A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...
Posts: 2011
  • Posted On: Jul 3 2004 9:54pm
. . .stumbled upon several cases of soiled chimp porn. Leafing through the pages, to thier horror, they discovered . . .
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Jul 3 2004 10:03pm
...that the porn belonged to the Reps. The Chimps agreed to aid Joe's vengenace by...
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: Jul 4 2004 2:44am
... preparing a particularily nasty concoction of Brewer's Yeast and small Mice, which, when combined with Joe's lightsaber, would ...
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Jul 4 2004 2:46am
...vote Republican. Unfortunately, although the Coalition Reps all lost their seats to Republicans in the next election, it resulted in...
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: Jul 4 2004 2:49am
... the formation of the Comnunist Liberal Anti-Imperial Coalition of Angry Calamari-Haters & Soda Drinkers. This group was successful only because ...
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Jul 4 2004 3:01am
...It was secretly run by BILLY STALIN, son of JOSEPH STALIN. He then crushed the Monkey Lords and Joe with his...
Posts: 383
  • Posted On: Jul 4 2004 3:18am
.... gigantic, fist shaped paper weight. However BILLY died when...
Posts: 1584
  • Posted On: Jul 4 2004 4:37am
...a large flock of flying pickles dive bombed his summer retreat in Tunisia, OH NO!!!! But in other news...
Posts: 2011
  • Posted On: Jul 4 2004 12:54pm
. . .it was shockingly revealed that eating other people is the greatest path to weight loss yet. When questioned Bill Gates said . . .
Posts: 383
  • Posted On: Jul 4 2004 2:22pm
...."I have recently completed full sentience transfer from my body to a microsoft robot, thus eliminating the need for food." However, Michael Jackson said...