Posted On:
Jan 14 2003 1:26am
Hearng Maim's words, Malice was temptedto stand and walk right out. But he stayed. The main point of this meeting still caught the demon lords attention. Shifting within his chair, Malice stared at Maim.
*Very well then, continue*
Was all he said. It was all he could say. Everything else he could have said would probably have started a fight between he and Maim, or he and Maim's guards. Malice could feel Zeta's presence near, but didn't much like the idea of the zabrak coming to his aid. So he would wait, bide his time till he could settle this later.
Posted On:
Jan 15 2003 2:46am
"I put it to you all simply. Either there shall be unity among the Sith or I will once more wear the mantle of Dark Lord and rule over them. The choice is yours. Lead with me, or get out of the way. I am tiring of diplomacy. You, each of you know my power. I will be either a powerful ally, or a formidable foe. The choice is yours. However, I will not wait for all time for an answer.
This should be an easy choice to make. Do so."
With that, the Dark Lord turned and stalked from the room. He tired of diplomatic charades. It was time that this farce ended. It was simple, after all, for or against. An easy choice.
Posted On:
Jan 15 2003 10:42am
"..Anywhere that suits you, Lady Athena."
Zeta's words were spoken quietly, his concentration still much too focused on the council room activities.
"I seek your counsel, I hold the Naboo Sith Order's future within your very hands, Master Athena. Your words to me will give me the answers I have been searching for...."
The two walked on, Zeta waiting to speak more on the matter, when the two would reach a place of silence and secrecy.
Posted On:
Jan 16 2003 1:39am
Down the halls the two walked. She waited and asked nothing more of the Sith Lord until the two had reached within Bast Castle's walls, her personal meditation chambers.
" Have a seat and we shall speak of your order and its future. "
Posted On:
Jan 16 2003 3:50am
Zerxes had been listening in all the time even though he had been ignored. He picked up on the fact that Malice and his Master were fighting, but didn't really care about Malice's half.
When his Master rose and stalked out of the room, Zerxes rose and followed. He ignored the looks from Imperial guards because he didn't care what they had to say. He moved out into the hall and ran to catch up to his master.
"Master, I wish to have an assignment. This bickering is getting us nowhere. I want to get us somewhere."
He continued to walk along next to his Master.
Posted On:
Jan 18 2003 4:31am
Malice looked at the other sith within the room.
So, what have you all decided to do?*
Malice wud not choose yet. He couldn't, not without hearing from Zeta as well. So, until then he would hear what the other sith have to say.
Posted On:
Jan 18 2003 9:46pm
Quietly, and without ceremony, one among the number of crimson caped figures moved foreward. Utterly indistinct from his brothers in arms, even his voice came in the same broken static as each other.
"You will Join. You will join or you will leave. If neither choice suits you, feel free to remain, though I warn you, it will be the last choice you make. The Prince Regent has made his offer and said his peace. You are no longer welcome to remain here, unless loyal."
The figure moved its' helmety gaze across the gathered assembly, "Be sure you take your entourage and escorts with you."
Intently, it seemed as if his helmeted gaze focused on Malice, "If you feel you need time to think on this matter, feel free to do it off planet and beyond Crimson Space."
As he spoke, a full thirty more Royal Guard entered into the hall. Five by five they moved in rows and disperesed tactically throughout the room.
"You have exactly half an hour, by standard time, to gather your belongings, make any final statements you wish, and then leave. Stragglers will not be tolerated. Good day."
Finishing his words the figure stepped back into formation with his fellow troopers. Within a few vital steps the one figure utterly vanishes into the ranks with his commerades in arms, even advanced techniques in the Force would be hard pressed to tell one Guardsmen from another.
In silence, the waited for the guests to make any final choices.
"My Lord." spoke Dioan Silk, stepping from one of the otherwise untrackable passages throughout Bast Castle.
"Your guests have been given their freedom to leave, though I have the direct impression that more then a few shall remain."
Fluidly, Sovereign Protector Silk fell into pace just behind his Dark Lord.
"Give me the command, my sovereign Lord, and I shall slay all who stray to leave. If this is what you wish."
A grin passed over the face of Dioan Silk under the confines of his helm. Though he was here, he was also still in attendance with the guests. Or, was he.
It was a secret shared between Lord Maim and Silk himself, and no one else.
Posted On:
Jan 18 2003 11:39pm
The Victor paused to survey his conquest.
It was aboard the Dark Shard the figure now stood. In the place of his strongest power, the bridge of his command Star Destroyer.
Silence hung undisturbed. All as one the crew of Harbinger Fleet gave a moment of reverance to what had come before.
Unopposed they had rained down upon the Yinchorr system and had taken each of her hospidable planets by force.
Yinchorr, Uhanayiah, Yibikarar and Yitheeth.
Four planets that now boasted an army regiment garrison aswell as a sizeable naval defence force. Even now, as they stood gazing out into the vastness of the system, her primary but a distant speck from this far out, ship yards and construction yards were being built.
