Posted On:
Dec 16 2001 8:20am
The ground under Snack's feet shook violently as what seemed like an explosion went off. The Force told Snack that there was now no way to communicate from the planet out to orbiting ships or other planets. <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> An invasion.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> The forces would be astonishingly high, and quite powerful. Even if the Sith Lord wanted to stop them, he would not have been able to. He could kill a few hundred or so troops, and maybe stand against some of the heavy walkers and tanks, but the combination of all of them, pluss any air bombardments would take out the Lord once and for all.
No, but there was a way to make some sort of impact. Every invasion had three or more parts to it. A fleet blockade and a communications disruption, a direct ground assult witht he use of what could be millions of troops, and at least one covert operation.
Snack entered the hangar bay finally and ran towards his awaiting Lambda Class shuttle. At the fot of the ramp stood a fully armor-clad gaurd. Above the armor lay a dark black cloak, much like Snack's. When Snack reached him, the Lord had to look up in order to look into the hidden eyes of the six foot eight inch body gaurd. "Ready the ship. Transport it someplace where I will be able to board it easily and quickly. I'm going to have.. some fun."
Behind the cloak and the mask, a distorted and disturbing harsh voice replied back, "As you wish, my Lord." The gaurd vanished back into the depths of the shuttle as the ramp closed behind him. Snack quickly pivoted a hundred and eighty and ran back out.
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Where would a covert group attack, or even a large army. What would be their primary target?<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> He asked himself. The answer hung in the air for half a minute as the Lord ran. Passing by a concealed door it rammed into Snack's mind, causing him to abruptly stop.
He looked at the door and shoved it open to reveal a long dark corridor, tunneling underground to someplace unknown to those who were not in the know. Or to those without the Force. For it was the Force that guided him to this exact door and hallway. Following it, told by the Force, would lead him to these covert ops agents within the barracks.
It took the Lord five minutes to reach the exit of the long hallway. The door that stood at the end was quickly cut from its hinges as the teal blade of Snack's saber cut through it. He entered another hallway, this one with better lighting which kept flickering on and off. Turning to his left he quickly walked down the hall, his black cloak flowing freely as in the wind behind him.
Fire blasters rang out and spat their laser energy back and forth in front of Snack's field of vision. A battle was taking place up in the giant room in front of him. Cutting to his left this time, Snack entered another room, which connected the giant one with a small closet. The sight which the Lord could see in the main room shocked him, as a man single handedly took out two well trained troopers with an amazingly quick blow to their heads with his vibroblades.
Reigniting his teal blade, the Sith Lord walked with a gait of confidence and power towards the man... towards Maximus Jerrad.
Posted On:
Dec 16 2001 4:18pm
OOC *chuckles* I'll let you escape with two AT-AT casualties, but HT-AT's??? Sorry and Joe...the life support and engines most certainly are not cut off...
The Rogue Imperial Missile Boats sped from their due position, and were already nearing the city. They saw the AT-AT's combust into flames, but the tanks still were pounding the city strong and the infantry were already seizing the forms of civilization.
"Mu group this is Mu 1, the barrack is in sight..." the flight leader said, his face straight and emotionless behind his suit's helm. "Gaining target lock...notify when acquired."
Laser blasts from the batteries down below struck the engines of one of the boats, but a tank's cannon prevented any furthering damage there.
"This is Mu 2 I have a lock."
"This is Mu 3 I have a lock."
"This is Mu 9 I have a lock!" they all yelled, one at a time.
"This is Mu 1...I have a lock...fire!" Mu 1 said, clasping his thumbs down on the triggers, as did the other missile boat pilots which launched their advanced proton torpedos. It took no time at all for them to whiz past, two getting destroyed in the process by the batteries, but the rest blowing most of the barracks to hell. "Ok now, hit boosters!" As well all ten of the missile boats punched in their boosters, shooting across the sky with defeaning speeds, which would leave a mighty earache in the troops below.
