Posted On:
Jan 26 2002 7:52am
OOC: Exscuse me? I happen to be aboard one of those Torpedo Ships, and I never saw the first one destroyed. Btw, an interesting edit from it's original Chadd:) These are my actions unless ordered differently or an Admin comments on what Jedi mentioned.
IC: Blackkon's Torpedo Ship was taking a pounding from the Eclipse, and it's newly renewed shields were dropping fast. They were almost gone when the Legacy was suddenly saved. Captain Takadar of one of the Battle Dragon's performed an amazing maneuver, throwing his own ship in between the barrage of laser fire and his commander's ship. The Colonel ordered his men to use the Battle Dragon's sensor telemetry even as they manuvered away to get a clear shot, aiming to eliminate weapons emplacements on the attacking ship.
The Battle Dragon was hit hard and badly damaged, but enough weapons were eliminated with the fleet tactic for it to slowly move away, ordered back home by Colonel Blackkon. It's engines were barely space worthy, and it would have to make several small jumps to get back.
Posted On:
Jan 26 2002 5:41pm
It was with a blaze of glory that Fearsons made his triumphant entrnace, when his forces needed him the most, and when the enemy was at the same time, most vulnerable. The majestic <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Imperial<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->-Class Star Destroyer <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Disruptor<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> -- which now looked more like a strange mix between an <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Executor<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->-Class and a <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Victory<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->-Class -- took the lead of the attack force, the Royal Task Force, closely escorted by Task Force Wolverine. They were nearing turbo laser range already, and the Maw was trying desperately to devour those in combat. They had one more surprise however...something...that could not be expected. They were carrying the former super laser of the <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Archammer<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->. It was not fireworthy it seemed...what were they doing with it being towed behind one of the Dauntless Cruisers?
The bridge of the <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Disruptor<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> showed that of battle hardened men who were ready to die for their emperor if they needed to. They were ready to eat their own guts, and ask for seconds. Fearsons was standing over the view port, glaring out of the transparisteel viewport with a distasteful glower.
"We are in range, FIRE!" Fearsons demanded of his turbolaser gunmen who let loose a mighty wave of gunfire from Fearsons' flagship directly at the enemy starships, pounding the already damaged <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Defender<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->-Class Star Destroyers. They were being pincered in and it seemed like the Task Force Eclipse would be saved.
A flight group of three Missile Boats were already out and inbound for the Defenders, those were all that were left that posed any true threats.
"Ok bring bearing down four degrees, get over him and launch missiles," Fearsons ordered, drawing a hand up to his light saber with a sudden idea surge. "Wait, forget that...breech their hull, I'm going in."
Everyone stopped and looked at him for a moment. "Excuse me sir?" one of the enlisted soldiers beckoned, scratching his head.
"You heard me, get me a compliment of storm troopers, land me there, and let me get in. Meanwhile, please get the <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Red Dog<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> to fire a volley of missiles on that second Defender."
"Uhm, aye aye sir!"
Fearsons was off to get ready.
The space battle was pure hell, but with the Mon Cals' withdrawl, there was little hope left for the Alliance, who was already losing fighters left and right to the blackholes. The <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Death's Hand<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> had just fought it's way through a line of enemy defenses and was now fleeing toward the nav buoy, taking down a droid ramship as it went.
"These Alliance bastards are crazy!" one of the TIE Defender pilots reported as he tried to dodge an oncoming kamikaze willing pilot. "They'd rather die than lose!"
It was a dangerous, as well as insane, tactic, it was going to cost someone their lives that easily didn't deserve to lose it.
Marduun had rallied the newest group of Missile Boats together, and they were, unlike the Alliance who was exceedingly jumbled and thrown off, in perfect formation heading toward the <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Defender<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->-Class Star Destroyer. With Missile Lock acquired, they let loose their heavy rockets...which easily shattered most of the shielding from the seven fighters.
"Ok guys, leave the Star Destroyers alone, we need to get on those ram ships!"
"Roger boss."
"You got it."
"No problem."
"Be right there."
The missile boats pulled to the starboard, Nu 1 taking several hits from loose laser fire, managed to see a B-Wing in its last moment of life being sucked into a black hole. <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> He must be crapping his pants...stupid Alliance bastard<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> he thought.
