As of the last time the manifest was updated, yes...
As The World Falls Down(Mon Calamari) OOC
And I've checked your manifest a few times and never saw them, but this is all irrelevant, since he already edited them out.
My comment was implying that the manifest is two weeks or so out of date, is all...
So, is the TGC going to stall this thread for as long as possible, or what?
Kraken, it's not TGC's fault. It's mine. I've been sick and haven't had the opportunity to edit my post.
I will edit today somehow..someway.
So do not be looking for a fight there.
I will edit today somehow..someway.
So do not be looking for a fight there.
Be careful what you say Kraken.
Be careful what you say.
Be careful what you say.
Nah, I didn't mean to rush you, I was just reminding the GC that it is their turn to post.
Kraken, np..
I've edited.
Now I know Jan needs to edit slightly and maybe Griff and Isjhe so... let me know when it's my turn again.
I've edited.
Now I know Jan needs to edit slightly and maybe Griff and Isjhe so... let me know when it's my turn again.
I am not sure who's turn it is.