Posted On:
Sep 27 2002 2:29pm
Logray followed Kenshin and his uncle inside. Logray looked around, staring at the many things inside the dome. He looked at the artifacts gathered from the nearby ruins. Logray noticed that Kenshin and his uncle were moving as his uncle showed them the dome, and Logray quickly ran to catch up.
Posted On:
Sep 28 2002 12:09am
Hiko brought them to the living room and motioned for them to sit. He looked at the Ewok.
"By the looks of you, you're from the Jedi also. What's your name?"
Posted On:
Sep 28 2002 10:30pm
As Kenshin sat easily in his chair, Logray had to pull himself up. "Yes, I am a Jedi. My name is Logray, and I came from a nearby village. I met Kenshin in the halls back at the academy." Logray hopped off his chair and bowed, before pulling himself back up.
Posted On:
Sep 29 2002 2:49pm
Hiko grinned at the two.
"Well, you're free to run around the settlement as long as you stay out of trouble. Be back for supper around sundown."
Kenshin grinned.
"So Logray, what do you want to see first?"
Posted On:
Oct 1 2002 6:23pm
"What do I want to see first? Well, I am not really sure. Perhaps look at the ruins nearby? Or maybe somewhere you remember around here that you liked going to?" Logray stared at Kenshin and asked, as they exited the compound.
Posted On:
Oct 2 2002 12:32am
"Okay, lets try the ruins first."
He led them toward a small step pyramid like structure. It was made off a yellowish stone, entangled with vines and covered in overgrowth. A few humans ambled about with datapads in their hands. These were the scientists. The field ones. Most of them were in the domes infront of computers and such. Kenshin found personally exploring the ruins more exciting.
He pointed to one of the smaller pyramids around the big one.
"Want to take a look?"
Posted On:
Oct 2 2002 7:58pm
"Of course." Logray was delighted they were looking at the ruins. It was nice learning about cultures on his planet, ones that he hasn't learned of. When they reached the pyrimid, Logray looked around, looking at the different symbols made of stone.
Posted On:
Oct 3 2002 1:37am
Kenshin silently stepped into the courtyard at the center of the structure. Golden sunlight streamed in from the hole above showing the vegetation that has moved in.
Posted On:
Oct 5 2002 10:36pm
Logray sensed something wrong in the force, and moved to the left. An arrow struck the structure next to him, and Logray looked to where it came from. He opened his eyes joyously. A gray striped ewok, about the size of Logray came running up to Logray. Soon the were discussing with each other wildly as if they were close friends. They were speaking their native language, so it would be hard for others to understand what they were saying, but it seemed like they had known each other for a long time.
Posted On:
Oct 6 2002 3:09pm
Kenshin turned to see Logray speaking excitedly with another ewok. Kenshin grinned and watched the pair from the hall.