OOC this is where we will go for the negotiations
Maximus had been struck through the leg with his own vibro knife. His face wretched with pain. He fell to the ground with a loud thump. He sat up and kept his eyes on the sith lord, while he felt the cut with his hand. When he brought his hand to his face it was covered form the finger tips with three inches of his hand covered with blood.
Bastard. Maximus looked at him. Now being pissed off he was able to channel his anger slightly as if he were Sith, but a weak one.
He needed a slight diversion, although in battle with such a powerful sith it wouldn't be easy. Maximus jumped to his feet he began to run towards his other knife and vibroblade. As the sith lord neared Maximus pulled his blaster pistol out from his chest holster and fired round after round at Snack.
The pistol provided slight cover so that Snack couldn't get too close while Maximus retreived his weaponry. When he had collected them a message came over his intercom that was strapped to his waist.
=="The battle has been won. Admiral Shmoe has surrendered. Return to your ships."==
Maximus closed his eyes and spoke. "I appologize for this, but my work here is done and I must now go. We will continue this later, and hopefully when we do I will be more of a challenge for you."
With that Maximus sheathed all his weapons and shot off towards his speeder bike's resting place. He watched as Snack stood there, dissappearing off in the distance as Maximus ran. When he reached his speeder he fired up the engines, rode around the outskirts of the city and headed to the transports.