I'll post as soon as possible - I was planning on posting Thursday, but stuff came up and I couldn't. Since then I've been so busy I haven't had time. I'll probably post either tomorrow or Monday.
Telan - No harm, no foul. I hope. My reaction was less tempered then I would have liked, but as stated, I reacted. I reacted to what seemed to be a case of "old days backstabbery" and did so as I hope any of us, now grown members, would. All the same, no offense should be harbored... despite the cutting remark regarding Imperial hypocrisy which I now lament putting forward. I hope that nothing was taken too personally which cannot be remedied with a good hug and kiss.
Skygge - Hurry up already. Jeez, it's not like I still owe you a post or anything... oh... wait...
Wouldn't these plans be OOC for the moment since, as you mention, there is little IC knowledge as the Xa Fel attack has not really begun in earnest? I would think that having people speculate, talk, plot and plan about the crusade would be welcome as it generates more interest in the next installment.
I mean, no one really knows except Dolash and Beff where the "next" strike will be and that is food for much speculation. This speculation creates ideas that perhaps may not be a part of the "main plan" of the crusade but no plan, no idea and no story survives it's original outline when you are including others in the story as a collaboration.
Just some friendly advice, but if you are trying to control every little aspect of the story so that it follows the original outline as written or thought up by crusaders, you might find yourself being more frustrated than usual. I made that mistake with Legacies.
I'll post in the next few days. Tomorrow I'm completely out of the way, due to having to finish an assignment for Tuesday (tomorrow being Monday - or today, seeing as it's 1 AM for me). Once I get that out of the way, I'll complete my half-written reply and throw it onto the table.
The next Imperial response will come at the point designated appropriate by myself and the crusade's masters to ensure IC fairness and appropriate timing. Fear not, the Imperial Goliath approaches!
They sure would. The conflict comes from the mixing of IC & OOC; making plans to contend with something that is unknown but for OOC and using those plans to predict IC reactions.
More directly... say the Empire were to go looking for allies against the Crusade, and in so doing, went to, just say, the Commonwealth membership in the hope of making a plan to contend with.... what? Exactly. As the outcome remains unknown, speculating OOC how one will react IC with others seems a might bit presumptuous. That is to state that the Empire has no idea if the Crusade represents an ally or enemy so to go to other members and make plans as if the outcome were a predetermined result. So to go and, in an Out Of Character fashion and ask other members if they'll stand against the Crusade is totally flawed.
Speculation is fine. So is discussion. As you say, encouraged even. Just so long as that conversation remains purely hypothetical.
If one's RP is making aggressive moves towards other group's holdings with intent to capture, I should hope that the outcome is completely open ended...
[quote=Beff Pike]say the Empire were to go looking for allies against the Crusade, and in so doing, went to, just say, the Commonwealth membership in the hope of making a plan to contend with.... what? Exactly."
"Dear CommonWealth members, the evil Sith we've been quietly harboring were just attacked by even scarier evil bad guys. Please send help at once, or the universe will implode like what leading researchers claim would have happened if the Vong hadn't been stopped at Capricia."