"We are firing....NOW!" came the yell of the <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Red Dog<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->, and what appeared to be twenty purple missiles which sped past the fighters and into the MC90 cruiser of the New Alliance.
<!--EZCODE BOLD START--> Aboard the MC90 Cruiser<!--EZCODE BOLD END-->
The persons inside were already stressed trying to figure out how they were to repel this new wave of enemy fire, much less how they could take such a beating and get out alive. Their morale was low, they were losing all respect for decisions made by Logan.
"Sir we've lost cannon control temporarily...we're over heated!" one of the mechanics yelled over the gun fire and explosions outside.
"Try to cool it off, we need to hold them off just a bit longer!" the Chief Petty Officer yelled back, working on his own problems in his own part of the ship.
He was cursing angrily at Logan's stupidity, fighting them so close to a blackhole. <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> What is he thinking? We're all gonna' die<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> he mentally scolded as his wrench pulled harder on the nut that would not move.
As he nearly got the nut loosened however, the ship took a hard hit to the port side, which threw the men off their feet in the gunnery room. They quirked their eyebrow and looked over to see a strange missile stuck in the hole.
"Is it a dud?" one of them asked, walking toward it cautiously. The Chief Petty Officer knew otherwise.
"Get down it's the-" he could not finish his sentence as several other hits occured, throwing the men off their feet. The air began to smell like death itself, and to the horror of the men around, lumps of skin began dropping off of them. Teeth, hair, flesh, it all began oozing out like a disgusting puss. One man's eyes turned a dark shade of red, then jumped another man with feral intensity. The Chief Petty Officer knew what this was...it was the Angel Virus...and judging by the hits, they must have hit the bridge and other key areas as well. <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> This will teach Logan to reconsider his stupidity<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> were his last thoughts.
Losses for TNA:
1 droid ramship
1 Defender-Star Destroyer (heavily wounded, it's not dead yet, but it's hurt so that it's weapons systems are shut down)
1 MC-90 (unless you can get relief soldiers on that ship somehow and pray a boarding crew doesnt' cut you off)
New Manifest:
ISD Disruptor
LFRG Carpathia
LFRG Viscero
LFRG Scorpion
VSD Red Dog
STK Mystic
CRK Superb
BHC Discrimination
DBC Kashyyk
INT Heart Breaker (turned off)
ISD Mk II Air Pirate
ISD Stalwart
*full compliments of fighters
Posted On:
Jan 26 2002 6:09pm
aboard the MC-90......
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> RAFE-82 and countless other teams were slowly fighting their way towards the bow at the same time as pushing the virus to ahead of them. They'd already collected a sample of the virus. Up ahead he detected a flash of white were there shouldn't have been. Stormtroopers. He and all his droids drooped to their knees and opened fire on the Stormtroopers. Behind them a couple of his troops were chucking grenades. Suddenly the droid beside him fell to the ground. He'd been shot. His troops had take some losses but they had destroyed most of the Stormtroopers.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
1 hour later........
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> RAFE-82 sat down. Finally. They'd cleared the ship, of the virus, stromtroopers and Angels. He thumbed the comlink button and began beeping.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"Bloop, Bap, Twit Beep." said RAFE
"This meant. Bring a crew over and a hyperspace capable ship."
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> RAFE-82 came out in the Almanian system. immeaditly he set course for the Archammer. Once there he ran to the labs were he handed his sample over to the scientists their. They immeaditly began reverce engineering it.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
Posted On:
Jan 26 2002 6:51pm
The super laser was finished charging, again Yelkaden gave the order to let it go loose and wreack havoc on an Alliance craft. With the targetting computer locked in, the <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Death's Hand<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> took sight of the Thrustship...and fired. The green laser soared from the seventeen kilometer ship and smashed into the enemy craft with intensity unrivaled, the hull being massively breeched and inevitably, destroyed. This was merely adding more damage from the combined turbo lasers from the Star Destroyers surrounding the ships. By now the <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Disruptor<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> was docking with the first Defender Star Destroyer...the boarding crew had breeched the hull.
Fearsons gripped his double bladed lightsaber intently, waiting for the fateful moment that door opened and he was to rush head on into battle once again. How he missed that intense feeling of adrenaline coursing through his veins as the heat of battle stung in. His ebony gloves stroked the metal righteously.