As they sped over the barrack, nearly hundreds of bombs raced from the bottom launchers of the Missile Boats, tearing apart what was left of the barrack and killing those inside. Soon the city would be completely under Rogue Imperial rule, it was all matter of mopping up the remaining infantry...
In outer space the assault gunboats had their hands full trying to ward off the TIE Fighters, and seeing as the Imperial-Class Star Destroyers had just moved into position...they had set themselves up for possibly the most pathetic manuever any could. Joe had no idea of the modifications made to the Star Destroyer Disruptor, and he was only going to suffer for his stupidity.
It was on all frequencies that Fearsons' voice was projected. "Admiral Joe, if you surrendered now, your life would indefinitely be spared, who knows you may even escape a prison sentence and be allowed to live your life in peace...but if your Star Destroyers do not back down, we will crush every single Chimeran here today," he'd said...which would undoubtabely send chills up the spines of the Chimera Fleet officials and servicemen.
The moment the voice finished however, the <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Victory<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->-Class Star Destroyer <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Red Dog<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> showed the true might of the Rogue Empire...having acquired lock on the Terror of Togoria and the Death...twelve missiles were launched from the multitude of missile launchers that a regular <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Victory<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->-Class Star Destroyer could hold.
"If you surrender, the antidote shall be brought aboard, and our virus shall be repelled...if not...well we will take your ship," Fearsons had said again.
Posted On:
Dec 16 2001 5:00pm
The small craft was attached to the rear of the <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Terror of Togoria<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->, the anti-repulsor lifts keeping it nice and stuck where no sensors could find it, especially not in the mist of this intense battle. The <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Slave I<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> looked even like a piece of the bridge...it was the same tactic that fool Han Solo had used when attempting to flee from Vader back in Hoth. Of course Solo was another story, and Fett had bigger game to collect.
He'd only been seen once without it, and even then his face was far too crisp for Dengar to tell. But knowing Chimera Fleet would be messenging him any moment, he immediately threw it back on, strapping it to his mandalorian armor to prevent him from being seen...or hit in the face.
Sure enough, the Chimera Fleet was right on schedule. "Greetings Fett...so you'd like to bring in a Rogue Imperial soldier for us?" the commander asked. Fett merely nodded, his throat far too sore for him to do any unnecessary talking. "How many do you have?"
"Two," his raspy voice responded, behind that helm he was wincing at having to exert the energy...he had forgotten to take his pain killers again.
"Very good, we shall open the cargo bay at once for you," the commander said excitedly, his face immediately cutting out. The bounty hunter took this time to run to the cargo holding, checking on the prisoner and grabbing his painkillers, throwing them in a drink, grabbing a straw, and swallowing down the entire thing. Though it tasted awful, he'd grown to appreciate that moldy, sour taste.
When he was back in the cockpits, he took the controls, raying the ship from the Iron Fist Fleet's Star Destroyer and flying past the gunfights between the obviously superior Assault Gunboats. Into the hangar of the Star Destroyer <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Death<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> he believed it was called, where there were several soldiers awaiting him...assorted infantry, commandos, and officers.
The bridge stank of officer and leadership...he hated being in the presence of those inferior whom thought they had a right to do battle.
"You have the prisoner?" that same commander asked. "Who is it?"
"Chris Liberi..." he responded, wincing again behind his helm, but the armor did not show it. Following the bounty hunter, being escorted by a droid, was infact the famed Chris Liberi...the dark trooper...the diplomat...he was a brave fellow indeed.
"Excellent Fett! Your reward shall be tripled!" the Chimeran said, snapping his fingers to one of the commandos, who in turn emerged with a box of credits. He nodded and looked down, opening the box and counting the money inside. It was all there. He then looked up at the Chimerans around him.
"Thank you..." however the way he said "you" had an eerie emphasis on it. Its emphasis had proven positive when his blaster emerged, a red laser shot hitting the commander in front of him, then the commando. The infantry immediately sprang into action with their false punctuality and efficiency. Several blasts simply richocheted off that fine armor and he turned around blasting them to the ground too. "Go ahead Liberi...do your stuff."
