Okay, I can handle that. It's fine, whatever. Everyone is doing it, right? I mean here we have a newly Lorded Sith trained under Maim... what can you expect really? And there's this kid, no one really knows who he is because he has no proper force rank and the pair of epics in which he appeared, nevermind 'em. Also there's this probably SSD sized ship which pushes the envelope in terms of feasibility. Fine.
But then, they're the villains to the villains, right? In any comic book; scale meets scale. If your bad guy can destroy cities with a thought, and you want to give him(or her... or it for that matter) an adversary then the enemy in question better be able to eat planets, right?
The Sith respond in kind. They have home turf advantage. They have numbers in their favor in terms of writers contributing.
Maybe it's the invaders fault, maybe it was bound to happen. It gets personal. How? Who knows? Who cares? The point is - things escalate.
That's how these things are carried out. It's a game, and everyone gets in to it with the best intentions...
Attackers cut down NPC's with impunity. But no real concessions are made, no real acknowledgment even of the simple fact that multiple authors are at play and each successive contribution becomes increasingly internalized and hostile. The perspective changes. Initially offense and defense, they become offensive and defensive each in themselves.
What did Om call it? How did he put it? Something about a good read but little like an ongoing game of oneupmanship?
I realize I am as much to blame as any. Perhaps having started the trend, more so. So, I was willing to play along. I consoled enraged parties with each return volley making assurances that everyone was friends, everything friendly.
And then there was a teleportation. And a force-storm. All in one. It stung, but I knew it was just playing in kind. It was exactly what the preceding posts encouraged. So I looked back and saw myself perpetrating offenses... battle-melds coupled with physical battle, pushing the line in terms of man-power and the abilities of those resources. And then someone blew himself up, but didn't. And killed... who cares how many, right? Because, by now, things have gotten so inflated...
But still, it's okay. It's like Mario Tennis, with bombs and multiple lives. But then there was Lupercus. Man... I really wanted to find you online, reading your post, and scream in your face, "FUCK YOU!". It was like... okay, here are these massive piles of shit we're dumping on one another, totally obscuring the good, moderate and tempered posts in the thread (credits to Skygge, Ithron and the other 'non-Master', 'non-Veteran' members) and then you have to go and RETCON the thing. I wanted to make you defend being so low as to do something so cheesy. I really did. And then you know what I realized?
I've been doing the same fucking thing. I can't call you out for being a prick when I myself am being a prick. I can't call Vance on being an asshole when I'm being an asshole myself. I can't call Kraken on being a douche-bag when I myself and douche-bag.
And it fucking sucks.
I'm sorry. Formally, this is my written apology to everyone involved. I'm taking the hit on this, and if anyone wants to get noble and take some blame themselves, fuck you.
I started it. And I want to end it.
So I'm asking you, and you know who you are if you're reading this and thinking, "Damn..." - Please, let's reel it in. For the sake of those who aren't being asshole prick douche-bags. For the sake of the Force. For the sake of the story. For the sake of the community.
Again, I'm sorry. Kraken, I'm sorry for feeling contempt towards your post, despite its merits. Vance, I'm sorry for pushing you to extremes. Lup, I'm sorry we're both such ego-whores, and that you're better at it.
Edit: Removed error, having confused Recon and Krakers names.
I can only speak to one of those points. The Sith Order has no ship larger than a cruiser, and those ships on the large end of the scale are demobilized Imperial Naval Vessels stricken from the registry. There is no SSD-sized warship. The Empire, plainly put, would not allow it. So that allays those fears. That said, I'm looking forward to finally continuing
I thought my post was pretty moderated. The Cenobites, a group of creatures i made for Lupercus harking back about 5 years now, had always been left on Xa Fel. Mainly because i was bored of them and prefered playing with my new shiney toy imperials.
Granted, despite the fact that there are billions of them in reality, I figured it would be the dogs balls to have all of them here, hence there's only about a thousand of them. In addition, the only power i've used is to mask the presence of the dozen acolytes and the Cenobites, who i doubt would have been found anyway, considering the haunted and powerful darkside eminations in the catacombs.
And in regards to Recon? You can blame Dolash for that one! It was only because i was discussing the catacombs with him while i was writing that he reminded me Recon was down there. (i'm assuming that RETCON means recon) That having been said, its a moot point unless you're going down there, and you can only go down there realistically if you win. Since you aren't, i don't really see it as an issue!
Hell, i have no intention of even writing those words again in this thread...
So if thats the only ego whore thing, then no, i'm not. (well, i am, but at least you can't use this to prove it!)