"Here we go!" one of the storm troopers yelled, and the door shot open, gunfire hazing and smoking the space between the two groups, and the light saber's two sides were turned on quickly. The laser blasts that would have been accurate and deadly were repelled by the laser blades of his light saber, the Force guiding the blasts back to hit the soldiers. The troops ran head on into the fray, the emperor leading the charge.
"KILL KILL KILL!" Fearsons yelled, using the Force again to throw some men off their feet, then twirling and thrusting his blades behind him to impale one. They were so far doing extremely well.
Another ship and squadron of fighters had lost its leeway, and was now falling inward toward the mighty maw of the galaxy. It was an Alliance crusier, one of the Battledragons, followed by an entire squadron of TIE Fighters that simply could not escape...same with the poor swarm droids.
It was a battle of ferocious intensity where if one side did nto give up soon, there would be no one left to give up. The <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Disruptor<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> was still pushing ships inbound toward the black hole, the Alliance ships' systems were now tending to go offline from the intense gravity and debris smashing into them at intense speeds, even the mighty <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Death's Hand<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> was being taxed for this attack...but its hyperdrive was nearly back online.
Posted On:
Jan 26 2002 9:08pm
OOC:I gave you the chance to respond to all attacks chadd. You have not.
5 squads droid fighters
2 B-wings
2 squads scimters(so far)
Attack atttions that need respones-
5 ram ships aimed at
2 on head on collision with superlaser part of ESD
1 heading for the engines of the ESD
1 for a DRD
1 for a VSD
Strifing runs of scimters
3 MC200
Weakening shields on TRE all ships from swarm fighter harrass ment combined with Capitol ship combat.
IC- The Droid ram ships had hit the ESD supperlaser head on. The explosion leaving the weapon useless.
The DRD that was targeted went up in a fire ball.
As did the VSD that the 5 droid ramship had targeted.
3 Kessel fleet MC200's lost shields and begain to take a pounding. One of the ships exploded. From a over loaded core. the other two were floating in two pieces after the scimter strifes.
The 48 tie bombers that The 10 squads of droid fighters were engageed in were a debress feild. The Droid fighters had only lost 16 of their own. The Rest turned their attention to the fleet attacks. 8 squads plus 6.
The Ships that were engaged with the ESD. continue their assuallts. Two corvettes just lost shield integrity in a fire fight with a battle dragon. Ion cannons leaving them defenseless and adrift. Turbo lasers began to eat at the two ships.
A squad of TNA B-wings Attacked the ESD engines from the Rear. Flying inside one of the the engines that was taken out by the ram ship. They unloaded their entire salvo with out disgression. 12 proton torps a piece. 144 proton torps disable the ships hyper drive.
TRE loses-
3 MC200s
1 dread naught
ESD no super laser engines damaged hyper drive.
Posted On:
Jan 26 2002 9:34pm
OOC You are all so insistant that ship ramming is fair and legal so, have fun *shrug*
The missile boats knew what they had to do, it was tragic, but they were willing to do it. It would be another good three minutes before the hyperdrive was back online. The super laser had almost taken a hit by the ferocious droid ships, but it had escaped unscathed. The Alliance fleet was nearly nillified now, two of the ships even were turning and fleeing...two battle dragons. The men were afraid to die, it was an understandable fear...most of the Rogue Imperials wanted to do the same...but they had an obligation to keep that Star Destroyer alive. Not out of fear of death by the emperor, but out of pride, out of love for their comrades.
Nu 1 had lost a brother to this battle, and the Rogue Empire had committed an impecable force, the Alliance could not hope to beat them, they were simply hoping to take down the <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Death's Hand<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> before they fled. They were not going to. The super laser was charged, yet not firing, until they had a target to do.
"The emperor has withdrawn his attack on the <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Defender<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->-Class Star Destroyer...fire at will!" blared over the comms, and as the <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Disruptor<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> turned and began to flee, the super laser shot raced through the void space and rammed into it, sending chunks of the hull pivoting against the Rogue Imperial Flagship. Its shields were reduced to a good 65%, but it still flew and was indeed fine.