Fett walked back into the ship's cockpit where he would quickly flee the scene...Fearsons would pay quadrouple the pay the Chimerans did...being a soverign empire of course they had the more abundant cash.
Liberi, or more over the sadistic and mad clone of him, continued to walk through the several corridors, walking triumphantly. But the infantry could not worry of him at the moment, what with the hangar bay issue and all...and especially not with the battle going on and the claimed Angel Virus attack on the Star Destroyer <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Terror of Togoria<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->.
He'd found his way to the engine room, where two guards attempted to stop him.
"Who are you?" the first one asked, but was quickly horrified by that evil grin that spread to his face. "H-Hey...get back or I'll shoot!" Liberi did not pay heed and simply entered the room. The guard was true to his word...and fired several shots which easily penetrated the mere human clone. But the clone...exploded in a heap of firing combustion.
Fett flew from the Star Destryer <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Death<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> with an evil grin upon his face, covered by that helm. The Star Destroyer's engines had just completely been blown out, if security measures were not taken immediately, it would be doomed to implosion...if they were lucky.
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Joe you really are an idiot...<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> he thought to himself. <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> The Rogue Empire cannot be stopped by two measly fleets...you honestly should surrender.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> But he knew the man's ego was far too large to accept that. He had doomed himself and the thousands that worked for him. And Fett...would benefit from the deaths.
Posted On:
Dec 16 2001 5:30pm
Lord Snowkan onboard the terror of togoria saw the missiles coming at him.
"tell the fighters to blow those missiles now."
One squad of fighters went after the missiles.
"i have a lock and am firing"
"i'm shooting"
"I'm locked and firing"
"That is four down now for five, firing now."
"I'm not letting them takedown Terro of Togoria without a fight, firing now."
"lets go blow those missiles boys. Firing"
"That's seven down, oops did i say seven, i have a lock and firing, i mean eight down."
"nine here to go blow the nineth."
"I'm firing"
Posted On:
Dec 16 2001 9:05pm
Maximus looked towards the sith and smirked. "Death Smiles at us all." He spoke, "all we can do is smile back." With that Maximus leapt forward and ripped his virbo blades out of the heads of the fallen opponents.
He then sheathed them back in their positions and looked the sith in the eye.
"I may not be as strong in the force or carry a lightsabre, but. this may do." He then stepped backwards a few feet. He threw his trenchcoat five feet to the left off of his back and reached behind his head to the metre long vibro blade he concealed under his coat. He unsheathed it and gripped the handle with both of his hands.
It being stronger than the vibro knives his smirk looked more devious than before. He charged forward and swung his blade at the sith. Knowing he didn't have much of a chance on his own he reached out to the one force ability he had.
If the sith were to use telepathic abilities to fight than Maximus would flood the other man's mind with thoughts and attempt to confuse him about what he was going to do next.
An almost succeding attempt. It did slightly distract the sith but not much. Maximus was able to pull off a few attacks but quite a few were blocked before they started.
The Vibroblade and lightsabre met frequently, but at one point, Maxmius lost grip of his blade and it was sent hurling through the air. Weaponless Maximus waited for the fatefull strike that would end is life of hell.
But the strike came moments later and Maximus did not feel anything but he heard the whirr of the sabre. Smelt the singeing skin, but felt nothing. He opened his eyes to see that one of the troops that had helped him attack the enemy officers had taken the blow. Maximus flew towards his Virboblade. While diving he threw one of his knives and if barely struckl the sith lord in the foot...
[OOC: I don't want to make this too unrealistic so take it from here but just don't kill my char :)]
Posted On:
Dec 16 2001 11:02pm
ooc:CHadd those ships are out whether you like it or not that was perfectly legal have fun.
ic: "Commander tell the Defender Squadron and the missile boats to Attack those missile boats. Then send the 3 Interceptor Squadrons to help with the Angel missiles and finally send all the remaining Bomber Squadrons to mine the area near the Assault Gunboats, send the Gunships to cover them."
