Well, the specific number of Void Knights, the number of them incapacitated, the number killed, and the number rallied are all intangibles. Suffice it to say that some got up and some stayed down, most likely the deader ones staying down and the less dead ones getting back up. No, Dacian can't battle rez, it was really just to give a sort of 'Night of the living dead' feel to the Void knights, showing them getting back up despite greivous harm.
Anyone who was reduced to itty bitty pieces or smashed to a pulp is assuredly still dead.
Park, what the crap are you thinking? Necros is...dead?!?
I'll have to admit, though, it was a good way to go. Excellent post - your best yet. I'm just sad it had to end in the death of a blossoming Sith Knight.
Seriously, what the heck? I don't recall Necros's exact rank, but I'm certain it wasn't master - and yet he managed to somehow suck enough Force energy out of the air to blow up everyone within a kilometer.
Vance's "Black hole of doom attack" was pretty cheesy, but at least he's a Dark Lord operating with great experience in his own home. Likewise, when Necros did the "uses the Force to ignite the oxygen so he can shoot fire" attack, it was equally a little silly (I'm pretty sure the Force doesn't work that way), but really it's just a special effect to throw around "I kill more guys", so no biggie.
But this explosion that apparently was flattening forest for a kilometer in all directions, this unstoppable blast thing that doesn't at all take into account Vance's crazy black hole or even your own supposed location (at the end of your last post you walked into the temple) - it's just crazy. Even the silly black hole thing is pacing itself with the consumption of the Crusader army.
I am dead, just not in an OOC sense. All will be explained in time in a thread I'm working on. Vance's attack was powerful, but he was able to conduct it and still be able to fight afterwards. Necros's attack, while still powerful, ended up killing him. That is the difference between a knight and master in force control.