The Last Laugh (Rachuk)
Posts: 1549
  • Posted On: Mar 19 2004 7:43am
Bridge of the Serephim.

"Captain Alberto?"

Lieutenant Ceurvo had appeared at his captains side, report in hand.

"We have begun communicating with High Command, Imperial Engineering Corps tugs are enroute, along with additional crews and soldiers to ensure their security. Also, Marshall Kaine sends his congratulations over the successful mission.

I believe he is quite pleased over the capture of the fleets computer cores intact."

Carlos nodded absentminded before speaking.

"Of course José. Send my congratulations to General Septum on a successful defence. Also tell him the 11th TRF will remain in system for 48 hours in accordance with High Commands orders.

Inform me when the first ORS ship comes back online."

Grinning, the lieutenant threw a curt salute before disappearing on his way to issue his Captains orders.