Empire's Shadow: Kessel
  • Posted On: Jan 28 2002 12:56am
OOC: Hmm, ok. I don't remember or see anywhere with the 4th Fleet leaving, except for my damaged Battle Dragon, but whatever.

IC: With the retreat of Rogue Imperial Forces, Blackkon let out a silent sigh of relief. The 4th Fleet had taken a beating, having faced the mighty Eclipse in close and weathered the storm of it's fury. One Battle Dragon had already been ordered home, after brilliantly saving Colonel Blackkon's ship. The rest of the fleet itself was pretty damaged itself. Damage reports scrolled over the panels in front of Arthorn, but the worst damage Blackkon could see by simply looking out the forward viewport. The Fourth's other Legacy-class ship hung dead in space, and short-distance personal comlinks kept coming across on all frequencies. With the battle over, aide could finally be given to the surviving crewmen. "I want all ships to assist in the rescue of all surviving crewmen. I personally will supervise, the first team with go over with me on the Blackk Night."

4th Fleet came to the aide of thier comrades, all shuttles and transports launched and took turns loading onto the ship, rescue crews in complete space gear. Carefully, all surviving crewmen were stabilized and transported back to other ships in the Fleet. With this finally done, two Battle Dragons connected tow lines. Blackkon returned his Legacy's bridge and transmitted a message. "This is Colonel Blackkon of 4th Fleet. I'm taking my ships home for repairs, recrewing, and reassignment. Blackkon out." Moments later, the fleet was off.
  • Posted On: Jan 28 2002 1:57am
OOC: I did not leave and you have no Idea where I am off too. So that is my reasoning here.

IC: Vonta had logged off her posotronic droid A1 had scanned all the info that they needed for now from the screen. She sensed the force strong members of the crew. Fearson was gathering people of the force around him. She also felt him near on the ship meaning he could feel her. She pulled the force into her self. He knows that there is a force stong on board. But he cannot know who or where they are. Non of it was classified at her level. Or should we say her impersonated level. There were repairs being made all over the ship. conduits were exposed every where. Even heaviely secured conduits that were exposed to the open. She sent word to her people who were working in sinc with her to infiltrate the ship. She would have what she came for shortly.
  • Posted On: Jan 28 2002 7:10am
Fearsons turned to his PeFauna, they felt it too. He nodded to them, and they were off, as was Fearsons. If a Force user was on his ship, he wanted to see who it was, and why they were there.

"Sir we have a problem on deck 32," one of the comms officers reported, they must have caught them.

"What is it?" the emperor ordered, walking beyond the console to see what was happening exactly.

"It appears someone was trying to infiltrate one of our sections, but did not have the proper update code." Fearsons narrowed his eyes, the person did not have the presence of a Force user, they must have brought a team with them.

"I am going to see to this matter personally, keep me informed."

The person was male, and was viciously upset with the fact that their cover was blown. One of the storm troopers had asked for a clearance code, and apparently, after the Kessel update, they gave the wrong code, what's worse...they could not identify anyone on the ship.

Vonta was yet to be found.
  • Posted On: Jan 28 2002 4:18pm
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> With a blaze of glory Admiral Joe Schmoe's fleet reverted from hyperspace. They were here to help Emperor Fearsons. Cruising up towards The ESD and the attacking ships beyond the fleet recceived hails. Responding that Emperor Fearsons had requested their presence here. Was good enough to get them to the ESD. Thay had launched their fighters already and they were swarming around the fleet. Suddenly just as they were right behind the ESD and in it's blind spot they stopped. Turbolaser and Ion Cannon fire suddenly flashed out from the ships. It was all directed towards the aft shields around the Command Tower. Suddenly a ship jumped in to the outskirts of the system. It was the abolisher cruiser Death. It powered up it's pulse-mass mines. At the same time all ships began jamming communications. Suddenly 4,000 little pinpricks of fire appeared around the fleet they all slammed into the ESD around the Command Tower. The first 1,000 or so took out the shields, That left 3,000 missiles to blast into the Base of the Command tower. Slowly the command tower wobbeled and then it fell, to it's doom. Then the Tie Interceptors began strafing the guns around the Power generators while the Bombers made bombing runs. Each bomber carrying 50 Thermal Detonaters put a serious dent in the armour. The shadow droids and Defenders had gone off to pick on the TRE fighters and The Interceptors followed them. Know that they were out of bombs they took over the job of strafing the guns. Then suddenly 15 ships in the Chimaeran Syndicate fleet dived towards the almost exposed power generator. The Torpedo Spheres had moved up and were firing their torpedos and guns into the ESD. The Destruction had moved in on Emperor Fearsons flagship. The Carrack Cruiser Superb was attacked by Shadow 1 and 2. The Pirate was attacked by Imperial Death and Tyrant. The stalwart was attacked by Lusankya and Avenger. The Heart Braker was attacked by the Immobilizer and the Sluis Van. The Discrimination, Destruction, Red Dog and Kashyyk were eached attacked by 1 Ion Cannon Cruiser. The Tetengo, Ray of Hope, Carpathia, Viscerco, Scorpion and Mystic were attacked by the 2 remaining Ion Cannon Cruisers and the 4 remaining VSD's. The Devestation was attacked by Exterminater II and Revenge. Night Hammer and Hell Bringer attacked the ESD also.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->

