The Second American Civil War
Posts: 5711
  • Posted On: Apr 28 2006 4:14am

I think James might have something to say about that.

Yes, America was founded by immigrants, but they were not in the country illegally since at the time of its founding there wasn't a government, there wasn't a Constitution or Bill of Rights, and there wasn't a system of law established.

By and large, they did conduct their habitation in what you might call and "illegal" fashion. Of course, the First Nations by and large did not have any word for "legal" or otherwise. But I'm pretty sure they didn't much vibe with the rape, disease, and pillaging in general.

There was a Government. Many of them, most of them autonomus from one another. And each of these tribes existed, by and large, in better harmony with one another and nature far better then the aforementioned immigrants. Mind you, with the debate raging in the anthropological community about our current misconceptions about how the pre-Columbian First Nations lived, it's possible that these peoples were, in many respects, far more advanced then their Spanish, French, Norse, Blah, Blah, Blah, counterparts.

There wasn't a Bill of Rights, but that dosen't mean that these people did not understand basic human necessity. And "law" was well established, just not in the context that we generally understand it to be now.

Without representation of law legality does not exist.

Anyway. Sorry for the topic burn.
Posts: 2915
  • Posted On: Apr 28 2006 4:23am
I like that site, good show Syren... I think Im becoming rascist.... more so I mean....
Posts: 4025
  • Posted On: Apr 28 2006 5:13am
My whole problem is that many of the illegal immigrants in our country have lived here for the past five to ten years. We turned a blind eye to it then, and are only now focusing our attention properly upon them. In that timespan they have settled down, raised families, worked hard at jobs, and have a decent living going. They are, for most reasons, essentially U.S. citizens. So now, as a proposal to make everything better, we're just going to kick them all out of the country and pretend nothing ever happened? Bullshit.
Posts: 5711
  • Posted On: Apr 28 2006 5:21am
When Americans were beautiful...

Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

When America was beautiful.
70 Years Later
Who remembers Emma Lazerus
A true'r America
A true'r Person

Goodbye innocent, abused, and forgot
Just so long as you give the cash
And you're fucking chamber-pot.
Posts: 2915
  • Posted On: Apr 28 2006 7:37am
Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.
Not seeking to endager the saftey of this country with terrorism, organized crime and drug trafficing.
Posts: 5711
  • Posted On: Apr 28 2006 9:11am
And while you're at it, why don't you ask for daytime without the night...

Or up, without down.
Posts: 896
  • Posted On: Apr 28 2006 2:12pm
Personally, if you're here illegally, pay the penalties for committing the crime. I have nothing against deporting every person who is here illegally. 20 million illegal aliens being deported opens up many jobs for the currently unemployed legal Americans.

The current unemployment numbers are roughly around 25-30 million right now

Give or take a few million, so getting rid of twenty will do a lot for our economy AND for soceity

Edit: Why this part was included in the quote is BEYOND me....

Illegal aliens are receiving tax refunds even though they have not paid into the system and they are receiving much more aid from the government than legal Americans who are down and out on their luck. They bring diseases across the borders with them; some diseases that we once had practically erradicted are surfacing again.
Of course they are receiving Tax Refunds, that money just so happens to come from YOU and ME. The government HAS NO money, there 'money' was brought to them from you and me, so to a degree WE are giving them Tax Refunds

Disease's have always existed, but we've largely eradicated them from our culture, but now thanks to illegal immigration that is becoming a major problem again. Children now who didn't have to worry about this disease are now getting it again.

And what is the government doing? Psh.. nothing.. they have turned a blind eye to this problem

Illegal aliens marching in the streets, waving their flag, shouting out demands for their rights is a joke. Illegal aliens are not legal members of our society, therefore, they do not have any rights under our laws and Constitution.
Under the US Constituion being in this country is ILLEGAL :)

While you are illegal you are not a member of society nor do you have any right demanding 'rights'

I won't go there with the flag, because most people know my stance on that

Guest worker program? Give me a break! Why cater to the unemployed of another country? How about employing legal Americans first before racing to the rescue of other countries?
Because the government doens't CARE about it's people anymore? You can thank the "Great Society" for that, as it's because of that is why people no longer care about there felllow countryman

Wait. I have done jobs that most Americans would not do. In fact, it was at one of those jobs that the three mexican workers we had were fired after three days for not bothering to show up at all. The other three mexican workers were fired within three weeks of being hired. One for theft, the other two for deciding they could show up whenever they felt like it and not sticking to the set schedule.
Sounds like what happens in our school districts now, the inmates are running the isilome (misspelled I know)

20 Million illegal aliens need to return to Mexico and revolt against their own government and quit trying to change ours.
I'd LOVE to see that happen but unfortantly they are to cowardly to do just that, they'd rather live in the "land of the free"

The illegals will win because our government is more concerned with getting the votes of the minorities when election time rolls around instead of what's best for the country and what the American citizens want.
Lets just put it this way:

When the illegal's do win, those currently in office will be taken out back and shot for treson.

Why? Why should an occupying force trust the deserters of the country they where taking over, you can't trust a traitor, nor can you trust a betrayer, or a deserter

And yes I view this illegal immigration as an invasion. Lets just hope America opens it's eye's before it's finally to late

Edit 2: Fixed several quotes.. dunno why the tags didn't fit
Posts: 896
  • Posted On: Apr 28 2006 9:50pm
Here's another reason why we need to take back our nation from congress and the senate, as well as the government who could give a flying ass shit about our borders

This is the reason why we need better borders, because thanks to the influx of illegal hispanics, LOOK where it has lead to:

The name of the article: Spanish 'Star-Spangled Banner' Draws Ire

Now just an FYI: The Japanese hasn't changed there anthem into english for those who live there who speak english

The French haven't changed they'res either and nor has Germany.

This is just another example of which direction we are currently headed

Oh.. and one more thing that should piss off a lot of people here ;)

The story is called: May 1 immigrant boycott aims to "close" US cities

They should change the title to "May 1st ILLEGAL Immigrants Boycott aims to "Close" US cities and destroy economy"

But thats the mass media for you.. the truth is that the title is kind of deceptive, because it's only the hispanic population that is boycotting, the japanese, chinesse, canadian, german and several other immigrant groups are not getting involved

Anyway, I'll let the rest of you fume at these two stories ;)

FYI: I don't normally trust Reuters or the AP, since both have lied A LOT in the past, but I've seen evidence of both of these stories already taking place so I'm inclined to believe them

Posts: 5711
  • Posted On: Apr 28 2006 10:01pm
Now just an FYI: The Japanese hasn't changed there anthem into english for those who live there who speak english

The French haven't changed they'res either and nor has Germany.

Speaking of truth, why should they? It's a long time since WWII.

Come to America. Resistence is futile. Your cultural distinctiveness will be added to our own and consumed thusly.

It don't work like that. You want 250 Million people? Where the hell do you think they're gonna come from?

"I walked this far on a broken foot, but it only just started to hurt."
Posts: 896
  • Posted On: Apr 28 2006 10:13pm
Beff, not sure if you know this, but I LIVE in America, I was also BORN here, thats why I made the statement :p