Manifest Error
Posts: 4025
  • Posted On: Aug 11 2004 6:30pm
Unless someone R&Ded a new type of mine, either where it has a small gattling cannon to shoot down incoming missiles, or a small proton torpedo launcher with like 3-4 torpedoes, mines are pretty worthless.
Posts: 5387
  • Posted On: Aug 11 2004 6:31pm
Then R&D a new mine.
Posts: 151
  • Posted On: Aug 11 2004 6:31pm
But saying that making mines free

I'm not saying that mines should be free.

I'm saying that charging the same rate for Mines as for everything else makes mines moot, because they become too expensive for what they can do. Mines in the real world are used because they are cheap, easy, and deadly.

If you make 4 4 meter mines cost the same as an X-Wing fighter. . .

edit: 4 4 meter mines should cost the same as an X-Wing, when I think about it, because 4 meters is a heck of a lot of space, to be filled with a heck of a lot of equipment.

But for cheap-o mines, .. maybe we should come up with three default mine designs (like the defenses) and assign some build times, to make this easier. At the moment, there are no official mines, just the generic proximity, and a few laser cannon mines.
Posts: 4025
  • Posted On: Aug 11 2004 6:33pm
In the real world, mines are buried, and then either triggered by an enemy, or left for an eternity to sit idle and buried under the ground. Take Afghanistan, for example.

I'm not saying that mines should be free, mind you, but that their current upkeep prices is total ridicolous.
Posts: 5387
  • Posted On: Aug 11 2004 6:34pm
Okay, so mines are used in the world because they are cheap, easy, and deadly.

At 4 meters, they are cheap. They're no harder to build then anything else. So make them deadly.
Posts: 4025
  • Posted On: Aug 11 2004 6:35pm
In NJO, Star by Star, control stations are used to keep track of the mines and deactivate them if necessary. Say we create a new rule that for every so and so amount of mines, amounting to a mine sector, needs a control station that does count torwards your meterage, but that the mines themselves do not. Say, build a 250 meters control station for 2,500 mines, or something like that.
Posts: 5387
  • Posted On: Aug 11 2004 6:41pm
I have a better idea.

Just cut the size of mines. If you can build 5000 a day, at 100 meters produced a day, by my count that would make them much less then a meter. Then, say, we cut them to half. This would solve several problems as it would increase their effectiveness by making them harder to spot and disable, and it would also make them proportionatly more effective while having them cost less in total meterage and not changing anything such as buildtime or limits per system.
Posts: 1772
  • Posted On: Aug 11 2004 6:56pm
*returns back to the thread*

Okay, finished my calcs and edited the manifest and the meterage on BDE. If staff wants to review the calcs, they may inquire. I will send it via PM.

Otherwise, I just scrapped over 200k of my own ships and ground forces, along with some of my planetary defenses.

At least, we are now legit.
Posts: 699
  • Posted On: Aug 11 2004 7:13pm
Way to go Grevious.
Posts: 4025
  • Posted On: Aug 11 2004 7:20pm
Although I'm not authorized to take any direct action, I am busy trying to figure out what we have, and coming up with solutions on not only how to fix it, but how to keep it fixed as well.