ooc:fleet manifest
Main Fleet

1 - Imperial Star Destroyer mkIII - Destruction(Command Ship)
3 - Torpedo Spheres - <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Fire Bringer<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> and <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Fire<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> and <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Night Bringer<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
6 - Imperial Star Destroyer mkII - Imperial Death and Lusankya and Exterminator II and Revenge and Night Hammer and Hell Bringer
5 - Ion Cannon Cruiser - Avarice and Garreth and Corrupter and Hell and Pantolomin
5 - Victory class Star Destroyer MK I - Tyrant and Avenger and Virulence and Specter and Hell Fire
1 - Abolisher Cruiser - Death
1 - Intredictor cruiser - Immobilizer
1 - Escort carrier - Sluis Van
9 - Corellian Gunships(robot ramships)
1 - Corellian Corvette(robot ramship)
2 - Immobilizer Pickets - Shadow 1 and Shadow 2


5 - Landing Bricks F7
7 - Sentenial class shuttles
5 - Modified TransGalMeg XIYITAR class Transports(robot ramships)
42 - Exodus class raiders


12 - TIE Defenders
96 - TIE Bombers
96 - TIE Interceptors modified with shields
43 - Missile Boats
306 - Shadow Droids
My losses
TRE losses
command tower including Primary and Secondary bridge. Superlaser control control of 25%of guns and Engine control. Sensors shields and Comm are also down.
plus 10% of remaining guns destroyed

actions you need to respond to
15 ramships bearing down on your already incapitated ESD specifically the power generator
  • Posted On: Jan 28 2002 6:27pm

Two problems:

1) ESD is no longer at Kessel

2) I did nto get time to respond to any damn thing

3) ESD is at Bimmissari under MCF Protection.
  • Posted On: Jan 28 2002 7:37pm
OOC: I have yet to assign my people actions that you may react to so you still have no idea who is on board except for a single force user that could be any one not just vonta.
Posts: 2788
  • Posted On: Jan 28 2002 7:48pm
OOC: LOL, I guess we know where Schmoe stands now though. Heh. Good job blowing your little cover on an attacking a ship that isn't there, hot shot.
  • Posted On: Jan 28 2002 8:32pm
The storm trooper in Vonta's team had spread out through the ship. They all headed for where they were assigned at this moment on the duty rooster that each carried on them. Moveing as they recieved orders. Storm troopers are a dime adozen with out much clearance or need for it except for their ranks. The Freedom guards Know how to work with in any system of storm troopers. They only need the armor of a trooper to infiltrate a area. (The Freedom guard skills are done IC at the TNA.) Some were assigned to help clean up at the damaged midsection.

Others were sent to the engine room. Some one caught wind of them some how. And the Storm troopers were being reassigned. The lutentent was out among the troops he was a sub-commader of storm troopers. He had enough clearance to enter the main weapons armory on the ship.

At the armory:

A storm trooper salutes.

Colonel Guards man kilar clears his voice. "I am in need of reloads on my blaster. WIth the alert I wanted to be sure to be armed properaly" It was a more then logical excuse and Kilar out ranked the trooper he had to comply.

A storm trooper that came with the Guardsman steped into a turbolift with him and the trooper that he had spoken too.

The lift doors opened to a corridor that was lined with weapons lockers. One of the officers came to greet Kilar. He asked for his order and the officer was quick to send some one for one and a new arm for the man.

