By definition, i fall into the jock category. I've rowed and played rugby union throughout my time at school. Meanwhile, i'm now studying Commerce/Law and the Australian National University.
Clearly we see reading comprehension isn't something they teach in the Australian National University.
A jock.
Do you kids somehow think I'm going to suddenly go "Oh, I'm so sorry, I had no idea you played football, I take it all back"? No. Football is useless and it's a distraction. If you play it, good for you. That doesn't change the facts, and it doesn't change the fact that I'm going to keep making broad, sweeping statements like "jocks are stupid", and posting links to articles that do the same.
School is meant to educate you, I agree with that.
But if we spent all day just doing work and no excercise, we'd all be over weight, and other, god-knows-what, health conditions would spread. Sports is just an activity to keep us in shape and healthy.
The only thing I dislike about sports is how a complete dumbass can get a full scholarship to Harvard because of his basketball skills, when the guy can't even add 1 + 1. Then the guy goes on to make ten times as money as us because he can throw a ball into a hole. While the rest of us are working our asses off just to get off a week's salary and pay the rent, when this guy already owns ten mansions...
That's just wrong, and something needs to be done about that...
If? America is the fattest country in the entire world. Look around, ask the experts. It's already an epidemic.
You know why? It's not because everyone else is playing soccer. It's because Americans consume a ridiculous amount of fast food. I don't see school boards sinking millions into a @#%$ course teaching kids not to go to McDonalds.