Creating 'New Dameo'
Posts: 2414
  • Posted On: Mar 12 2004 3:44pm
"If that's what you think you have much to learn about leading. If you want it done, and done right I might add, you have to ask them to try again. You don't force them to try again. If you do that then all they do is a rush job."

Crossing his arms over his chest, he looked her in the eye.

"That's how it's done."
Posts: 1087
  • Posted On: Mar 13 2004 5:49am
Rolling her eyes again, Jade stood her ground.

"I happen to do a fine job leading, thank you very much.

And I didnt say they had to rush. I just demaned to know why the 3rd floor is in my wine cellar."
Posts: 2414
  • Posted On: Mar 13 2004 5:52am
"Because of a problem? or an accident maybe? Or maybe the equipment was faulty? Or maybe the material was faulty? Do you get what I'm trying to say? It could be any manner of problems."

He crossed his arms and stared at her.

"Demanding things is not how you lead. Or do you want to be a dictator?"
Posts: 1087
  • Posted On: Mar 13 2004 5:59am
Eyes narrowed, Jade was getting the impression he was trying to anger her. Or maybe it was just the mood she was in that made him seem that way.

"For one, I dont demand anything when leading, or ruling. For second, its brick and stone. How can those be faulty? For third, dictators need to be run out of office."
Posts: 2414
  • Posted On: Mar 13 2004 6:37pm
"Bricks and stones can be made or formed wrong. Defaults can be found in everything. And you just demanded an answer from them. And you are sounding like a dictator."

He glared at her.

"Now, knock it off."
Posts: 1087
  • Posted On: Mar 14 2004 3:44am
"Kamon, they are builders, not servants. They need to know whos boss, or my home would never get finished.

Oh, wait, I guess being born half-Sith would make me a dictator, wouldnt it?"
Posts: 2414
  • Posted On: Mar 15 2004 3:05am
"No. You make you a dictator. And so what if they are builders. Talking down to them will instill a desire for your demise. I know these things."

He motioned for the builders to go back to work.

"Trust me."
Posts: 1087
  • Posted On: Mar 17 2004 5:33am
"Then perhaps you would like to oversee the builders then?"

Without waiting for an answer, she spun on her hells, entered a pair of shadows, and vanished into her abyssal realm. Kamon could try and follow her, but ShadowWalking is only a vampyric Ability, and he was mortal.

There, she crouched down, and watched, thinking.
Posts: 2414
  • Posted On: Mar 18 2004 2:50am
Kamon would have said no had she not disappeared. It was not his place to actually be in charge of them. He'd only been suggesting to her how she should actually treat them. It wasn't an order.

"I don't want to."
Posts: 1087
  • Posted On: Mar 18 2004 4:03am
There she was, seething temper and all, in her abyss, being as stubborn and hard-headed as usual.

And yet, Jade was also kicking herself for her sudden attitude flare. It would have been clear to Kamon that Jade was upset, but what, not even Jade herself knew what she was upset about.