"Many thanks." He smiled. In one swift movment he had his vibro lance out from the small of his back where he had hidden it. The blade of a guards man formerly the royal guard of the emporer one of those same guards men, Greyy Trespe a child of Alderaan, Trained them. They inturn were trained to hone their skills against the best. The jedi of the TNA. Now the members of the ROyal guard were second in unarmed combat only to the jedi them selfs.

The vibro blade sliced the mans head off and with the other end of the blade he cut the storm trooper that had brought him down. The blaster in his other hand took out three other guards and a officer. The second trooper was shooting out all servalence equipment.

The sight of a officer weilding a weapon and slicing into them was a shock for a moment. Then the troopers training took over. They begain returning fire. Kilar begain dodgeing and parrying laser bolts that he saw comming at him. He saw the exact trajectory of each shot in his mind. Working with jedi allowed him to become even better at this skill. He just kept coming through the fire. Cutting and shoot all of the personel. The man that left for the weapon was coming back. A shot from his blaster brought him down.

The too freedom guards men work quickly. They had but minutes if even that. THe head guards key card opened all the locks for this level. They wanted the explosives. There were several rooms lined with proton grenades, portable mines and a room with thermal detonators. This was not the only armory on board but it would do. The set timed charges among the explosives. ALong with a remote explosive for just in case. THey took some thermal detonators for the road. They dumped many detonators into the halls where the explosion would not be as muffle by the protective walls.

Cutting open the turbolift door they climbdown. There was a vent shaft past a wall that a sensor that he said was there. A few cuts from his lance and they were through. as they went trough he tossed a proton grenad into the shaft. The explosion took out the lift.

A fair distance away they set off the explosives. The explosion rocked the entire ship. Sending alarms all over the place.

Freedom guards:

-Experts at infiltration among storm troopers and imperials.
-armed and unarmed combat.
-weapons specialists train in almost all arms.
-All trained in flying imperial craft. Some can fly any and all craft as aces. while others only qualify as aces on one or two crafts.
-Trained againest vonta and wade in armed combat. Trained to "blank" their minds to forces users. So that may stay undetected.
-They are not NPC I spent a lot of time training them so they cannot be killed or cuaght easily.
  • Posted On: Jan 28 2002 9:51pm
Vonta had been huanted by the fact that the TNR had yet to assist them. No The aliance fought a stalemate battle with the TRE and would lose for sure with the TRE and TNO againest them. It was only a matter of time.

And some thing did not feel right. master organa had warned her of bad forbearances of the future. She did not feel them then but she felt them now. This whole war seemed to be too much. The light sider and dark siders had been fighting for a time. The TNR had offered to help mut had yet to follow through with their word.

Now at a cable that went strait to the main computer. she waited for her moment. The ship was rocked with a shoch wave. That was her cue. While the ship was trying to firgure out what happened and chasing after her phantoms she started going through the ships files. The classified files interested her the most. It took several minutes but she got it and moved away puting distance between herself and this area.

A1 informed her that he had found some important files. They showed the doupt of Fearson about the war. Wondering if they were pawns in a larger game. Vonta had the same thoughts in the force.

She open her self to the force. Several force users were near by. She concentrated on the force using her unusually strong mental abilitys in the force to see Chadds conviction.

It was true and there was not a ting of the dark side.

She called to Him in his mind :Your thoughts are true, we must talk:
  • Posted On: Jan 29 2002 4:23am
His sensors indicated he was getting too close. The Alliance would not tolerate his getting directly into their space. There were two TIE Defenders in the tiny flight group, but that was typical fashion in the Imperialistic days. He was waiting for the arrival of a specific craft from the Maw that Fearsons had declared a priority vessel.

"Delta 2 spread out and look for them, they could be here at any moment," he, Colonel Kreldek, ordered, pulling his own TIE Defender toward the nav buoy.

"Hey boss there he is," Delta 2 reported, and indeed there was a transport pulling into the system, that must have been it.

"Ok, break and attack," Kreldek ordered, and he too began moving inward. "Attention Transport Omega, surrender at once or be destroyed, you hold valuable and illegal samples of a Rogue Imperial weapon!" He was answered with a several blasts of gunfire, which he easily dodged, returning the fire with two missiles, which easily collided, then two more from Delta 2. Several laser shots from Delta 1 quickly ended the transport however, and they were quickly off home.

"Ok good job, now let's get home."

TCF losses:

1 transport