Slaves enough to work the facilities until more adequit workers could be ferried out.
For now, however, Harbinger Force would be on delay. It was readily apparent her crew needed a pause. A break in the normal routine to relax and soclaize amongst themselves.
Fortunatly, the Shard was equppied for long sojourns into deep space or long patrols far into enemy territory. As such, she boasted more then sufficent entertainment for her crew. (Keeping in mind these were the infantry and navy of the Crimson Empire.)
High Admiral Anor-Sadow nodded content with himself before turning to adress his bridge crew.
"You have all served well and above the call of duty in this mission. It is due your exemplary service that I am giving the order. Twenty-Four hours of R and R, aboard ship. However, inform the crew they are free to move from vessel to vessel, so long as they are ready for a return to duty at a moments notice. All fighter wings are to remain on passive alert."
Again, the Admiral nodded, then turned back to his gazing out into space, "You have your orders."
Within his own private chambers of meidtation, Sadow brooded on the dark force, thankful for the chance to revel in the depraved twisted ways of the darkside.
Here, in these chambers, he was most secure. More so they any other post on any of his ships. It had been built into her at the Exectutioners command some time ago. The masssive expanse of room was speherical in shape and Sadow floated easily in her very center.
His form prone and fully extended, he made slow revolutions on his axis. Null-g permitted him the perfect aid in his chamber of sensory input or depravation.
The room could be modulated in temperature, humidity, air-pressure or even gravity. The walls of the sphere, some one hundred feet in diameter, mounted massive display screens all the way around aswell as one of the most impressive sound systems in the galaxy.
All that controlled the room was tied into a node atop the apex of the room, the sole exit at the exact opposite position.
From this node, floats a cognition hood similar in design to those employed by the Yuuzhan Vong of old.
Beyond this, his meditation chamber was also completely, and utterly, self sufficent. It also boasts walls of ten foot thick durasteel alloy, and could be jettisoned into hyperspace if need be.
The room. A marvel to behold.
Now he kept the room dark, the screens devoid of images and the room itself utterly devoid of sound. In the center, Nox floats easily, the cognition hood draped over his head.
Any stranger would be put ill at ease in this place. Not only from the pure evil that radiated from its center, but also the erry lack of sesation within the room.
Currently, Sadow was beyond his body. Depraved of sensation he was clear and free to be at one with the dark force.
Here, during this time of clarity, the Executioner reached across the vastness of the Yinchorr system. Easily, he located the powerful wake in the Force that is Dark Lord Maim.
My lord, the voice distorted and spoke without body reaches for the mind of Maim, I am victorius.
All is ours. The system of the Sith is yours.
Take it, Lord. It is yours.
((please excuse the severity of errors in this final post. i was rushed.... 15,000 wrds))
Posted On:
Jan 19 2003 6:26am
All the while the guard was speaking, Malice's gaze never fell from him. Infact, sith lord was laughing to himself. This guard had the nerve to threaten him i such a way. When he left, Malice rose and looked at the others.
*well, now that i know how the service is for guests,i'm leaving. What you do is up to you, i shall go discuss this issue with my partner*
Wthout another word, Malice left the room. He eyed every guard he came across, each one the sith master grew a hatred for. Malice knew his answer to Maims proposal, but he wanted to know Zeta's answer as well. And so,the search was on.
Posted On:
Jan 21 2003 8:57pm
The Dark Lord of the Sith, as he would once more call himself soon, moved silently into the highest tower of Bast Castle. He had had enough of childish displays of diplomacy and ignorance. It was time for a display of true power. He heard nothing, saw nothing, and responded to nothing but his goal as he entered the tower's upper level.
Now, standing silent, upon a large open balcony which over-looked the planet Vjun.. a Dark Lord drew on a well of Dark Power.
Hand stretched above him, the man who's true power was known to few, if any, called upon wells of power so deep and great that one could never find the ends of them. He called upon ancient teachings of long dead masters. He called upon the Dark Force itself to serve his will.
Growling speech in the ancient Sith language, he began a chant of Sith Magics. He called upon the Dark Force to come to being in the physical manifestation of Force Storms which would encircled the entire planet.
The skies blackened at his command. Thunder rolled across the dead plains of Vjun. Wells of Dark Powers became manifestations of violent raging electricity and high velocity winds. Slowly, it started, far in the distance. The sky turned dark and opaque. It was as if it was a solid mass of energy and weather decending upon them to wipe them all from the face of the planet.
True power would be shown this day. Enough of the snivling and biquering that had consumed what should have been a historic meeting of Sith. Now as time to show no weakness. Now as time to teach them a lesson in the higherarchy of the Sith.
He was the Morning and the Evening Star. If he said night was day, so it was to be written.
The skies of the planet, now utterly black and raging with storms of such intensity as to rip any ship to shreds, spoke the news.
The Dark Lord of the Sith returns.
Let all cower before true power and bend to his will, or be destroyed by both.
The Dark Lord of the Sith returns... .