The final ship remaining from the Fourth Fleet was wavering and falling, its shields giving way tremendously. As for the remaining Alliance Fleet, all that was left were a few battle dragons that were now fleeing, with the exception of the few fighters. Nu 1 clutched his controls tightly, hesitating for a moment.
"May the Force be with me," he muttered...and entered the hyperdrive. It seemed there was a brief second of nothingness...then it was all black for Nu 1. On the outside it seemed that yet another battle dragon was going to go down as the Rogue Empire's heroic missile boat tore into the engines...the sublight drives had to have been destroyed.
TNA Losses:
TRE Losses:
5 Fighters
Hyperdrive for two posts on ESD
Posted On:
Jan 26 2002 9:54pm
Not another response before respective planetary threads are merged.
Fearsons, your repair efforts were clearly being hindered by their attacks: some of which you entirely ignored. Even though their Ramships may have been destroyed in the process of "ramming," their blast radius would effect your repairs immensely.
It's still not budging, my friend. Play fair.
Posted On:
Jan 26 2002 11:56pm
OOC: I'm currently wondering what happened to the other 3 Battle Dragons I had, as well as the vast majority of my Skipray Blastboats. I certainly never saw them destroyed. One thought I had on Hex's ordering the threads merged. With them seperate, isn't a bit easier to keep track of what's going on, with what fleets, ect? *shrugs* Just a thought.
Posted On:
Jan 27 2002 3:30am
Yelkaden's men came running inward from the calculations department, they'd had a plan apparently. He was still watching over the now winning battle, but the hapes Battle Dragons had reversed and were now coming at them, again. More fighters were pounding the shields down to now 29% and it looked like the <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Death's Hand<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> was doomed. He let out a defeated sigh, but the explosion and shattering debris of one of the enemy fighters brought a slight ping of joy to his face...but it was not enough to capsize the fact that he may easily die here.
"Sir, Lt. Pytron and Zleks here with important news!" one of the eager young men yelled as he came to stand at attention behind the Vice Admiral. The older man turned and sighed, deciding anything was better than being picked off by the enemy.
"What is it?" the gruff man asked.
Both men grinned in unison. "We found a way to get at least to a friendly zone without using a hyperdrive!" Lt. Pytron, the one to the right, said excitedly.
"It's quite simple, we use the gravity well the black hole produces, and slingshot ourselves into hyperspace, it won't be nearly as fast as even the slowest fighter, but it'll get us out of the Maw and to Bimmissari in no time."
The Vice Admiral thought for a moment. "Wouldn't that tear us to shreds? Wouldn't we hit something on the way out?"
"No sir, it works just like a slow hyperdrive, and if they tried to chase us they'd get torn to shreds because of the black holes around here unless they went around and jumped."
"Would we too?" Yelkaden questioned.
"No sir, not if we plotted it right, we could even power ourselves up from the other black holes around us if we aimed ourselves right," the second of the two responded, equally as excited. "But then again, Bimmissari is in the <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> other<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> direction, we could just jump out away from the Maw and be nice and safe if we put in the correct coordinates."
After a short pause...the Vice Admiral looked up, a smile beaming behind his grey mustache. "Ah hell why not? It's worth a try."
The <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Disruptor<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> had cut off the others in the way of the <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Death's Hand<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->, and were already blasting continuous turbo laser shots to ward off the Battle Dragons. A wall of starships was defending the <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Death's Hand<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->, the mighty Suepr Star Destroyer now heading toward the black hole.
The gravity was getting intense, and an eerie red glow formed on the fore of the Star Destroyer. The speed was picking up, everything was going perfectly, and it seemed the <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Death's Hand<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> was going as fast as a hyperdrive could provide.
"Three...two...ok here we go guys!" said the captain of the <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Death's Hand<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->. The ship heated up, moved, sped up...and was sling shoted into hyperspace, away from the Maw and toward the Bimmissari system.
Posted On:
Jan 27 2002 4:37am
...Scratch that idea. Yes, a blackhole has an inward "cyclone" motion of great proportions, however the power is far too great for you to harness. An ESD doesn't have the strength - minus the mass resistance - to escape even a vacuum cleaner, much less a blackhole.
An attempt to clear even the outer rim would result in a fatality.