Mechis III (Trachta)
Posts: 1381
  • Posted On: Dec 19 2003 8:56pm
You can remove your last post, as there were still issues being resolved between Kas and I regarding your post.

  • Posted On: Dec 19 2003 9:37pm
And you can remove your last post.
Posts: 1381
  • Posted On: Dec 19 2003 11:27pm
No, Griff. Unlike your post, mine contain no god moding, no breaches of rules or conduct.

Let me explain this to you: Imperator Star Destroyers are twice the length of your Destroyers, Reign Star Destroyers more than twice their length.

Tractor beams, regardless of what you might like to imagine, will have en effect on them. You sitting in front of your computer and saying "Nuh-uh!" doesn't change that.
  • Posted On: Dec 20 2003 12:01am
Fleet battles are not something to be determined by math. It entirely takes away from the point of tactical and strategic assault - math-based fleeting will make the phrase "My ship is bigger than yours so it wins!" a legal argument.

Indicate which ships are holding onto which ships. Quit being general about it.

Tractor beams are not combat items. They are used to pull in disabled ships. If they're used in a combat situation, then there will be severe power loss to other systems, such as shields or firepower. So note that your shields are now operating at 50% efficiency due to the ENORMOUS drain from the beams.

Remember how much trouble an entire Star Destroyer had with one X-Wing under the most genious commander in Imperial History.

Two warships, ten to twenty times the size of the starfighter, couldn't catch it in its tractor beams
Posts: 1381
  • Posted On: Dec 21 2003 2:36am
Wow. Once again, you learn to take something completely out of context and still have it mean nothing.

No, larger ships do not automatically destroy smaller ships because they are larger. But larger ships using tractor beams do win out over smaller ships using tractor beams for one very good reason: mass.

Your ships are 850 meters long, and have their engines at full power. With the tractor beams locked onto your ships, your essentially trying to move a 2450 - 2850 meter warship with those engines. That's going to slow you down.

Add to this the fact that the engines of my ships are pushing in the opposite direction, and your ships aren't going to be moving a whole lot.

Now then, point out to me a canon source where tractor beams are not combat items, and/or drain 50% of a ship's systems. There are several examples of tractor beams being used in combat situations and not effecting performance; surely you can provide one to back your claims!

Example: Heir to the Empire

The Chimaera uses its tractor beams, during a battle, to draw in an enemy Assault Frigate to shield its unshielded flank. No system integrity is lost, otherwise it a) would have been stated (Thrawn would have weighed the option, Palleon in that early stage would have questioned the decision), and b) it would have been shown.

Neither happened, therefor the conclusion is that the use of the beams had little - no effect on the ship's perormance, as it should not - tractor beams are as much a weapon as a turbolaser or ion cannon.

Example: Isard's Revenge

Corran uses a TIE Defender's tractor beam to slingshot himself around a space station, during a battle. That would make it a combat manouver. There is no mention of systems loss or anything of the sort.

Your example of the X-wing is moot. Not only was it piloted by a Jedi Master with a considerable ammount of luck on his side, he utilized a very risky and potentially deadly manouver in order to escape. The result was that his fighter was crippled.

The only reason the Star Destroyer had "trouble" bringing it in was because they did not expect the move, and the vessel was not designed to fight against starfighters - it's a capital ship killer.
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: Dec 22 2003 3:51am
Tractor beams are counted as a weapon emplacement in R&D's as well.
  • Posted On: Dec 22 2003 11:29pm
I will wait untill the staff makes a decision... yet again.
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: Dec 23 2003 12:38am
Good grief. This is about tractor beams being used to pull in the BoP's, correct?
  • Posted On: Dec 23 2003 2:04am
I have no idea. Talk to Drayson.
Posts: 1381
  • Posted On: Dec 23 2003 4:00am
This is about Griff completely ignoring the use of tractor beams against ALL of his ships, and posting again despite unresolved OOC issues.