Journey to Onderon: The Will of the Force
  • Posted On: Aug 2 2003 3:50pm
Luis smiled as Dirk destroyed the Sentry Gun, nodding with approval. The corridor they now stood in was only a few metres long, and ended in a set of stairs that wound their way upwards.

His commlink crackled to life, it was Hanix and Omoi, they were pinned down by guns. Walking toward the stairs carefully, yet with haste, Luis began to jog up them towards a door that was at the top. He appraised the door for a moment before ressing the button on the panel beside it. it was open at least and it slid open with a hiss, revealing an officer sitting on a chair, frantically issuing orders to other officers in the room. He stood up sharply as Dirk and Luis entered the room. He reached for his blaster pistol and opened fire. Luis stopped the bolts with his hand using a force shield.

"Turn the guns off. Now"

He ordered the chief security officer harshly. Nobody moved in the room, not sure of what to do. The chief officer looked at the other officers:

"Fools! Kill them both!"

The response was hesitant, but nonetheless, the officers drew their blasters and began to fire. The two Jedi's lightsabers ignited, Dirks Black blade and the intense violet of Luis' blade flashed through the air as one, deflecting all the blaster shots that would otherwise have killed them. There was silence and the pair glanced around the room. Only a few of the men in the room were still alive, others cut down by their own blaster fire.

The chief officer himself lay face down on the floor, most likely caught in the crossfire. The remaining guards looked at each other. They were cornered and there was only one thing left to do. They all ran at full speed toward the Jedi, drawing vibrodaggers as they did so. The lightsabers once again coursed through the air in a flurry of light, cutting them down before they were even at arms reach.

Retracting his lightsaber, Luis stepped over the body of the chief officer and began to glance over the computer panel. His fingers mved like lightning over some buttons and the alarms switched off, and the guns fell silent.

Luis smiled at his Padawan, Dirk, they had done it, but there were still guards to deal with and charges to be planted. Running out of the room with Dirk on close tow they ran back down the stairs.

Up in the control room, the chief security officer stirred and rolled onto his back, a large blaster burn on his chest. He crawled toward the panel and reached up at it, his fingers pressed a few buttons. Suddenly, red lights flashed and a computerised voice echoed loudly throughout the factory as the officer fell limp and slid off the panel:

"Self destruct activated, factory will self destruct in 3 minutes and counting...all blast doors are now closed"
  • Posted On: Aug 2 2003 4:55pm
Dirk ran alongside Luis, putting a little more hurry in his step as Luis' comlink announced Hanix was pinned down... anything that could stop that knight had to be intense.

Luis attempted to stop the guns by talking to the officer, but in his mind Dirk knew that this would only be resolved through fighting. He fought down the sense of urgancy, trying to will the peace of the force into him.

As negotiations failed, he ignited his saber and began blocking the shots that were coming towards him. Only the force could have guided his hands, for blocking was not a strong point for him.

After a few moments everyone in the room lay dead or dying. Luis moved closer and turned off the panel. Luis turned and left the room, but Dirk hesistated for a moment and plunged his lightsaber into the panel so that security could no longer be activated.

"Self destruct activated, factory will self destruct in 3 minutes and counting...all blast doors are now closed"

Dirk froze, anger rose in him, although he tried to fight it down. He turned for a brief second, drawing his blaster and errupting the officer's head in a mist of blood and bone. He finally succeeded in calming himself and he caught up with Luis.

"This makes things more interesting, right master."

Dirk glanced around at flashing red lights and screaming sirens. He reached over and took Luis' satchel pack before he could protest.

"Find the others and get out of here, master. I'll make sure the factory is destroyed... don't worry I've got two and half minutes..."

Dirk willed the force into his legs and took off at a run that left him no more than a blur.
  • Posted On: Aug 2 2003 9:48pm
Luis blinked as his Padawan sped past him before he could speak, his hair ruffling in Dirk's wake:

//Good Luck Dirk\\

He transmitted telepathically as he followed the sounds of lightsabers and ran towards Hanix and Omoi, who were surrounded by guards who had nothing left to lose. Igniting his lightsaber, he slashed his way through them. Hanix and Omoi moved swiftly as he arrived and they soon finished off the remaining soldiers. The alarms whirled and the place was doused in a red haze with the alarm lights:

"We better get out of here, Dirk is about to finish off the job...I trust all the charges have been placed"

He said, almmost shouting to be heard above the alarms. The pair nodded their heads as Hanix gave a status report, telling him that all their charges had been strategically placed in major areas. The computer spoke again, telling them that they only had 2 minutes to get out of there.

Cutting the conversation short, the group broke into a run. Using the force as his guide, Luis led the group to a giant blast door. Unfortunately, the computer wasn't lying and all the doors were firmly closed and locked.

