. . .curing testicular cancer in all manner of sea creature. Doctor Jim Fartwell discovered this technique while feeding the aftermentioned cream pie to his sea-dwelling pet . . .
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...
...Who happened to reside with the Imperial officers. After watching the pie being administered, the officers took up the use of pies as...
. . .a sign of the apocalypse. Fleeing into the hills, the yelled as they ran shouting . . .
... "THEY PEIS ARE HERE! AHHH!!!! ITS THE END OF THE WORLD!". But they still just couldent help ...
...Milkshake learn how to spell. However, they did provide lessons to poor, hungry kids on....
...how to keep a coherent plot going when everyone keeps going on tangents. But no one listened, and Kas's story grew ever more...
....liberal, as the mind control device Gash had invented seemed to be warping the upstanding bastion of the right wing's mind. To rescue Kas from this vast left-wing conspiracy....
... Kas himself killed yet another story arc.
The brave Jedi swung his lightsabre, slashing at the throat of the cowardly sith. "Ha!" cried the Jedi, as he...
The brave Jedi swung his lightsabre, slashing at the throat of the cowardly sith. "Ha!" cried the Jedi, as he...
. . .left the TGC battlegrounds. "Hack slash and jab, weee lolkwtf!!!11" He garbled to himself, while strutting gayly down the . . .
...street, until a civic-minded TRFer killed him. That TRFer was later killed in an act of revenge by...