"Yes sir" the commander said
The Bombers layed their Empion Mines right in front of the Assault Gunboats, while the gunships laid down a covering fire. Once all The Chimeran mining team and Gunships had arrived safely back in the screen, the Mines were activated, they sent a ripple of Ion energy towards the Gunboats, and disabeled them.
The Bomber Squadron on the ground went after the Ht-At's, the Ht-St's shields had already been damadged and know it was time to finish them off, Each Bomber launched their sixteen Concussion missiles at the Ht-At's, their shields may be strong but nothing could stand up to that, Then the bombers were past the smouldering ruins of the Ht-AT's and on the light tanks, Proton torpedoes rained down on them with 2 to every tank, 6 Tanks exploded, then they doubled back and went towards the AT-Pt's dropping their thermal Detonaters, 24 AT-Pt's were destroyed, Then the Bombers began strafing the At-St's because their missile and bombs had been depleted, 12 At-St's were destroyed in a pass and in the second another 12 were destroyed, content with the damage they had wrought the Bomber Squadron went up towards the screen.
The Interceptors had destroyed the remaining missiles with only 2 striking the Terror, both of those missiles were held by the shields.
They were good fighters Commander Rojan would grant them that but nobody could beat his Defender Squadron, they zoomed in towards the Missile Boats with all guns blazing, Eacj Missile Boat was hit by 2 Concussion Missiles, and multiple bursts of Laser fire and Ion Cannon fire, then his squadron turned around and began another pass this time with the Missile Boats Leading, 2 of the opposing Missile Boats blew up as did 1 of the Chimeran Missile Boats, Then the Defender Squadron was on them ravaging the survivng Missile Boats, Defender Squadron lost 1 pilot before all the Missile Boats had been destroyed.
Posted On:
Dec 16 2001 11:19pm
Snake nodded to himself as he heard Fearsons messege.He pulled out his vibroblade and started making his way through the shipyards.
<!--EZCODE BOLD START--> 30 kilometers from the core of the shipyards<!--EZCODE BOLD END-->
Encounters with Chimera Fleet soldiers was to be expected but Snake had made barely 10 kilometers before he saw a single person.He was standing in front of 4 CF soldiers armed with light repeating blasters.The all went to one knee and started firing at him.Snake backfliped,firing his arm-gun.
2 men were hit,dead before they hit the floor.The other two,seeing their comrades die became even more determined to kill Snake.They charged,mindlessly intent on killing at least one TRE infiltrator.Snake side-steped the first soldier,stabing him in the chest.The second one was a little smarter,he came carefully,armed with a deadly force-pike.Snake dove toward him and cut the soldiers legs out from under him.Snake came up and snapped his neck.The cyborg stood up and continued making his way to the core of the shipyards...
Posted On:
Dec 16 2001 11:20pm
OOC Joe I will explain the problems with this:
1) It was not legal, you have to state HOW it was done
2) HT-AT's most certainly CAN repel 16 Concussion Missiles...you can hit it with all the damn concussion missiles in the world and you won't even phase it. Not that it's THAT godly, it's just that concussion missiles are weak warheads designed to knock out starfighters.
3) You can only take out a capital ship in a SERIES of posts, not just one.
4) Angel Missiles actually ram INTO the hull, no amount of shields repel them, they do not explode or anything.
Posted On:
Dec 16 2001 11:52pm
ooc: modified xiyitars have a special computer that can take over another ships main computer. look in "The Essential guide to vehicles and vessels" hyperspace maurauder will find page for you later. IFF's (me) ties blew up ten of the missiles i think the interceptors can blowup another two. Chadd only launched 12.
Posted On:
Dec 17 2001 1:52pm
OOC Bill this is the last time I let something slide, next time I <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> will<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> wipe the floor with you two. And I do not disagree that modified Xiytars can take over another ship's main computer, but you must do so over a series of posts you can't do so in JUST one. And I did not just fire 12 missiles, that was the initial attack, then I fired more, he even said two hit the Star Destroyer. Now, if one more OOC post is made, I will end this attack in one post, I warned you to contact me over AIM. If you cannot because you are too obsessed with messing up a board, contact me in TRE's OOC forum.