Hanix ignited his lightsaber and plunged it into the blast door and began to cut a hole assisted by Luis, who plunged his lightsaber into door with adrenaline fuelled vigour. With the two Knights combined effort, the hole was soon completed and they kicked it through to reveal a long corridor, with small doors on either side, it too was cast in the same red haze as the rest of the building.

The group of three continued running as the checkpoint alarm sounded, reminding them that if they didn't get out within 1 minute 30 seconds, they would be blown sky high along with the building. Luis swore as another door blocked their path.

Without hesitation or thought, Hanix and Luis immediatly began the lengthy process of cutting the door open. They made haste as the computer beeped again. 1 minute. Beads of sweat began to form on Luis' forehead as he adjusted his grip on his lightsaber as he moved it as fast as it could go to cut the hole. The door collapsed outward as they finished, revealing sunlight and a blast of cold 'fresh' air. They were out.

Retracting his lightsaber, The Jedi Knight ushered Hanix and Omoi out first. As soon as they were all out of the building, they broke into a frantic, force fuelled sprint as the computer counted down from 30 seconds, first at five second intervals, but once it got to ten, it began to count down each second remaining. The group was nearly to the Starwinder as the building began to erupt and the charges detonated, a large shock blast wave throwing the group to the floor. Luis stood up sharply against the heatwave that hit him. His keen eyes scanned the horizon for any sign of Dirk. Luis knew he was alive, he could feel it. He just prayed that he was unharmed.
Posts: 733
  • Posted On: Aug 2 2003 11:18pm
A sadistic smile graced the Disciple's lips.

"As you wish, my master."

Silus departed with Mandrake, heading deeper into the temple.
  • Posted On: Aug 2 2003 11:34pm
"Agreed Master Baas." Rhianna nodded. As Lily had been handed to her care she felt she should acknowledge her agreement in her assignment.

Today will decide the fate of many of us, let us hope that the force is indeed with us.

Those words rang in her ears with a finality she found chilling. Did Odon know something about the future she did not?

With all her heart she wanted to ask, but would knowing the outcome of this day help her in any way? The inner struggle ended with Rhianna shucking her pack and throwing her deep brown jedi robe on. Her fingers strayed at her left hilt as she straightened her clothing.

Her eyes darted to Odon, signalling she was ready for whatever would come.
  • Posted On: Aug 3 2003 2:37am
Hanix looked around to find Dirk. The Jedi Knight could sense his force signature, but couldn't find him. He continued to look around, but there was no sign. Hanix looked at Luis and spoke,"He will be fine Luis, but we need to clear him a path to the ship. We could get ambushed waiting here. Let's go."

Hanix looked at Luis and waited for him to respond to what he just said.
Posts: 13
  • Posted On: Aug 3 2003 2:44am
Mandrake walked closely behind Silus. Mandrake's face and body was still hidden by his cloak and hood. The two walked deeper into the temple, searching for padawans to destroy. Then, Mandrake saw three Jedi out of one eye. Two of them were Masters and the other was a padawan. The Jedi Masters were Odon Baas and Rhianna Skywalker, while the padawan was Lily Bywater. A concealed smile came across Madrake's face. This padawan would be his first victim. Mandrake lirked in the shadows, waiting for the appropriate time to attack. He looked over to Silus and spoke,"Silus, continue down the corridor. This padawan is mine. I will take her from these two Masters and destroy her. Now go."

Mandrake continued to lirk in the shadows, he waited for Silus to leave.
Posts: 733
  • Posted On: Aug 3 2003 10:00pm
Silus smiled.

"You are either blind or a fool, as there are two Padawans. We shall be patient, and wait for our chance to strike. ."

Silus looked around beneath his dark hood, looking for any way to draw the Padawans from their Masters.
  • Posted On: Aug 4 2003 9:22am
Lily followed Rhianna over to where Oden and Justin were. She said hi to both of them and then watied for instructions. As she stood there she felt a chill run up here spine. She felt as if she was being watched. She pushed the thought out of her head and listened as Oden told them where to go and what to do.

"Ok Master Baas. Me and Justin will search the lowers levels as you asked."
Posts: 13
  • Posted On: Aug 4 2003 4:35pm
Darth Mandrake lirked in the shadows, listening to the will of the force. He stood, watching the two Jedi and the two Padawans. Then the Sith felt something, something that the force had told him. The Jedi Masters and the Padawans were about to seperate and Mandrake knew it. Mandrake looked to Silus and spoke,"Silus, our time to strike is soon. Prepare yourself, for we are about to attack."

Mandrake looked at Silus and then back to the four Jedi. He was waiting for their time to attack. The Sith watched them and waited for them to seperate.