There was a Jedi named Joe. Joe liked ...
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...
... beef burgers and swiss cheese. In fact, he liked beef burgers and swiss cheese to such an extent that he decided to ...
...become one, part time. But one day, Joe was eaten by...
... coalition rep, who was starving becuase the buffet they were supposed to eat from was...
... infested by worms. The Coalition Rep suffered from....
...persecution by the evil monkey-lords. These monkey lords favourite channel was...
.... BBC (evident by the "u" in favorite). The Coalition rep spent most of his time... the bathroom and eating tuna sandwiches. The other Reps...
...Liked to lick Trees while listening to ...........
...Jedi Joes' wails of agony as he was eaten. But one day, Joe and the Monkey Lords...