
"If that's the price so be it."
Letting his hand rub down her side, he gave her a smile. The twins would like her he believed. Andreas seemed to think she was a little odd, he did anyways, and Amarie seemed not to really have noticed her. Of course, Amarie was very upset at the moment.
"The twins won't mind you."
Posted On:
Feb 25 2004 6:17am
Jade nods again and swallows hard.
"Alright. That's fine, whatever they decide. I wont be around on Tholatin much, with RDE and all. And not with tending to Damien until hes old enough to look after himself. He is still a newborn, after all."
Posted On:
Feb 25 2004 6:20am
Kamon nodded.
"I understand. That's completely understandable."
It made sense to him anyways. She had responsibilities with her new group and her child, and he had his own responsibilities. Such was the way of life.
Posted On:
Feb 25 2004 6:28am
She gets back up and goes outside, just as another ship lands. Jade knew who it belonged to and was dreading this meeting. The hatch opened and a woman no younger than Jade looked, 20 years old, to be exact, stepped out of her ship. This was not going to be pleasant. Not at all.
"Oh, Gods, I dont have time for this.
What is it you wish to call me a disgrace for now, Amethyst?"