. . .stumbled upon several cases of soiled chimp porn. Leafing through the pages, to thier horror, they discovered . . .
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...
...that the porn belonged to the Reps. The Chimps agreed to aid Joe's vengenace by...
... preparing a particularily nasty concoction of Brewer's Yeast and small Mice, which, when combined with Joe's lightsaber, would ...
...vote Republican. Unfortunately, although the Coalition Reps all lost their seats to Republicans in the next election, it resulted in...
... the formation of the Comnunist Liberal Anti-Imperial Coalition of Angry Calamari-Haters & Soda Drinkers. This group was successful only because ...
...It was secretly run by BILLY STALIN, son of JOSEPH STALIN. He then crushed the Monkey Lords and Joe with his...
.... gigantic, fist shaped paper weight. However BILLY died when...
...a large flock of flying pickles dive bombed his summer retreat in Tunisia, OH NO!!!! But in other news...
. . .it was shockingly revealed that eating other people is the greatest path to weight loss yet. When questioned Bill Gates said . . .
...."I have recently completed full sentience transfer from my body to a microsoft robot, thus eliminating the need for food." However, Michael Jackson said...